Class scala.reflect.macros.Universe
abstract class Universe extends api.Universe
Instance Constructors
new Universe()
Type Members
abstract type Annotation >: Null <: Universe.AnnotationApi
Information about an annotation.
- Definition Classes
- Annotations
trait AnnotationApi extends AnyRef
The API of Annotation
instances. The main source of information about annotations is the scala.reflect.api.Annotations page.
- Definition Classes
- Annotations
abstract class AnnotationExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Annotation(tpe, scalaArgs, javaArgs)
. Here, tpe
is the annotation type, scalaArgs
the payload of Scala annotations, and javaArgs
the payload of Java annotations.
- Definition Classes
- Annotations
abstract type Constant >: Null <: Universe.ConstantApi
This "virtual" case class represents the reflection interface for literal expressions which can not be further broken down or evaluated, such as "true", "0", "classOf[List]". Such values become parts of the Scala abstract syntax tree representing the program. The constants correspond to section 6.24 "Constant Expressions" of the Scala Language Specification.
Such constants are used to represent literals in abstract syntax trees (the scala.reflect.api.Trees#Literal node) and literal arguments for Java class file annotations (the scala.reflect.api.Annotations#LiteralArgument class).
Constants can be matched against and can be constructed directly, as if they were case classes:
assert(Constant(true).value == true) Constant(true) match { case Constant(s: String) => println("A string: " + s) case Constant(b: Boolean) => println("A boolean value: " + b) case Constant(x) => println("Something else: " + x) }
instances can wrap certain kinds of these expressions:
Literals of primitive value classes (
, Short
, Int
, Long
, Float
, Double
, Char
, Boolean
and Unit
) - represented directly as the corresponding typeString literals - represented as instances of the String
.References to classes, typically constructed with scala.Predef#classOf - represented as types.References to enumeration values - represented as symbols. Class references are represented as instances of scala.reflect.api.Types#Type (because when the Scala compiler processes a class reference, the underlying runtime class might not yet have been compiled). To convert such a reference to a runtime class, one should use the runtimeClass
method of a mirror such as RuntimeMirror
(the simplest way to get such a mirror is using scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror
Enumeration value references are represented as instances of scala.reflect.api.Symbols#Symbol, which on JVM point to methods that return underlying enum values. To inspect an underlying enumeration or to get runtime value of a reference to an enum, one should use a scala.reflect.api.Mirrors#RuntimeMirror (the simplest way to get such a mirror is again scala.reflect.runtime.package#currentMirror).
Usage example:
enum JavaSimpleEnumeration { FOO, BAR } import java.lang.annotation.*; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.TYPE}) public @interface JavaSimpleAnnotation { Class<?> classRef(); JavaSimpleEnumeration enumRef(); } @JavaSimpleAnnotation( classRef = JavaAnnottee.class, enumRef = JavaSimpleEnumeration.BAR ) public class JavaAnnottee {}
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm} object Test extends App { val jann = typeOf[JavaAnnottee].typeSymbol.annotations(0).javaArgs def jarg(name: String) = jann(TermName(name)) match { // Constant is always wrapped into a Literal or LiteralArgument tree node case LiteralArgument(ct: Constant) => value } val classRef = jarg("classRef").value.asInstanceOf[Type] // ideally one should match instead of casting println(showRaw(classRef)) // TypeRef(ThisType(<empty>), JavaAnnottee, List()) println(cm.runtimeClass(classRef)) // class JavaAnnottee val enumRef = jarg("enumRef").value.asInstanceOf[Symbol] // ideally one should match instead of casting println(enumRef) // value BAR val siblings = val enumValues = siblings.filter(sym => sym.isVal && sym.isPublic) println(enumValues) // Scope{ // final val FOO: JavaSimpleEnumeration; // final val BAR: JavaSimpleEnumeration // } // doesn't work because of // val enumValue = mirror.reflectField(enumRef.asTerm).get val enumClass = cm.runtimeClass(enumRef.owner.asClass) val enumValue = enumClass.getDeclaredField( println(enumValue) // BAR }
- Definition Classes
- Constants
abstract class ConstantApi extends AnyRef
abstract class ConstantExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Constant(value)
where value
is the Scala value of the constant.
- Definition Classes
- Constants
trait Expr[+T] extends Equals with Serializable
Expr wraps an abstract syntax tree and tags it with its type. The main source of information about exprs is the scala.reflect.api.Exprs page.
- Definition Classes
- Exprs
trait FlagOps extends Any
The API of FlagSet
instances. The main source of information about flag sets is the scala.reflect.api.FlagSets page.
