Custom Resources


This approach to building custom resources was introduced in chef-client, version 12.5. It is the recommended approach for all custom resources starting with that version of the chef-client. Refer to the notes about custom resources if you’re curious about other approaches that use the older styles. If you are using an older version of the chef-client, please use the version picker (in the top left of the navigation) to select your version, and then choose the same topic from the navigation tree (“Extend Chef > Custom Resources”). See also for using this features with previous versions of the chef-client.

A custom resource:

  • Is a simple extension of Chef
  • Is implemented as part of a cookbook
  • Follows easy, repeatable syntax patterns
  • Effectively leverages resources that are built into Chef
  • Is reusable in the same way as resources that are built into Chef

For example, Chef includes built-in resources to manage files, packages, templates, and services, but it does not include a resource that manages websites.


A custom resource is defined as a Ruby file and is located in a cookbook’s /resources directory. This file

  • Declares the properties of the custom resource
  • Loads current properties, if the resource already exists
  • Defines each action the custom resource may take

The syntax for a custom resource is. For example:

property :name, RubyType, default: 'value'

load_current_value do
  # some Ruby

action :name do
 # a mix of built-in Chef resources and Ruby

action :name do
 # a mix of built-in Chef resources and Ruby

where the first action listed is the default action.


For example, the site.rb file in the exampleco cookbook could be similar to:

property :homepage, String, default: '<h1>Hello world!</h1>'

load_current_value do
  if ::File.exist?('/var/www/html/index.html')

action :create do
  package 'httpd'

  service 'httpd' do
    action [:enable, :start]

  file '/var/www/html/index.html' do
    content homepage

action :delete do
  package 'httpd' do
    action :delete


  • homepage is a property that sets the default HTML for the index.html file with a default value of '<h1>Hello world!</h1>'
  • the (optional) load_current_value block loads the current values for all specified properties, in this example there is just a single property: homepage
  • the if statement checks to see if the index.html file is already present on the node. If that file is already present, its contents are loaded instead of the default value for homepage
  • the action block uses the built-in collection of resources to tell the chef-client how to install Apache, start the service, and then create the contents of the file located at /var/www/html/index.html
  • action :create is the default resource; action :delete must be called specifically (because it is not the default resource)

Once built, the custom resource may be used in a recipe just like the any of the resources that are built into Chef. The resource gets its name from the cookbook and from the file name in the /resources directory, with an underscore (_) separating them. For example, a cookbook named exampleco with a custom resource named site.rb is used in a recipe like this:

exampleco_site 'httpd' do
  homepage '<h1>Welcome to the Example Co. website!</h1>'
  action :create

and to delete the exampleco website, do the following:

exampleco_site 'httpd' do
  action :delete



Cookbook and custom resource names should contain only alphanumeric characters. A hyphen (-) is a valid character and may be used in cookbook and custom resource names, but it is discouraged. The chef-client will return an error if a hyphen is not converted to an underscore (_) when referencing from a recipe the name of a custom resource in which a hyphen is located.

Use the resource_name method at the top of a custom resource to declare a custom name for that resource. For example:

resource_name :custom_name

where :custom_name is the resource name as it may be used in a recipe. For example, a cookbook named website and a custom resource file named httpd is by default used in a recipe with website_httpd. If :custom_name is web_httpd then it may be used like this:

web_httpd 'name' do
  # properties

For example, the httpd.rb file in the website cookbook could be assigned a custom resource name like this:

resource_name :httpd

property :homepage, String, default: '<h1>Hello world!</h1>'

load_current_value do
  if ::File.exist?('/var/www/html/index.html')

action :create do
  package 'httpd'

  service 'httpd' do
    action [:enable, :start]

  file '/var/www/html/index.html' do
    content homepage

and is then usable in a recipe like this:

httpd 'build website' do
  homepage '<h1>Welcome to the Example Co. website!</h1>'
  action :create

Scenario: website Resource

Create a resource that configures Apache httpd for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and CentOS 7.

This scenario covers the following:

  1. Defining a cookbook named website
  2. Defining two properties
  3. Defining an action
  4. For the action, defining the steps to configure the system using resources that are built into Chef
  5. Creating two templates that support the custom resource
  6. Adding the resource to a recipe

Create a Cookbook

This article assumes that a cookbook directory named website exists in a chef-repo with (at least) the following directories:


You may use a cookbook that already exists or you may create a new cookbook.

See for more information about how to use the chef command-line tool that is packaged with the Chef development kit to build the chef-repo, plus related cookbook sub-directories.


Define a custom resource!

