Class TreeBehavior
Makes the table to which this is attached to behave like a nested set and provides methods for managing and retrieving information out of the derived hierarchical structure.
Tables attaching this behavior are required to have a column referencing the parent row, and two other numeric columns (lft and rght) where the implicit order will be cached.
For more information on what is a nested set and a how it works refer to
- Cake\ORM\Behavior implements Cake\Event\EventListenerInterface uses Cake\Core\InstanceConfigTrait
Properties summary
protectedDefault configarray
protectedCached copy of the first column in a table's primary key.string
Inherited Properties
Method Summary
- _ensureFields() protected
Ensures that the provided entity contains non-empty values for the left and right fields
- _getMax() protectedReturns the maximum index value in the table.
- _getNode() protectedReturns a single node from the tree from its primary key
- _getPrimaryKey() protectedReturns a single string value representing the primary key of the attached table
- _moveDown() protectedHelper function used with the actual code for moveDown
- _moveUp() protectedHelper function used with the actual code for moveUp
- _recoverTree() protectedRecursive method used to recover a single level of the tree
- _removeFromTree() protectedHelper function containing the actual code for removeFromTree
- _scope() protected
Alters the passed query so that it only returns scoped records as defined in the tree configuration.
- _setAsRoot() protected
Updates the left and right column for the passed entity so it can be set as a new root in the tree. It also modifies the ordering in the rest of the tree so the structure remains valid
- _setChildrenLevel() protectedSet level for descendants.
- _setParent() protected
Sets the correct left and right values for the passed entity so it can be updated to a new parent. It also makes the hole in the tree so the node move can be done without corrupting the structure.
- _sync() protected
Auxiliary function used to automatically alter the value of both the left and right columns by a certain amount that match the passed conditions
- _unmarkInternalTree() protected
Helper method used to invert the sign of the left and right columns that are less than 0. They were set to negative values before so their absolute value wouldn't change while performing other tree transformations.
- afterSave() publicAfter save listener.
- beforeDelete() publicAlso deletes the nodes in the subtree of the entity to be delete
- beforeSave() public
Before save listener. Transparently manages setting the lft and rght fields if the parent field is included in the parameters to be saved.
- childCount() publicGet the number of children nodes.
- findChildren() publicGet the children nodes of the current model
- findPath() public
Custom finder method which can be used to return the list of nodes from the root to a specific node in the tree. This custom finder requires that the key 'for' is passed in the options containing the id of the node to get its path for.
- findTreeList() public
Gets a representation of the elements in the tree as a flat list where the keys are the primary key for the table and the values are the display field for the table. Values are prefixed to visually indicate relative depth in the tree.
- formatTreeList() public
Formats query as a flat list where the keys are the primary key for the table and the values are the display field for the table. Values are prefixed to visually indicate relative depth in the tree.
- getLevel() publicReturns the depth level of a node in the tree.
- initialize() publicConstructor hook method.
- moveDown() publicReorders the node without changing the parent.
- moveUp() publicReorders the node without changing its parent.
- recover() public
Recovers the lft and right column values out of the hierarchy defined by the parent column.
- removeFromTree() public
Removes the current node from the tree, by positioning it as a new root and re-parents all children up one level.
Method Detail
_ensureFields()source protected
_ensureFields( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity )
Ensures that the provided entity contains non-empty values for the left and right fields
- The entity to ensure fields for
_getNode()source protected
_getNode( mixed $id )
Returns a single node from the tree from its primary key
- mixed
- Record id.