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets
abstract type FlagSet
An abstract type representing sets of flags (like private, final, etc.) that apply to definition trees and symbols
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets
trait FlagValues extends AnyRef
All possible values that can constitute flag sets. The main source of information about flag sets is the scala.reflect.api.FlagSets page.
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets
abstract type FreeTermSymbol >: Null <: Universe.FreeTermSymbolApi with Universe.TermSymbol
The type of free terms introduced by reification.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
trait FreeTermSymbolApi extends Universe.TermSymbolApi
The API of free term symbols. The main source of information about symbols is the Symbols page.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
abstract type FreeTypeSymbol >: Null <: Universe.FreeTypeSymbolApi with Universe.TypeSymbol
The type of free types introduced by reification.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
trait FreeTypeSymbolApi extends Universe.TypeSymbolApi
The API of free type symbols. The main source of information about symbols is the Symbols page.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
trait Importer extends AnyRef
This trait provides support for importers, a facility to migrate reflection artifacts between universes. Note: this trait should typically be used only rarely.
Reflection artifacts, such as Symbols and Types, are contained in Universes. Typically all processing happens within a single Universe
(e.g. a compile-time macro Universe
or a runtime reflection Universe
), but sometimes there is a need to migrate artifacts from one Universe
to another. For example, runtime compilation works by importing runtime reflection trees into a runtime compiler universe, compiling the importees and exporting the result back.
Reflection artifacts are firmly grounded in their Universe
s, which is reflected by the fact that types of artifacts from different universes are not compatible. By using Importer
s, however, they be imported from one universe into another. For example, to import
from the source Universe
to the target Universe
, an importer will first check whether the entire owner chain exists in the target Universe
. If it does, then nothing else will be done. Otherwise, the importer will recreate the entire owner chain and will import the corresponding type signatures into the target Universe
Since importers match Symbol
tables of the source and the target Universe
s using plain string names, it is programmer's responsibility to make sure that imports don't distort semantics, e.g., that
in the source Universe
means the same that
does in the target Universe
Here's how one might implement a macro that performs compile-time evaluation of its argument by using a runtime compiler to compile and evaluate a tree that belongs to a compile-time compiler:
def staticEval[T](x: T) = macro staticEval[T] def staticEval[T](c: scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context)(x: c.Expr[T]) = { // creates a runtime reflection universe to host runtime compilation import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru} val mirror = ru.runtimeMirror(c.libraryClassLoader) import val toolBox = mirror.mkToolBox() // runtime reflection universe and compile-time macro universe are different // therefore an importer is needed to bridge them // currently mkImporter requires a cast to correctly assign the path-dependent types val importer0 = ru.internal.mkImporter(c.universe) val importer = importer0.asInstanceOf[ru.internal.Importer { val from: c.universe.type }] // the created importer is used to turn a compiler tree into a runtime compiler tree // both compilers use the same classpath, so semantics remains intact val imported = importer.importTree(tree) // after the tree is imported, it can be evaluated as usual val tree = toolBox.untypecheck(imported.duplicate) val valueOfX = toolBox.eval(imported).asInstanceOf[T] ... }
- Definition Classes
- Internals
trait InternalApi extends AnyRef
Reflection API exhibits a tension inherent to experimental things: on the one hand we want it to grow into a beautiful and robust API, but on the other hand we have to deal with immaturity of underlying mechanisms by providing not very pretty solutions to enable important use cases.
In Scala 2.10, which was our first stab at reflection API, we didn't have a systematic approach to dealing with this tension, sometimes exposing too much of internals (e.g. Symbol.deSkolemize) and sometimes exposing too little (e.g. there's still no facility to change owners, to do typing transformations, etc). This resulted in certain confusion with some internal APIs living among public ones, scaring the newcomers, and some internal APIs only available via casting, which requires intimate knowledge of the compiler and breaks compatibility guarantees.
This led to creation of the internal
API module for the reflection API, which provides advanced APIs necessary for macros that push boundaries of the state of the art, clearly demarcating them from the more or less straightforward rest and providing compatibility guarantees on par with the rest of the reflection API (full compatibility within minor releases, best effort towards backward compatibility within major releases, clear replacement path in case of rare incompatible changes in major releases).