A custom resource typically contains:

  • A list of defined custom properties (property values are specified in recipes)
  • At least one action (actions tell the chef-client what to do)
  • For each action, use a collection of resources that are built into Chef to define the steps required to complete the action

What is needed?

This custom resource requires:

  • Two template files
  • Two properties
  • An action that defines all of the steps necessary to create the website

Define Properties

Custom properties are defined in the resource. This custom resource needs two:

  • instance_name
  • port

These properties are defined as variables in the httpd.conf.erb file. A template block in recipes will tell the chef-client how to apply these variables.

In the custom resource, add the following custom properties:

property :instance_name, String, name_property: true
property :port, Fixnum, required: true


  • String and Fixnum are Ruby types (all custom properties must have an assigned Ruby type)
  • name_property: true allows the value for this property to be equal to the 'name' of the resource block

The instance_name property is then used within the custom resource in many locations, including defining paths to configuration files, services, and virtual hosts.

Define Actions

Each custom resource must have at least one action that is defined within an action block:

action :create do
  # the steps that define the action

where :create is a value that may be assigned to the action property for when this resource is used in a recipe.

For example, the action appears as a property when this custom resource is used in a recipe:

custom_resource 'name' do
  # some properties
  action :create

Define Resource

Use the package, template (two times), directory, and service resources to define the website resource. Remember: order matters !


Use the package resource to install httpd:

package 'httpd' do
  action :install

template, httpd.service

Use the template resource to create an httpd.service on the node based on the httpd.service.erb template located in the cookbook:

template "/lib/systemd/system/httpd-#{instance_name}.service" do
  source 'httpd.service.erb'
    :instance_name => instance_name
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0644'
  action :create


  • source gets the httpd.service.erb template from this cookbook
  • variables assigns the instance_name property to a variable in the template

template, httpd.conf

Use the template resource to configure httpd on the node based on the httpd.conf.erb template located in the cookbook:

template "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd-#{instance_name}.conf" do
  source 'httpd.conf.erb'
    :instance_name => instance_name,
    :port => port
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0644'
  action :create


  • source gets the httpd.conf.erb template from this cookbook
  • variables assigns the instance_name and port properties to variables in the template


Use the directory resource to create the /var/www/vhosts directory on the node:

directory "/var/www/vhosts/#{instance_name}" do
  recursive true
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
  action :create


Use the service resource to enable, and then start the service:

service "httpd-#{instance_name}" do
  action [:enable, :start]

Create Templates

The /templates directory must contain two templates:

  • httpd.conf.erb to configure Apache httpd
  • httpd.service.erb to tell systemd how to start and stop the website


httpd.conf.erb stores information about the website and is typically located under the /etc/httpd:

ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"
Listen <%= @port %>
Include conf.modules.d/*.conf
User apache
Group apache
<Directory />
  AllowOverride none
  Require all denied
DocumentRoot "/var/www/vhosts/<%= @instance_name %>"
<IfModule mime_module>
  TypesConfig /etc/mime.types

Copy it as shown, add it under /templates/default, and then name the file httpd.conf.erb.

Template Variables

The httpd.conf.erb template has two variables:

  • <%= @instance_name %>
  • <%= @port %>

They are:

  • Declared as properties of the custom resource
  • Defined as variables in a template resource block within the custom resource
  • Tunable from a recipe when using port and instance_name as properties in that recipe
  • instance_name defaults to the 'name' of the custom resource if not specified as a property


httpd.service.erb tells systemd how to start and stop the website:

Description=The Apache HTTP Server - instance <%= @instance_name %>


ExecStart=/usr/sbin/httpd -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-<%= @instance_name %>.conf -DFOREGROUND
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/httpd -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-<%= @instance_name %>.conf -k graceful
ExecStop=/bin/kill -WINCH ${MAINPID}



Copy it as shown, add it under /templates/default, and then name it httpd.service.erb.

Final Resource

property :instance_name, String, name_property: true
property :port, Fixnum, required: true

action :create do
  package 'httpd' do
    action :install

  template "/lib/systemd/system/httpd-#{instance_name}.service" do
    source 'httpd.service.erb'
      :instance_name => instance_name
    owner 'root'
    group 'root'
    mode '0644'
    action :create

  template "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd-#{instance_name}.conf" do
    source 'httpd.conf.erb'
      :instance_name => instance_name,
      :port => port
    owner 'root'
    group 'root'
    mode '0644'
    action :create

  directory "/var/www/vhosts/#{instance_name}" do
    recursive true
    owner 'root'
    group 'root'
    mode '0755'
    action :create

  service "httpd-#{instance_name}" do
    action [:enable, :start]


Final Cookbook Directory

When finished adding the templates and building the custom resource, the cookbook directory structure should look like this:



