Class FormData
Provides an interface for building multipart/form-encoded message bodies.
Used by Http\Client to upload POST/PUT data and files.
- Cake\Http\Client\FormData implements Countable
Properties summary
protectedBoundary marker.string
protectedWhether or not this formdata object has a complex part.boolean
protectedWhether or not this formdata object has attached files.boolean
protectedThe parts in the form data.Cake\Http\Client\FormDataPart[]
Method Summary
- __toString() public
Converts the FormData and its parts into a string suitable for use in an HTTP request.
- add() publicAdd a new part to the data.
- addFile() public
Add either a file reference (string starting with @) or a file handle.
- addMany() publicAdd multiple parts at once.
- addRecursive() publicRecursively add data.
- boundary() publicGet the boundary marker
- contentType() publicGet the content type for this payload.
- count() publicReturns the count of parts inside this object.
- hasFile() public
Check whether or not the current payload has any files.
- isMultipart() public
Check whether or not the current payload is multipart.
- newPart() publicMethod for creating new instances of Part
Method Detail
__toString()source public
__toString( )
Converts the FormData and its parts into a string suitable for use in an HTTP request.
stringadd()source public
add( string|Cake\Http\Client\FormData $name , mixed $value = null )
Add a new part to the data.
The value for a part can be a string, array, int, float, filehandle, or object implementing __toString()
If the $value is an array, multiple parts will be added. Files will be read from their current position and saved in memory.
- string|
The name of the part to add, or the part data object.
- mixed
optional null - The value for the part.
addFile()source public
addFile( string $name , mixed $value )
Add either a file reference (string starting with @) or a file handle.
- string
- The name to use.
- mixed
- Either a string filename, or a filehandle.
Cake\Http\Client\FormDataPartaddMany()source public
addMany( array $data )
Add multiple parts at once.
Iterates the parameter and adds all the key/values.
- array
- Array of data to add.
addRecursive()source public
addRecursive( string $name , mixed $value )
Recursively add data.
- string
- The name to use.
- mixed
- The value to add.
contentType()source public
contentType( )
Get the content type for this payload.
If this object contains files, multipart/form-data
will be used, otherwise application/x-www-form-urlencoded
will be used.
stringcount()source public
count( )
Returns the count of parts inside this object.
integerImplementation of
hasFile()source public
hasFile( )
Check whether or not the current payload has any files.
booleanWhether or not there is a file in this payload.
isMultipart()source public
isMultipart( )
Check whether or not the current payload is multipart.
A payload will become multipart when you add files or use add() with a Part instance.
booleanWhether or not the payload is multipart.
newPart()source public
newPart( string $name , string $value )
Method for creating new instances of Part
- string
- The name of the part.
- string
- The value to add.
Cake\Http\Client\FormDataPartProperties detail
protected boolean
Whether or not this formdata object has a complex part.
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