The internal
module itself (the value that implements InternalApi) isn't defined here, in scala.reflect.api.Universe, but is provided on per-implementation basis. Runtime API endpoint (scala.reflect.runtime.universe) provides universe.compat: InternalApi
, whereas compile-time API endpoints (instances of scala.reflect.macros.Context) provide c.compat: ContextInternalApi
, which extends InternalApi
with additional universe-specific and context-specific functionality.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
abstract type ReferenceToBoxed >: Null <: Universe.ReferenceToBoxedApi with Universe.TermTree
Marks underlying reference to id as boxed.
Precondition: id must refer to a captured variable A reference such marked will refer to the boxed entity, no dereferencing with `.elem` is done on it. This tree node can be emitted by macros such as reify that call referenceCapturedVariable. It is eliminated in LambdaLift, where the boxing conversion takes place.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
trait ReferenceToBoxedApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all references support
- Definition Classes
- Internals
abstract class ReferenceToBoxedExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax ReferenceToBoxed(ident)
. This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code, and is emitted by macros to reference capture vars directly without going through elem
For example:
var x = ... fun { x }
Will emit:
Which gets transformed to:
Select(Ident(x), "elem")
If ReferenceToBoxed
were used instead of Ident, no transformation would be performed.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
trait ReificationSupportApi extends AnyRef
This is an internal implementation class.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
trait Liftable[T] extends AnyRef
A type class that defines a representation of T
as a Tree
- Definition Classes
- Liftables
- See also
trait Unliftable[T] extends AnyRef
A type class that defines a way to extract instance of T
from a Tree
- Definition Classes
- Liftables
- See also
trait ClassMirror extends Universe.TemplateMirror
A mirror that reflects the instance parts of a runtime class. See the overview page for details on how to use runtime reflection.
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
trait FieldMirror extends AnyRef
A mirror that reflects a field. See the overview page for details on how to use runtime reflection.
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
trait InstanceMirror extends AnyRef
A mirror that reflects a runtime value. See the overview page for details on how to use runtime reflection.
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
trait MethodMirror extends AnyRef
A mirror that reflects a method. See the overview page for details on how to use runtime reflection.
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
trait ModuleMirror extends Universe.TemplateMirror
A mirror that reflects a Scala object definition or the static parts of a runtime class. See the overview page for details on how to use runtime reflection.
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
trait ReflectiveMirror extends api.Mirror[Mirrors.this.type]
A mirror that reflects instances and static classes. See the overview page for details on how to use runtime reflection.
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
trait RuntimeClassApi extends AnyRef
Has no special methods. Is here to provides erased identity for RuntimeClass
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
trait RuntimeMirror extends api.Mirror[Mirrors.this.type] with Universe.ReflectiveMirror
The API of a mirror for a reflective universe. See the overview page for details on how to use runtime reflection.
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
trait TemplateMirror extends AnyRef
A mirror that reflects the instance or static parts of a runtime class. See the overview page for details on how to use runtime reflection.
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
abstract class NameApi extends AnyRef
The API of Name instances.
- Definition Classes
- Names
trait TermNameApi extends AnyRef
Has no special methods. Is here to provides erased identity for TermName
- Definition Classes
- Names
abstract class TermNameExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax TermName(s)
- Definition Classes
- Names
trait TypeNameApi extends AnyRef
Has no special methods. Is here to provides erased identity for TypeName
- Definition Classes
- Names
abstract class TypeNameExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax TypeName(s)
- Definition Classes
- Names
case class BooleanFlag(value: Option[Boolean]) extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Printers
trait TreePrinter extends AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Printers
implicit class Quasiquote extends AnyRef
Implicit class that introduces q
, tq
, cq,
and fq
string interpolators that are also known as quasiquotes. With their help you can easily manipulate Scala reflection ASTs.
- Definition Classes
- Quasiquotes
- See also
abstract type MemberScope >: Null <: Universe.MemberScopeApi with Universe.Scope
The type of member scopes, as in class definitions, for example.
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
trait MemberScopeApi extends Universe.ScopeApi
The API that all member scopes support
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
abstract type Scope >: Null <: Universe.ScopeApi
The base type of all scopes.
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
trait ScopeApi extends Iterable[Universe.Symbol]
The API that all scopes support
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
trait DefinitionsApi extends Universe.StandardTypes
Defines standard symbols (and types via its base trait).
- Definition Classes
- StandardDefinitions
trait StandardTypes extends AnyRef
Defines standard types.
- Definition Classes
- StandardDefinitions
trait StandardLiftableInstances extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StandardLiftables
trait StandardUnliftableInstances extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StandardLiftables
trait NamesApi extends AnyRef
Defines standard names, common for term and type names: These can be accessed via the nme and tpnme members.