When node was not found
_getPrimaryKey()source protected
_getPrimaryKey( )
Returns a single string value representing the primary key of the attached table
string_moveDown()source protected
_moveDown( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $node , integer|boolean $number )
Helper function used with the actual code for moveDown
- The node to move
- integer|boolean
- How many places to move the node, or true to move to last position
|boolean$node The node after being moved or false on failure
When node was not found
_moveUp()source protected
_moveUp( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $node , integer|boolean $number )
Helper function used with the actual code for moveUp
- The node to move
- integer|boolean
- How many places to move the node, or true to move to first position
|boolean$node The node after being moved or false on failure
When node was not found
_recoverTree()source protected
_recoverTree( integer $counter = 0 , mixed $parentId = null , integer $level = -1 )
Recursive method used to recover a single level of the tree
- integer
optional 0 - The Last left column value that was assigned
- mixed
optional null - the parent id of the level to be recovered
- integer
optional -1 - Node level
integerThe next value to use for the left column
_removeFromTree()source protected
_removeFromTree( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $node )
Helper function containing the actual code for removeFromTree
- The node to remove from the tree
|falsethe node after being removed from the tree or false on error
_scope()source protected
_scope( Cake\ORM\Query $query )
Alters the passed query so that it only returns scoped records as defined in the tree configuration.
- the Query to modify
_setAsRoot()source protected
_setAsRoot( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity )
Updates the left and right column for the passed entity so it can be set as a new root in the tree. It also modifies the ordering in the rest of the tree so the structure remains valid
- The entity to set as a new root
_setChildrenLevel()source protected
_setChildrenLevel( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity )
Set level for descendants.
- The entity whose descendants need to be updated.
_setParent()source protected
_setParent( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity , mixed $parent )
Sets the correct left and right values for the passed entity so it can be updated to a new parent. It also makes the hole in the tree so the node move can be done without corrupting the structure.
- The entity to re-parent
- mixed
- the id of the parent to set
RuntimeExceptionif the parent to set to the entity is not valid
_sync()source protected
_sync( integer $shift , string $dir , string $conditions , boolean $mark = false )
Auxiliary function used to automatically alter the value of both the left and right columns by a certain amount that match the passed conditions
- integer
- the value to use for operating the left and right columns
- string
- The operator to use for shifting the value (+/-)
- string
a SQL snipped to be used for comparing left or right against it.
- boolean
optional false whether to mark the updated values so that they can not be modified by future calls to this function.
_unmarkInternalTree()source protected
_unmarkInternalTree( )
Helper method used to invert the sign of the left and right columns that are less than 0. They were set to negative values before so their absolute value wouldn't change while performing other tree transformations.
afterSave()source public
afterSave( Cake\Event\Event $event , Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity )
After save listener.
Manages updating level of descendants of currently saved entity.
- The afterSave event that was fired
- the entity that is going to be saved
beforeDelete()source public
beforeDelete( Cake\Event\Event $event , Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity )
Also deletes the nodes in the subtree of the entity to be delete
- The beforeDelete event that was fired
- The entity that is going to be saved
beforeSave()source public
beforeSave( Cake\Event\Event $event , Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity )
Before save listener. Transparently manages setting the lft and rght fields if the parent field is included in the parameters to be saved.
- The beforeSave event that was fired
- the entity that is going to be saved
RuntimeExceptionif the parent to set for the node is invalid
childCount()source public
childCount( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $node , boolean $direct = false )
Get the number of children nodes.
- The entity to count children for
- boolean
optional false whether to count all nodes in the subtree or just direct children
integerNumber of children nodes.
findChildren()source public
findChildren( Cake\ORM\Query $query , array $options )
Get the children nodes of the current model
Available options are:
- for: The id of the record to read.
- direct: Boolean, whether to return only the direct (true), or all (false) children, defaults to false (all children).
If the direct option is set to true, only the direct children are returned (based upon the parent_id field)
- Query.
- array
- Array of options as described above
InvalidArgumentExceptionWhen the 'for' key is not passed in $options
findPath()source public
findPath( Cake\ORM\Query $query , array $options )
Custom finder method which can be used to return the list of nodes from the root to a specific node in the tree. This custom finder requires that the key 'for' is passed in the options containing the id of the node to get its path for.
- The constructed query to modify
- array
- the list of options for the query
InvalidArgumentExceptionIf the 'for' key is missing in options
findTreeList()source public
findTreeList( Cake\ORM\Query $query , array $options )
Gets a representation of the elements in the tree as a flat list where the keys are the primary key for the table and the values are the display field for the table. Values are prefixed to visually indicate relative depth in the tree.
