
Use the cron resource to manage cron entries for time-based job scheduling. Properties for a schedule will default to * if not provided. The cron resource requires access to a crontab program, typically cron.


The cron resource should only be used to modify an entry in a crontab file. Use the cookbook_file or template resources to add a crontab file to the cron.d directory. The cron_d lightweight resource (found in the cron cookbook) is another option for managing crontab files.


A cron resource block manage cron entries. For example, to get a weekly cookbook report from the Chef Supermarket:

cron 'cookbooks_report' do
  action node.tags.include?('cookbooks-report') ? :create : :delete
  minute '0'
  hour '0'
  weekday '1'
  user 'getchef'
  mailto '[email protected]'
  home '/srv/supermarket/shared/system'
  command %W{
    cd /srv/supermarket/current &&
    env RUBYLIB="/srv/supermarket/current/lib"
    RAILS_ASSET_ID=`git rev-parse HEAD` RAILS_ENV="#{rails_env}"
    bundle exec rake cookbooks_report
  }.join(' ')

The full syntax for all of the properties that are available to the cron resource is:

cron 'name' do
  command                    String
  day                        String
  environment                Hash
  home                       String
  hour                       String
  mailto                     String
  minute                     String
  month                      String
  notifies                   # see description
  path                       String
  provider                   Chef::Provider::Cron
  shell                      String
  subscribes                 # see description
  time                       Symbol
  user                       String
  weekday                    String, Symbol
  action                     Symbol # defaults to :create if not specified


  • cron is the resource
  • name is the name of the resource block
  • command is the command to be run
  • :action identifies the steps the chef-client will take to bring the node into the desired state
  • command, day, environment, home, hour, mailto, minute, month, path, provider, shell, time, user, and weekday are properties of this resource, with the Ruby type shown. See “Properties” section below for more information about all of the properties that may be used with this resource.


This resource has the following actions:

Default. Create an entry in a cron table file (crontab). If an entry already exists (but does not match), update that entry to match.
Delete an entry from a cron table file (crontab).
Define this resource block to do nothing until notified by another resource to take action. When this resource is notified, this resource block is either run immediately or it is queued up to be run at the end of the chef-client run.


This resource has the following properties:


Ruby Type: String

The command to be run, or the path to a file that contains the command to be run.

Some examples:

command if [ -x /usr/share/mdadm/checkarray ] && [ $(date +\%d) -le 7 ];
then /usr/share/mdadm/checkarray --cron --all --idle --quiet; fi


command %w{
  cd /srv/opscode-community-site/current &&
  env RUBYLIB="/srv/opscode-community-site/current/lib"
  RAILS_ASSET_ID=`git rev-parse HEAD` RAILS_ENV="#{rails_env}"
  bundle exec rake cookbooks_report
}.join(' ')


command "/srv/app/scripts/daily_report"

Ruby Type: String

The day of month at which the cron entry should run (1 - 31). Default value: *.


Ruby Type: Hash

A Hash of environment variables in the form of ({"ENV_VARIABLE" => "VALUE"}). (These variables must exist for a command to be run successfully.)


Ruby Type: String

Set the HOME environment variable.


Ruby Type: String

The hour at which the cron entry is to run (0 - 23). Default value: *.


Ruby Types: TrueClass, FalseClass

Continue running a recipe if a resource fails for any reason. Default value: false.


Ruby Type: String

Set the MAILTO environment variable.


Ruby Type: String

The minute at which the cron entry should run (0 - 59). Default value: *.


Ruby Type: String

The month in the year on which a cron entry is to run (1 - 12). Default value: *.


Ruby Type: Symbol, ‘Chef::Resource[String]’

A resource may notify another resource to take action when its state changes. Specify a 'resource[name]', the :action that resource should take, and then the :timer for that action. A resource may notifiy more than one resource; use a notifies statement for each resource to be notified.

A timer specifies the point during the chef-client run at which a notification is run. The following timers are available:

Default. Specifies that a notification should be queued up, and then executed at the very end of the chef-client run.
:immediate, :immediately
Specifies that a notification should be run immediately, per resource notified.

The syntax for notifies is:

notifies :action, 'resource[name]', :timer

Ruby Type: String

Set the PATH environment variable.


Ruby Type: Chef Class

Optional. Explicitly specifies a provider.


Ruby Type: Integer

The number of times to catch exceptions and retry the resource. Default value: 0.


Ruby Type: Integer

The retry delay (in seconds). Default value: 2.


Ruby Type: String

Set the SHELL environment variable.


Ruby Type: Symbol, ‘Chef::Resource[String]’

A resource may listen to another resource, and then take action if the state of the resource being listened to changes. Specify a 'resource[name]', the :action to be taken, and then the :timer for that action.

A timer specifies the point during the chef-client run at which a notification is run. The following timers are available:

Default. Specifies that a notification should be queued up, and then executed at the very end of the chef-client run.
:immediate, :immediately
Specifies that a notification should be run immediately, per resource notified.

The syntax for subscribes is:

subscribes :action, 'resource[name]', :timer

Ruby Type: Symbol

A time interval. Possible values: :annually, :daily, :hourly, :midnight, :monthly, :reboot, :weekly, or :yearly.


Ruby Type: String

This attribute is not applicable on the AIX platform. The name of the user that runs the command. If the user property is changed, the original user for the crontab program continues to run until that crontab program is deleted. Default value: root.


Ruby Type: String

The day of the week on which this entry is to run (0 - 6), where Sunday = 0. Default value: *.


The following examples demonstrate various approaches for using resources in recipes. If you want to see examples of how Chef uses resources in recipes, take a closer look at the cookbooks that Chef authors and maintains:

Run a program at a specified interval

cron 'noop' do
  hour '5'
  minute '0'
  command '/bin/true'

Run an entry if a folder exists

cron 'ganglia_tomcat_thread_max' do
  command "/usr/bin/gmetric
    -n 'tomcat threads max'
    -t uint32
    -v '/usr/local/bin/tomcat-stat
  only_if do File.exist?('/home/jboss') end

Run every Saturday, 8:00 AM

The following example shows a schedule that will run every hour at 8:00 each Saturday morning, and will then send an email to “” after each run.

cron 'name_of_cron_entry' do
  minute '0'
  hour '8'
  weekday '6'
  mailto '[email protected]'
  action :create

Run only in November

The following example shows a schedule that will run at 8:00 PM, every weekday (Monday through Friday), but only in November:

cron 'name_of_cron_entry' do
  minute '0'
  hour '20'
  day '*'
  month '11'
  weekday '1-5'
  action :create

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