- Definition Classes
- StandardNames
trait TermNamesApi extends Universe.NamesApi
Defines standard term names that can be accessed via the nme member.
- Definition Classes
- StandardNames
trait TypeNamesApi extends Universe.NamesApi
Defines standard type names that can be accessed via the tpnme member.
- Definition Classes
- StandardNames
abstract type ClassSymbol >: Null <: Universe.ClassSymbolApi with Universe.TypeSymbol
The type of class symbols representing class and trait definitions.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
trait ClassSymbolApi extends Universe.TypeSymbolApi
The API of class symbols. The main source of information about symbols is the Symbols page.
Class Symbol defines isXXX
test methods such as isPublic
or isFinal
, params
and returnType
methods for method symbols, baseClasses
for class symbols and so on. Some of these methods don't make sense for certain subclasses of Symbol
and return NoSymbol
, Nil
or other empty values.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
abstract type MethodSymbol >: Null <: Universe.MethodSymbolApi with Universe.TermSymbol
The type of method symbols representing def declarations.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
trait MethodSymbolApi extends Universe.TermSymbolApi
The API of method symbols. The main source of information about symbols is the Symbols page.
Class Symbol defines isXXX
test methods such as isPublic
or isFinal
, params
and returnType
methods for method symbols, baseClasses
for class symbols and so on. Some of these methods don't make sense for certain subclasses of Symbol
and return NoSymbol
, Nil
or other empty values.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
abstract type ModuleSymbol >: Null <: Universe.ModuleSymbolApi with Universe.TermSymbol
The type of module symbols representing object declarations.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
trait ModuleSymbolApi extends Universe.TermSymbolApi
The API of module symbols. The main source of information about symbols is the Symbols page.
Class Symbol defines isXXX
test methods such as isPublic
or isFinal
, params
and returnType
methods for method symbols, baseClasses
for class symbols and so on. Some of these methods don't make sense for certain subclasses of Symbol
and return NoSymbol
, Nil
or other empty values.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
abstract type Symbol >: Null <: Universe.SymbolApi
The type of symbols representing declarations.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
trait SymbolApi extends AnyRef
The API of symbols. The main source of information about symbols is the Symbols page.
Class Symbol defines isXXX
test methods such as isPublic
or isFinal
, params
and returnType
methods for method symbols, baseClasses
for class symbols and so on. Some of these methods don't make sense for certain subclasses of Symbol
and return NoSymbol
, Nil
or other empty values.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
abstract type TermSymbol >: Null <: Universe.TermSymbolApi with Universe.Symbol
The type of term symbols representing val, var, def, and object declarations as well as packages and value parameters.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
trait TermSymbolApi extends Universe.SymbolApi
The API of term symbols. The main source of information about symbols is the Symbols page.
Class Symbol defines isXXX
test methods such as isPublic
or isFinal
, params
and returnType
methods for method symbols, baseClasses
for class symbols and so on. Some of these methods don't make sense for certain subclasses of Symbol
and return NoSymbol
, Nil
or other empty values.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
abstract type TypeSymbol >: Null <: Universe.TypeSymbolApi with Universe.Symbol
The type of type symbols representing type, class, and trait declarations, as well as type parameters.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
trait TypeSymbolApi extends Universe.SymbolApi
The API of type symbols. The main source of information about symbols is the Symbols page.
Class Symbol defines isXXX
test methods such as isPublic
or isFinal
, params
and returnType
methods for method symbols, baseClasses
for class symbols and so on. Some of these methods don't make sense for certain subclasses of Symbol
and return NoSymbol
, Nil
or other empty values.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
abstract type Alternative >: Null <: Universe.AlternativeApi with Universe.TermTree
Alternatives of patterns.
Eliminated by compiler phases Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher), except for occurrences in encoded Switch stmt (i.e. remaining Match(CaseDef(...)))
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait AlternativeApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all alternatives support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class AlternativeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Alternative(trees)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
pat1 | ... | patn
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Annotated >: Null <: Universe.AnnotatedApi with Universe.Tree
A tree that has an annotation attached to it. Only used for annotated types and annotation ascriptions, annotations on definitions are stored in the Modifiers. Eliminated by typechecker (typedAnnotated), the annotations are then stored in an AnnotatedType.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait AnnotatedApi extends Universe.TreeApi
The API that all annotateds support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class AnnotatedExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Annotated(annot, arg)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
arg @annot // for types arg: @annot // for exprs
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type AppliedTypeTree >: Null <: Universe.AppliedTypeTreeApi with Universe.TypTree
Applied type <tpt> [ <args> ], eliminated by RefCheck
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait AppliedTypeTreeApi extends Universe.TypTreeApi
The API that all applied type trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class AppliedTypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
Should only be used with tpt
nodes which are types, i.e. which have isType
returning true
. Otherwise TypeApply
should be used instead.