- keyPath: A dot separated path to fetch the field to use for the array key, or a closure to return the key out of the provided row.
- valuePath: A dot separated path to fetch the field to use for the array value, or a closure to return the value out of the provided row.
- spacer: A string to be used as prefix for denoting the depth in the tree for each item
- Query.
- array
- Array of options as described above.
formatTreeList()source public
formatTreeList( Cake\ORM\Query $query , array $options = [] )
Formats query as a flat list where the keys are the primary key for the table and the values are the display field for the table. Values are prefixed to visually indicate relative depth in the tree.
- keyPath: A dot separated path to the field that will be the result array key, or a closure to return the key from the provided row.
- valuePath: A dot separated path to the field that is the array's value, or a closure to return the value from the provided row.
- spacer: A string to be used as prefix for denoting the depth in the tree for each item.
- The query object to format.
- array
optional [] - Array of options as described above.
Augmented query.
getLevel()source public
getLevel( integer|string|Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity )
Returns the depth level of a node in the tree.
- integer|string|
- The entity or primary key get the level of.
integer|booleanInteger of the level or false if the node does not exist.
initialize()source public
initialize( array $config )
Constructor hook method.
- array
- The configuration settings provided to this behavior.
moveDown()source public
moveDown( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $node , integer|boolean $number = 1 )
Reorders the node without changing the parent.
If the node is the last child, or is a top level node with no subsequent node this method will return false
- The node to move
- integer|boolean
optional 1 - How many places to move the node or true to move to last position
|booleanthe entity after being moved or false on failure
When node was not found
moveUp()source public
moveUp( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $node , integer|boolean $number = 1 )
Reorders the node without changing its parent.
If the node is the first child, or is a top level node with no previous node this method will return false
- The node to move
- integer|boolean
optional 1 - How many places to move the node, or true to move to first position
|boolean$node The node after being moved or false on failure
When node was not found
recover()source public
recover( )
Recovers the lft and right column values out of the hierarchy defined by the parent column.
removeFromTree()source public
removeFromTree( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $node )
Removes the current node from the tree, by positioning it as a new root and re-parents all children up one level.
Note that the node will not be deleted just moved away from its current position without moving its children with it.
- The node to remove from the tree
|falsethe node after being removed from the tree or false on error
Methods inherited from Cake\ORM\Behavior
__construct()source public
__construct( Cake\ORM\Table $table , array $config = [] )
Merges config with the default and store in the config property
- The table this behavior is attached to.
- array
optional [] - The config for this behavior.
_reflectionCache()source protected
_reflectionCache( )
Gets the methods implemented by this behavior
Uses the implementedEvents() method to exclude callback methods. Methods starting with _
will be ignored, as will methods declared on Cake\ORM\Behavior
ReflectionException_resolveMethodAliases()source protected
_resolveMethodAliases( string $key , array $defaults , array $config )
Removes aliased methods that would otherwise be duplicated by userland configuration.
- string
- The key to filter.
- array
- The default method mappings.
- array
- The customized method mappings.
arrayA de-duped list of config data.
getTable()source public
getTable( )
Get the table instance this behavior is bound to.
The bound table instance.
implementedEvents()source public
implementedEvents( )
Gets the Model callbacks this behavior is interested in.
By defining one of the callback methods a behavior is assumed to be interested in the related event.
Override this method if you need to add non-conventional event listeners. Or if you want your behavior to listen to non-standard events.
