
class DefaultChoiceListFactory implements ChoiceListFactoryInterface

Default implementation of {@link ChoiceListFactoryInterface}.


ChoiceListInterface createListFromChoices(array|Traversable $choices, null|callable $value = null)

Creates a choice list for the given choices.

ChoiceListInterface createListFromFlippedChoices(array|Traversable $choices, null|callable $value = null, $triggerDeprecationNotice = true) deprecated

Creates a choice list for the given choices.

ChoiceListInterface createListFromLoader(ChoiceLoaderInterface $loader, null|callable $value = null)

Creates a choice list that is loaded with the given loader.

ChoiceListView createView(ChoiceListInterface $list, null|array|callable $preferredChoices = null, null|callable $label = null, null|callable $index = null, null|callable $groupBy = null, null|array|callable $attr = null)

Creates a view for the given choice list.


ChoiceListInterface createListFromChoices(array|Traversable $choices, null|callable $value = null)

Creates a choice list for the given choices.

The choices should be passed in the values of the choices array.

Optionally, a callable can be passed for generating the choice values. The callable receives the choice as first and the array key as the second argument.


array|Traversable $choices The choices
null|callable $value The callable generating the choice values

Return Value

ChoiceListInterface The choice list

ChoiceListInterface createListFromFlippedChoices(array|Traversable $choices, null|callable $value = null, $triggerDeprecationNotice = true) deprecated


Added for backwards compatibility in Symfony 2.7, to be removed in Symfony 3.0.

Creates a choice list for the given choices.

The choices should be passed in the keys of the choices array. Since the choices array will be flipped, the entries of the array must be strings or integers.

Optionally, a callable can be passed for generating the choice values. The callable receives the choice as first and the array key as the second argument.


array|Traversable $choices The choices
null|callable $value The callable generating the choice values

Return Value

ChoiceListInterface The choice list

ChoiceListInterface createListFromLoader(ChoiceLoaderInterface $loader, null|callable $value = null)

Creates a choice list that is loaded with the given loader.

Optionally, a callable can be passed for generating the choice values. The callable receives the choice as first and the array key as the second argument.


ChoiceLoaderInterface $loader The choice loader
null|callable $value The callable generating the choice values

Return Value

ChoiceListInterface The choice list

ChoiceListView createView(ChoiceListInterface $list, null|array|callable $preferredChoices = null, null|callable $label = null, null|callable $index = null, null|callable $groupBy = null, null|array|callable $attr = null)

Creates a view for the given choice list.

Callables may be passed for all optional arguments. The callables receive the choice as first and the array key as the second argument.

  • The callable for the label and the name should return the generated label/choice name.
  • The callable for the preferred choices should return true or false, depending on whether the choice should be preferred or not.
  • The callable for the grouping should return the group name or null if a choice should not be grouped.
  • The callable for the attributes should return an array of HTML attributes that will be inserted in the tag of the choice.

If no callable is passed, the labels will be generated from the choice keys. The view indices will be generated using an incrementing integer by default.

The preferred choices can also be passed as array. Each choice that is contained in that array will be marked as preferred.

The attributes can be passed as multi-dimensional array. The keys should match the keys of the choices. The values should be arrays of HTML attributes that should be added to the respective choice.


ChoiceListInterface $list The choice list
null|array|callable $preferredChoices The preferred choices
null|callable $label The callable generating the choice labels
null|callable $index The callable generating the view indices
null|callable $groupBy The callable generating the group names
null|array|callable $attr The callable generating the HTML attributes

Return Value

ChoiceListView The choice list view