List[Int] as in val x: List[Int] = ???
// represented as AppliedTypeTree(Ident(<List>), List(TypeTree(<Int>)))
def foo[T] = ??? foo[Int] // represented as TypeApply(Ident(<foo>), List(TypeTree(<Int>)))
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Apply >: Null <: Universe.ApplyApi with Universe.GenericApply
Value application
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ApplyApi extends Universe.GenericApplyApi
The API that all applies support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ApplyExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Apply(fun, args)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
For instance:
Is expressed as:
Apply(TypeApply(fun, targs), args)
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Assign >: Null <: Universe.AssignApi with Universe.TermTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait AssignApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all assigns support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class AssignExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Assign(lhs, rhs)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
lhs = rhs
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Bind >: Null <: Universe.BindApi with Universe.DefTree
Bind a variable to a rhs pattern.
Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher).
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait BindApi extends Universe.DefTreeApi
The API that all binds support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class BindExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Bind(name, body)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Block >: Null <: Universe.BlockApi with Universe.TermTree
Block of expressions (semicolon separated expressions)
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait BlockApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all blocks support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class BlockExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Block(stats, expr)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
{ stats; expr }
If the block is empty, the expr
is set to Literal(Constant(()))
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type CaseDef >: Null <: Universe.CaseDefApi with Universe.Tree
Case clause in a pattern match. (except for occurrences in switch statements). Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher)
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait CaseDefApi extends Universe.TreeApi
The API that all case defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class CaseDefExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax CaseDef(pat, guard, body)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
pat if
guard => body
If the guard is not present, the guard
is set to EmptyTree
. If the body is not specified, the body
is set to Literal(Constant(()))
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type ClassDef >: Null <: Universe.ClassDefApi with Universe.ImplDef
A class definition.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ClassDefApi extends Universe.ImplDefApi
The API that all class defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ClassDefExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
mods class
name [tparams] impl
Where impl stands for:
parents { defs }
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type CompoundTypeTree >: Null <: Universe.CompoundTypeTreeApi with Universe.TypTree
Intersection type <parent1> with ... with <parentN> { <decls> }, eliminated by RefCheck
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait CompoundTypeTreeApi extends Universe.TypTreeApi
The API that all compound type trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class CompoundTypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax CompoundTypeTree(templ)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
parent1 with ... with parentN { refinement }
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type DefDef >: Null <: Universe.DefDefApi with Universe.ValOrDefDef
A method or macro definition.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait DefDefApi extends Universe.ValOrDefDefApi
The API that all def defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class DefDefExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
mods def
name[tparams](vparams_1)...(vparams_n): tpt = rhs
If the return type is not specified explicitly (i.e. is meant to be inferred), this is expressed by having tpt
set to TypeTree()
(but not to an EmptyTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type DefTree >: Null <: Universe.DefTreeApi with Universe.SymTree with Universe.NameTree
A tree representing a symbol-defining entity: 1) A declaration or a definition (type, class, object, package, val, var, or def) 2) Bind
that is used to represent binding occurrences in pattern matches 3) LabelDef
that is used internally to represent while loops
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait DefTreeApi extends Universe.SymTreeApi with Universe.NameTreeApi
The API that all def trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type ExistentialTypeTree >: Null <: Universe.ExistentialTypeTreeApi with Universe.TypTree
Existential type tree node
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ExistentialTypeTreeApi extends Universe.TypTreeApi
The API that all existential type trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ExistentialTypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
tpt forSome { whereClauses }
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Function >: Null <: Universe.FunctionApi with Universe.TermTree with Universe.SymTree
Anonymous function, eliminated by compiler phase lambdalift
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait FunctionApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi with Universe.SymTreeApi
The API that all functions support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class FunctionExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Function(vparams, body)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
vparams => body
The symbol of a Function is a synthetic TermSymbol. It is the owner of the function's parameters.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type GenericApply >: Null <: Universe.GenericApplyApi with Universe.TermTree
Common base class for Apply and TypeApply.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait GenericApplyApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all applies support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Ident >: Null <: Universe.IdentApi with Universe.RefTree
A reference to identifier name
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait IdentApi extends Universe.RefTreeApi
The API that all idents support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class IdentExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Ident(qual, name)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
Type checker converts idents that refer to enclosing fields or methods to selects. For example, name ==>
