Vagrant Push

FTP & SFTP Strategy

Vagrant Push FTP and SFTP strategy pushes the code in your Vagrant development environment to a remote FTP or SFTP server.

The Vagrant Push FTP And SFTP strategy supports the following configuration options:

  • host - The address of the remote (S)FTP server. If the (S)FTP server is running on a non-standard port, you can specify the port after the address (host:port).

  • username - The username to use for authentication with the (S)FTP server.

  • password - The password to use for authentication with the (S)FTP server.

  • passive - Use passive FTP (default is true).

  • secure - Use secure (SFTP) (default is false).

  • destination - The root destination on the target system to sync the files (default is /).

  • exclude - Add a file or file pattern to exclude from the upload, relative to the dir. This value may be specified multiple times and is additive. exclude take precedence over include values.

  • include - Add a file or file pattern to include in the upload, relative to the dir. This value may be specified multiple times and is additive.

  • dir - The base directory containing the files to upload. By default this is the same directory as the Vagrantfile, but you can specify this if you have a src folder or bin folder or some other folder you want to upload.


The Vagrant Push FTP and SFTP strategy is defined in the Vagrantfile using the ftp key:

config.push.define "ftp" do |push| = ""
  push.username = "username"
  push.password = "password"

And then push the application to the FTP or SFTP server:

$ vagrant push

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Licensed under the MPL 2.0 License.