The custom resource name is inferred from the name of the cookbook (website), the name of the recipe (httpd), and is separated by an underscore(_): website_httpd.

website_httpd 'httpd_site' do
  port 81
  action :create

which does the following:

  • Installs Apache httpd
  • Assigns an instance name of httpd_site that uses port 81
  • Configures httpd and systemd from a template
  • Creates the virtual host for the website
  • Starts the website using systemd

Custom Resource DSL

The following sections describe additional Custom Resource DSL methods that were not used in the preceding scenario:


Use the converge_if_changed method inside an action block in a custom resource to compare the desired property values against the current property values (as loaded by the load_current_value method). Use the converge_if_changed method to ensure that updates only occur when property values on the system are not the desired property values and to otherwise prevent a resource from being converged.

To use the converge_if_changed method, wrap it around the part of a recipe or custom resource that should only be converged when the current state is not the desired state:

action :some_action do

  converge_if_changed do
    # some property


For example, a custom resource defines two properties (content and path) and a single action (:create). Use the load_current_value method to load the property value to be compared, and then use the converge_if_changed method to tell the chef-client what to do if that value is not the desired value:

property :content, String
property :path, String, name_property: true

load_current_value do
  if File.exist?(path)

action :create do
  converge_if_changed do
    IO.write(path, content)

When the file does not exist, the IO.write(path, content) code is executed and the chef-client output will print something similar to:

Recipe: recipe_name::block
  * resource_name[blah] action create
    - update my_file[blah]
    -   set content to "hola mundo" (was "hello world")

Multiple Properties

The converge_if_changed method may be used multiple times. The following example shows how to use the converge_if_changed method to compare the multiple desired property values against the current property values (as loaded by the load_current_value method).

property :path, String, name_property: true
property :content, String
property :mode, String

load_current_value do
  if File.exist?(path)
    mode File.stat(path).mode

action :create do
  converge_if_changed :content do
    IO.write(path, content)
  converge_if_changed :mode do
    File.chmod(mode, path)


  • load_current_value loads the property values for both content and mode
  • A converge_if_changed block tests only content
  • A converge_if_changed block tests only mode

The chef-client will only update the property values that require updates and will not make changes when the property values are already in the desired state


The default action in a custom resource is, by default, the first action listed in the custom resource. For example, action aaaaa is the default resource:

property :name, RubyType, default: 'value'


action :aaaaa do
 # the first action listed in the custom resource

action :bbbbb do
 # the second action listed in the custom resource

The default_action method may also be used to specify the default action. For example:

property :name, RubyType, default: 'value'

default_action :aaaaa

action :aaaaa do
 # the first action listed in the custom resource

action :bbbbb do
 # the second action listed in the custom resource

defines action aaaaa as the default action. If default_action :bbbbb is specified, then action bbbbb is the default action. Use this method for clarity in custom resources, if deliberately stating the default resource is desired, or to specify a default action that is not listed first in the custom resource.


Use the load_current_value method to load the specified property values from the node, and then use those values when the resource is converged. This method may take a block argument.

Use the load_current_value method to guard against property values being replaced. For example:

action :some_action do

  load_current_value do
    if File.exist?('/var/www/html/index.html')
    if File.exist?('/var/www/html/404.html')


This ensures the values for homepage and page_not_found are not changed to the default values when the chef-client configures the node.

Custom resources are designed to use core resources that are built into Chef. In some cases, it may be necessary to specify a property in the custom resource that is the same as a property in a core resource, for the purpose of overriding that property when used with the custom resource. For example:

resource_name :node_execute

property :command, kind_of: String, name_property: true
property :version, kind_of: String

# Useful properties from the `execute` resource
property :cwd, kind_of: String
property :environment, kind_of: Hash, default: {}
property :user, kind_of: [String, Integer]
property :sensitive, kind_of: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false

prefix = '/opt/languages/node'

load_current_value do
  current_value_does_not_exist! if node.run_state['nodejs'].nil?
  version node.run_state['nodejs'][:version]

action :run do
  execute 'execute-node' do
    cwd cwd
    environment environment
    user user
    sensitive sensitive
    # gsub replaces 10+ spaces at the beginning of the line with nothing
    command <<-CODE.gsub(/^ {10}/, '')

where the property :cwd, property :environment, property :user, and property :sensitive are identical to properties in the execute resource, embedded as part of the action :run action. Because both the custom properties and the execute properties are identical, this will result in an error message similar to:

wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

To prevent this behavior, use new_resource. to tell the chef-client to process the properties from the core resource instead of the properties in the custom resource. For example:

resource_name :node_execute

property :command, kind_of: String, name_property: true
property :version, kind_of: String