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type If >: Null <: Universe.IfApi with Universe.TermTree
Conditional expression
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait IfApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all ifs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class IfExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax If(cond, thenp, elsep)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
(cond) thenp else
If the alternative is not present, the elsep
is set to Literal(Constant(()))
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type ImplDef >: Null <: Universe.ImplDefApi with Universe.MemberDef
A common base class for class and object definitions.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ImplDefApi extends Universe.MemberDefApi
The API that all impl defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Import >: Null <: Universe.ImportApi with Universe.SymTree
Import clause
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ImportApi extends Universe.SymTreeApi
The API that all imports support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ImportExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Import(expr, selectors)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
import expr.{selectors}
Selectors are a list of ImportSelectors, which conceptually are pairs of names (from, to). The last (and maybe only name) may be a nme.WILDCARD. For instance:
import qual.{w => _, x, y => z, _}
Would be represented as:
Import(qual, List(("w", WILDCARD), ("x", "x"), ("y", "z"), (WILDCARD, null)))
The symbol of an Import
is an import symbol @see Symbol.newImport. It's used primarily as a marker to check that the import has been typechecked.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type ImportSelector >: Null <: Universe.ImportSelectorApi
Import selector (not a tree, but a component of the Import
Representation of an imported name its optional rename and their optional positions
Eliminated by typecheck.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ImportSelectorApi extends AnyRef
The API that all import selectors support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ImportSelectorExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax ImportSelector(name, namePos, rename, renamePos)
. This is not an AST node, it is used as a part of the Import
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type LabelDef >: Null <: Universe.LabelDefApi with Universe.DefTree with Universe.TermTree
A labelled expression. Not expressible in language syntax, but generated by the compiler to simulate while/do-while loops, and also by the pattern matcher.
The label acts much like a nested function, where params
represents the incoming parameters. The symbol given to the LabelDef should have a MethodType, as if it were a nested function.
Jumps are apply nodes attributed with a label's symbol. The arguments from the apply node will be passed to the label and assigned to the Idents.
Forward jumps within a block are allowed.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait LabelDefApi extends Universe.DefTreeApi with Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all label defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class LabelDefExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax LabelDef(name, params, rhs)
This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code. It is used for tailcalls and like. For example, while/do are desugared to label defs as follows:
while (cond) body ==> LabelDef($L, List(), if (cond) { body; L$() } else ())
do body while (cond) ==> LabelDef($L, List(), body; if (cond) L$() else ())
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Literal >: Null <: Universe.LiteralApi with Universe.TermTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait LiteralApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all literals support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class LiteralExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Literal(value)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Match >: Null <: Universe.MatchApi with Universe.TermTree
- Pattern matching expression (before compiler phase explicitouter before 2.10 / patmat from 2.10)
Switch statements (after compiler phase explicitouter before 2.10 / patmat from 2.10)
After compiler phase explicitouter before 2.10 / patmat from 2.10, cases will satisfy the following constraints:
all guards are
,all patterns will be either Literal(Constant(x:Int))
or Alternative(lit|...|lit)
except for an "otherwise" branch, which has pattern Ident(nme.WILDCARD)
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait MatchApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all matches support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class MatchExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Match(selector, cases)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
selector match
{ cases }
is also used in pattern matching assignments like val (foo, bar) = baz
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type MemberDef >: Null <: Universe.MemberDefApi with Universe.DefTree
Common base class for all member definitions: types, classes, objects, packages, vals and vars, defs.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait MemberDefApi extends Universe.DefTreeApi
The API that all member defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ModifiersApi extends AnyRef
The API that all Modifiers support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ModifiersExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, annotations)
. Modifiers encapsulate flags, visibility annotations and Scala annotations for member definitions.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type ModuleDef >: Null <: Universe.ModuleDefApi with Universe.ImplDef
An object definition, e.g. object Foo
. Internally, objects are quite frequently called modules to reduce ambiguity. Eliminated by compiler phase refcheck.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ModuleDefApi extends Universe.ImplDefApi
The API that all module defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ModuleDefExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax ModuleDef(mods, name, impl)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
mods object
name impl
Where impl stands for:
parents { defs }
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type NameTree >: Null <: Universe.NameTreeApi with Universe.Tree
A tree that carries a name, e.g. by defining it (DefTree
) or by referring to it (RefTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait NameTreeApi extends Universe.TreeApi
The API that all name trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type NamedArg >: Null <: Universe.NamedArgApi with Universe.TermTree
Either an assignment or a named argument. Only appears in argument lists, eliminated by compiler phase typecheck (doTypedApply), resurrected by reifier.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait NamedArgApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all assigns support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class NamedArgExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax NamedArg(lhs, rhs)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
