docker node inspect

Warning: this command is part of the Swarm management feature introduced in Docker 1.12, and might be subject to non backward-compatible changes.

Usage:  docker node inspect [OPTIONS] self|NODE [NODE...]

Display detailed information on one or more nodes

  -f, --format string   Format the output using the given go template
      --help            Print usage
      --pretty          Print the information in a human friendly format.

Returns information about a node. By default, this command renders all results in a JSON array. You can specify an alternate format to execute a given template for each result. Go’s text/template package describes all the details of the format.

Example output:

$ docker node inspect swarm-manager
    "ID": "e216jshn25ckzbvmwlnh5jr3g",
    "Version": {
        "Index": 10
    "CreatedAt": "2016-06-16T22:52:44.9910662Z",
    "UpdatedAt": "2016-06-16T22:52:45.230878043Z",
    "Spec": {
        "Role": "manager",
        "Availability": "active"
    "Description": {
        "Hostname": "swarm-manager",
        "Platform": {
            "Architecture": "x86_64",
            "OS": "linux"
        "Resources": {
            "NanoCPUs": 1000000000,
            "MemoryBytes": 1039843328
        "Engine": {
            "EngineVersion": "1.12.0",
            "Plugins": [
                    "Type": "Volume",
                    "Name": "local"
                    "Type": "Network",
                    "Name": "overlay"
                    "Type": "Network",
                    "Name": "null"
                    "Type": "Network",
                    "Name": "host"
                    "Type": "Network",
                    "Name": "bridge"
                    "Type": "Network",
                    "Name": "overlay"
    "Status": {
        "State": "ready"
    "ManagerStatus": {
        "Leader": true,
        "Reachability": "reachable",
        "Addr": ""

$ docker node inspect --format '{{ .ManagerStatus.Leader }}' self

$ docker node inspect --pretty self
ID:                     e216jshn25ckzbvmwlnh5jr3g
Hostname:               swarm-manager
Joined at:              2016-06-16 22:52:44.9910662 +0000 utc
 State:                 Ready
 Availability:          Active
Manager Status:
 Raft Status:           Reachable
 Leader:                Yes
 Operating System:      linux
 Architecture:          x86_64
 CPUs:                  4
 Memory:                7.704 GiB
  Network:              overlay, bridge, null, host, overlay
  Volume:               local
Engine Version:         1.12.0

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