Spy call

Spy call

A spy call is an object representation of an invididual call to a spied function, which could be a fake, spy, stub or mock method.

var spyCall = spy.getCall(n)

Returns the nth call. Accessing individual calls helps with more detailed behavior verification when the spy is called more than once.

sinon.spy(jQuery, "ajax");
var spyCall = jQuery.ajax.getCall(0);

assertEquals("/stuffs", spyCall.args[0]);


Returns true if obj was this for this call. calledOn also accepts a matcher spyCall.calledOn(sinon.match(fn)) (see matchers).

spyCall.calledWith(arg1, arg2, ...);

Returns true if call received provided arguments (and possibly others).

spyCall.calledWithExactly(arg1, arg2, ...);

Returns true if call received provided arguments and no others.

spyCall.calledWithMatch(arg1, arg2, ...);

Returns true if call received matching arguments (and possibly others). This behaves the same as spyCall.calledWith(sinon.match(arg1), sinon.match(arg2), ...).

spyCall.notCalledWith(arg1, arg2, ...);

Returns true if call did not receive provided arguments.

spyCall.notCalledWithMatch(arg1, arg2, ...);

Returns true if call did not receive matching arguments. This behaves the same as spyCall.notCalledWith(sinon.match(arg1), sinon.match(arg2), ...).


Returns true if spied function returned the provided value on this call.

Uses deep comparison for objects and arrays. Use spyCall.returned(sinon.match.same(obj)) for strict comparison (see matchers).


Returns true if call threw an exception.


Returns true if call threw exception of provided type.


Returns true if call threw provided exception object.


Returns true if the spy call occurred before another spy call.


Returns true if the spy call occurred after another spy call.


Returns true if the spy call occurred before another call, and no calls to any other spy occurred in-between.


Returns true if the spy call occurred after another call, and no calls to any other spy occurred in-between.


The call’s this value.


Array of received arguments.


This property is a convenience for a call’s callback.

When the last argument in a call is a Function, then callback will reference that. Otherwise it will be undefined.

var spy = sinon.spy();
var callback = function () {};

spy(1, 2, 3, callback);

spy.lastCall.callback === callback;
// true


This property is a convenience for the first argument of the call.

var spy = sinon.spy();
var date = new Date();

spy(date, 1, 2);

spy.lastCall.firstArg === date;
// true


This property is a convenience for the last argument of the call.

var spy = sinon.spy();
var date = new Date();

spy(1, 2, date);

spy.lastCall.lastArg === date;
// true


Exception thrown, if any.


Return value.

© 2010–2020 Christian Johansen
Licensed under the BSD License.