m.f(lhs = rhs)
@annotation(lhs = rhs)
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type New >: Null <: Universe.NewApi with Universe.TermTree
Object instantiation
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait NewApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all news support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class NewExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax New(tpt)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
This node always occurs in the following context:
For example, an AST representation of:
new Example[Int](2)(3)
is the following code:
Apply( Apply( TypeApply( Select(New(TypeTree(typeOf[Example])), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) TypeTree(typeOf[Int])), List(Literal(Constant(2)))), List(Literal(Constant(3))))
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type PackageDef >: Null <: Universe.PackageDefApi with Universe.MemberDef
A packaging, such as package pid { stats }
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait PackageDefApi extends Universe.MemberDefApi
The API that all package defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class PackageDefExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax PackageDef(pid, stats)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
pid { stats }
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type RefTree >: Null <: Universe.RefTreeApi with Universe.SymTree with Universe.NameTree
A tree which references a symbol-carrying entity. References one, as opposed to defining one; definitions are in DefTrees.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait RefTreeApi extends Universe.SymTreeApi with Universe.NameTreeApi
The API that all ref trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class RefTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax RefTree(qual, name)
. This AST node corresponds to either Ident, Select or SelectFromTypeTree.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Return >: Null <: Universe.ReturnApi with Universe.SymTree with Universe.TermTree
Return expression
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ReturnApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all returns support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ReturnExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Return(expr)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
The symbol of a Return node is the enclosing method.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Select >: Null <: Universe.SelectApi with Universe.RefTree
A member selection <qualifier> . <name>
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait SelectApi extends Universe.RefTreeApi
The API that all selects support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class SelectExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Select(qual, name)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
Should only be used with qualifier
nodes which are terms, i.e. which have isTerm
returning true
. Otherwise SelectFromTypeTree
should be used instead.
foo.Bar // represented as Select(Ident(<foo>), <Bar>) Foo#Bar // represented as SelectFromTypeTree(Ident(<Foo>), <Bar>)
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type SelectFromTypeTree >: Null <: Universe.SelectFromTypeTreeApi with Universe.TypTree with Universe.RefTree
Type selection <qualifier> # <name>, eliminated by RefCheck
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait SelectFromTypeTreeApi extends Universe.TypTreeApi with Universe.RefTreeApi
The API that all selects from type trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class SelectFromTypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, name)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
qualifier # selector
Note: a path-dependent type p.T is expressed as p.type # T
Should only be used with qualifier
nodes which are types, i.e. which have isType
returning true
. Otherwise Select
should be used instead.
Foo#Bar // represented as SelectFromTypeTree(Ident(<Foo>), <Bar>) foo.Bar // represented as Select(Ident(<foo>), <Bar>)
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type SingletonTypeTree >: Null <: Universe.SingletonTypeTreeApi with Universe.TypTree
Singleton type, eliminated by RefCheck
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait SingletonTypeTreeApi extends Universe.TypTreeApi
The API that all singleton type trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class SingletonTypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax SingletonTypeTree(ref)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Star >: Null <: Universe.StarApi with Universe.TermTree
Repetition of pattern.
Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher).
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait StarApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all stars support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class StarExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Star(elem)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Super >: Null <: Universe.SuperApi with Universe.TermTree
Super reference, where qual
is the corresponding this
reference. A super reference C.super[M]
is represented as Super(This(C), M)
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait SuperApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all supers support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class SuperExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Super(qual, mix)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
Which is represented as:
Super(This(C), M)
If mix
is empty, it is tpnme.EMPTY.
The symbol of a Super is the class _from_ which the super reference is made. For instance in C.super(...), it would be C.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type SymTree >: Null <: Universe.SymTreeApi with Universe.Tree
A tree that carries a symbol, e.g. by defining it (DefTree
) or by referring to it (RefTree
). Such trees start their life naked, returning NoSymbol
, but after being typechecked without errors they hold non-empty symbols.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait SymTreeApi extends Universe.TreeApi
The API that all sym trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Template >: Null <: Universe.TemplateApi with Universe.SymTree
Instantiation template of a class or trait
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TemplateApi extends Universe.SymTreeApi
The API that all templates support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class TemplateExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Template(parents, self, body)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
parents { self => body }
In case when the self-type annotation is missing, it is represented as an empty value definition with nme.WILDCARD as name and NoType as type.