# Useful properties from the `execute` resource
property :cwd, kind_of: String
property :environment, kind_of: Hash, default: {}
property :user, kind_of: [String, Integer]
property :sensitive, kind_of: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false

prefix = '/opt/languages/node'

load_current_value do
  current_value_does_not_exist! if node.run_state['nodejs'].nil?
  version node.run_state['nodejs'][:version]

action :run do
  execute 'execute-node' do
    cwd new_resource.cwd
    environment new_resource.environment
    user new_resource.user
    sensitive new_resource.sensitive
    # gsub replaces 10+ spaces at the beginning of the line with nothing
    command <<-CODE.gsub(/^ {10}/, '')

where cwd new_resource.cwd, environment new_resource.environment, user new_resource.user, and sensitive new_resource.sensitive correctly use the properties of the execute resource and not the identically-named override properties of the custom resource.


Use the property method to define properties for the custom resource. The syntax is:

property :name, ruby_type, default: 'value', parameter: 'values'


  • :name is the name of the property
  • ruby_type is the optional Ruby type, such as String, Integer, TrueClass, or FalseClass
  • default: 'value' is the optional default value loaded into the resource
  • parameter: 'values' are optional validation parameters and values

For example, the following properties define username and password properties with no default values specified:

property :username, String
property :password, String


Add desired_state: to get or set the list of desired state properties for a resource, which describe the desired state of the node, such as permissions on an existing file. This value may be true or false.

  • When true, the state of the system will determine the value.
  • When false, the values defined by the recipe or custom resource will determine the value, i.e. “the desired state of this system includes setting the value defined in this custom resource or recipe”

For example, the following properties define the owner, group, and mode properties for a file that already exists on the node, and with desired_state set to false:

property :owner, String, default: 'root', desired_state: false
property :group, String, default: 'root', desired_state: false
property :mode, String, default: '0755', desired_state: false


Add identity: to set a resource to a particular set of properties. This value may be true or false.

  • When true, data for that property is returned as part of the resource data set and may be available to external applications, such as reporting
  • When false, no data for that property is returned.

If no properties are marked true, the property that defaults to the name of the resource is marked true.

For example, the following properties define username and password properties with no default values specified, but with identity set to true for the user name:

property :username, String, identity: true
property :password, String

Block Arguments

Any properties that are marked identity: true or desired_state: false will be available from load_current_value. If access to other properties of a resource is needed, use a block argument that contains all of the properties of the requested resource. For example:

resource_name :file

load_current_value do |desired|
  puts "The user typed content = #{desired.content} in the resource"


Use the property_is_set? method to check if the value for a property is set. The syntax is:


The property_is_set? method will return true if the property is set.

For example, the following custom resource creates and/or updates user properties, but not their password. The property_is_set? method checks if the user has specified a password and then tells the chef-client what to do if the password is not identical:

action :create do
  converge_if_changed do
    system("rabbitmqctl create_or_update_user #{username} --prop1 #{prop1} ... ")

  if property_is_set?(:password)
    if system("rabbitmqctl authenticate_user #{username} #{password}") != 0 do
      converge_by "Updating password for user #{username} ..." do
    system("rabbitmqctl update_user #{username} --password #{password}")


Use the provides method to associate a custom resource with the Recipe DSL on different operating systems. When multiple custom resources use the same DSL, specificity rules are applied to determine the priority, from highest to lowest:

  1. provides :resource_name, platform_version: ‘0.1.2’
  2. provides :resource_name, platform: ‘platform_name’
  3. provides :resource_name, platform_family: ‘platform_family’
  4. provides :resource_name, os: ‘operating_system’
  5. provides :resource_name

For example:

provides :my_custom_resource, platform: 'redhat' do |node|
  node['platform_version'].to_i >= 7

provides :my_custom_resource, platform: 'redhat'

provides :my_custom_resource, platform_family: 'rhel'

provides :my_custom_resource, os: 'linux'

provides :my_custom_resource

This allows you to use multiple custom resources files that provide the same resource to the user, but for different operating systems or operation system versions. With this you can eliminate the need for platform or platform version logic within your resources.


Chef will warn you if the Recipe DSL is provided by another custom resource or built-in resource. For example:

class X < Chef::Resource
  provides :file

class Y < Chef::Resource
  provides :file

This will emit a warning that Y is overriding X. To disable this warning, use override: true:

class X < Chef::Resource
  provides :file

class Y < Chef::Resource
  provides :file, override: true


Use the reset_property method to clear the value for a property as if it had never been set, and then use the default value. For example, to clear the value for a property named password:


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