Class AclShell
Shell for ACL management. This console is known to have issues with zend.ze1_compatibility_mode being enabled. Be sure to turn it off when using this shell.
- AppShell
- AclShell
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/Console/Command/AclShell.php
Properties summary
public -
publicContains arguments parsed from the command line.array
publicContains database source to usestring
publicContains tasks to load and instantiatearray
Method Summary
- _dataVars() protectedBuild data parameters based on node type
- _getNodeId() protected
Get the node for a given identifier. $identifier can either be a string alias or an array of properties to use in AcoNode::node()
- _getParams() protectedget params for standard Acl methods
- _outputNode() protectedOutputs a single node, Either using the alias or Model.key
- check() publicCheck permission for a given ARO to a given ACO.
- create() publicCreates an ARO/ACO node
- delete() public
Delete an ARO/ACO node. Note there may be (as a result of poor configuration) multiple records with the same logical identifier. All are deleted.
- deny() publicDeny access for an ARO to an ACO.
- getOptionParser() publicGets the option parser instance and configures it.
- getPath() publicGet path to specified ARO/ACO node.
- grant() publicGrant permission for a given ARO to a given ACO.
- inherit() publicSet an ARO to inherit permission to an ACO.
- initdb() publicInitialize ACL database.
- main() publicOverride main() for help message hook
- nodeExists() publicChecks that given node exists
- parseIdentifier() public
Parse an identifier into Model.foreignKey or an alias. Takes an identifier determines its type and returns the result as used by other methods.
- setParent() publicSet parent for an ARO/ACO node.
- startup() publicOverride startup of the Shell
- view() publicShow a specific ARO/ACO node.
Method Detail
_dataVars()source protected
_dataVars( string $type null )
Build data parameters based on node type
- string
optional null - Node type (ARO/ACO)
_getNodeId()source protected
_getNodeId( string $class , string|array|null $identifier )
Get the node for a given identifier. $identifier can either be a string alias or an array of properties to use in AcoNode::node()
- string
- Class type you want (Aro/Aco)
- string|array|null
- A mixed identifier for finding the node, otherwise null.
integerInteger of NodeId. Will trigger an error if nothing is found.
_getParams()source protected
_getParams( )
get params for standard Acl methods
arrayaro, aco, action
_outputNode()source protected
_outputNode( string $class , array $node , integer $indent )
Outputs a single node, Either using the alias or Model.key
- string
- Class name that is being used.
- array
- Array of node information.
- integer
- indent level.
delete()source public
delete( )
Delete an ARO/ACO node. Note there may be (as a result of poor configuration) multiple records with the same logical identifier. All are deleted.
getOptionParser()source public
getOptionParser( )
Gets the option parser instance and configures it.
parseIdentifier()source public
parseIdentifier( string $identifier )
Parse an identifier into Model.foreignKey or an alias. Takes an identifier determines its type and returns the result as used by other methods.
- string
- Identifier to parse
mixeda string for aliases, and an array for model.foreignKey
Properties detail
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Licensed under the MIT License.
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