arrayImplementation of
implementedFinders()source public
implementedFinders( )
Provides an alias->methodname map of which finders a behavior implements. Example:
[ 'this' => 'findThis', 'alias' => 'findMethodName' ]
With the above example, a call to $Table->find('this')
will call $Behavior->findThis()
and a call to $Table->find('alias')
will call $Behavior->findMethodName()
It is recommended, though not required, to define implementedFinders in the config property of child classes such that it is not necessary to use reflections to derive the available method list. See core behaviors for examples
ReflectionExceptionimplementedMethods()source public
implementedMethods( )
Provides an alias->methodname map of which methods a behavior implements. Example:
[ 'method' => 'method', 'aliasedmethod' => 'somethingElse' ]
With the above example, a call to $Table->method()
will call $Behavior->method()
and a call to $Table->aliasedmethod()
will call $Behavior->somethingElse()
It is recommended, though not required, to define implementedFinders in the config property of child classes such that it is not necessary to use reflections to derive the available method list. See core behaviors for examples
ReflectionExceptionverifyConfig()source public
verifyConfig( )
Checks that implemented keys contain values pointing at callable.
if config are invalid
Methods used from Cake\Core\InstanceConfigTrait
_configDelete()source protected
_configDelete( string $key )
Deletes a single config key.
- string
- Key to delete.
if attempting to clobber existing config
_configRead()source protected
_configRead( string|null $key )
Reads a config key.
- string|null
- Key to read.
mixed_configWrite()source protected
_configWrite( string|array $key , mixed $value , boolean|string $merge = false )
Writes a config key.
- string|array
- Key to write to.
- mixed
- Value to write.
- boolean|string
optional false True to merge recursively, 'shallow' for simple merge, false to overwrite, defaults to false.
if attempting to clobber existing config
config()source public deprecated
config( string|array|null $key = null , mixed|null $value = null , boolean $merge = true )
Gets/Sets the config.
Reading the whole config:
Reading a specific value:
Reading a nested value:
Setting a specific value:
$this->config('key', $value);
Setting a nested value:
$this->config('some.nested.key', $value);
Updating multiple config settings at the same time:
$this->config(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);
3.4.0 use setConfig()/getConfig() instead.Parameters
- string|array|null
optional null - The key to get/set, or a complete array of configs.
- mixed|null
optional null - The value to set.
- boolean
optional true - Whether to recursively merge or overwrite existing config, defaults to true.
mixedConfig value being read, or the object itself on write operations.
When trying to set a key that is invalid.
configShallow()source public
configShallow( string|array $key , mixed|null $value = null )
Merge provided config with existing config. Unlike config()
which does a recursive merge for nested keys, this method does a simple merge.
Setting a specific value:
$this->configShallow('key', $value);
Setting a nested value:
$this->configShallow('some.nested.key', $value);
Updating multiple config settings at the same time:
$this->configShallow(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);
- string|array
- The key to set, or a complete array of configs.
- mixed|null
optional null - The value to set.
getConfig()source public
getConfig( string|null $key = null , mixed $default = null )
Returns the config.
Reading the whole config:
Reading a specific value:
Reading a nested value:
Reading with default value:
$this->getConfig('some-key', 'default-value');
- string|null
optional null - The key to get or null for the whole config.
- mixed
optional null - The return value when the key does not exist.
mixedConfig value being read.
setConfig()source public
setConfig( string|array $key , mixed|null $value = null , boolean $merge = true )
Sets the config.
Setting a specific value:
$this->setConfig('key', $value);
Setting a nested value:
$this->setConfig('some.nested.key', $value);
Updating multiple config settings at the same time:
$this->setConfig(['one' => 'value', 'another' => 'value']);
- string|array
- The key to set, or a complete array of configs.
- mixed|null
optional null - The value to set.
- boolean
optional true - Whether to recursively merge or overwrite existing config, defaults to true.
When trying to set a key that is invalid.
Properties detail
protected array
Default config
These are merged with user-provided configuration when the behavior is used.
[ 'implementedFinders' => [ 'path' => 'findPath', 'children' => 'findChildren', 'treeList' => 'findTreeList', ], 'implementedMethods' => [ 'childCount' => 'childCount', 'moveUp' => 'moveUp', 'moveDown' => 'moveDown', 'recover' => 'recover', 'removeFromTree' => 'removeFromTree', 'getLevel' => 'getLevel', 'formatTreeList' => 'formatTreeList', ], 'parent' => 'parent_id', 'left' => 'lft', 'right' => 'rght', 'scope' => null, 'level' => null, 'recoverOrder' => null, ]
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