The symbol of a template is a local dummy. @see Symbol.newLocalDummy The owner of the local dummy is the enclosing trait or class. The local dummy is itself the owner of any local blocks. For example:
class C { def foo { // owner is C def bar // owner is local dummy } }
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type TermTree >: Null <: Universe.TermTreeApi with Universe.Tree
A tree for a term. Not all trees representing terms are TermTrees; use isTerm to reliably identify terms.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TermTreeApi extends Universe.TreeApi
The API that all term trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type This >: Null <: Universe.ThisApi with Universe.TermTree with Universe.SymTree
Self reference
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ThisApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi with Universe.SymTreeApi
The API that all thises support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ThisExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax This(qual)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
The symbol of a This is the class to which the this refers. For instance in C.this, it would be C.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Throw >: Null <: Universe.ThrowApi with Universe.TermTree
Throw expression
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ThrowApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all tries support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ThrowExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Throw(expr)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class Transformer extends AnyRef
A class that implement a default tree transformation strategy: breadth-first component-wise cloning.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
class Traverser extends AnyRef
A class that implement a default tree traversal strategy: breadth-first component-wise.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Tree >: Null <: Universe.TreeApi
The type of Scala abstract syntax trees.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TreeApi extends Product
The API that all trees support. The main source of information about trees is the scala.reflect.api.Trees page.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type TreeCopier >: Null <: Universe.TreeCopierOps
The type of standard (lazy) tree copiers.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class TreeCopierOps extends AnyRef
The API of a tree copier.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Try >: Null <: Universe.TryApi with Universe.TermTree
Try catch node
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TryApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all tries support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class TryExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Try(block, catches, finalizer)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
block catch
{ catches } finally
If the finalizer is not present, the finalizer
is set to EmptyTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type TypTree >: Null <: Universe.TypTreeApi with Universe.Tree
A tree for a type. Not all trees representing types are TypTrees; use isType to reliably identify types.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TypTreeApi extends Universe.TreeApi
The API that all typ trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type TypeApply >: Null <: Universe.TypeApplyApi with Universe.GenericApply
Explicit type application.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TypeApplyApi extends Universe.GenericApplyApi
The API that all type applies support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class TypeApplyExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax TypeApply(fun, args)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
Should only be used with fun
nodes which are terms, i.e. which have isTerm
returning true
. Otherwise AppliedTypeTree
should be used instead.
def foo[T] = ??? foo[Int] // represented as TypeApply(Ident(<foo>), List(TypeTree(<Int>)))
List[Int] as in val x: List[Int] = ???
// represented as AppliedTypeTree(Ident(<List>), List(TypeTree(<Int>)))
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type TypeBoundsTree >: Null <: Universe.TypeBoundsTreeApi with Universe.TypTree
Type bounds tree node
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TypeBoundsTreeApi extends Universe.TypTreeApi
The API that all type bound trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class TypeBoundsTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
>: lo <: hi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type TypeDef >: Null <: Universe.TypeDefApi with Universe.MemberDef
An abstract type, a type parameter, or a type alias. Eliminated by erasure.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TypeDefApi extends Universe.MemberDefApi
The API that all type defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class TypeDefExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
mods type
name[tparams] = rhs
mods type
name[tparams] >: lo <: hi
First usage illustrates TypeDefs
representing type aliases and type parameters. Second usage illustrates TypeDefs
representing abstract types, where lo and hi are both TypeBoundsTrees
and Modifier.deferred
is set in mods.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type TypeTree >: Null <: Universe.TypeTreeApi with Universe.TypTree
A synthetic tree holding an arbitrary type. Not to be confused with with TypTree, the trait for trees that are only used for type trees. TypeTree's are inserted in several places, but most notably in RefCheck
, where the arbitrary type trees are all replaced by TypeTree's.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TypeTreeApi extends Universe.TypTreeApi
The API that all type trees support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class TypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax TypeTree()
. This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code, and is emitted by everywhere when we want to wrap a Type
in a Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Typed >: Null <: Universe.TypedApi with Universe.TermTree
Type annotation, eliminated by compiler phase cleanup
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TypedApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all typeds support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class TypedExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax Typed(expr, tpt)
. This AST node corresponds to the following Scala code:
expr: tpt
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type UnApply >: Null <: Universe.UnApplyApi with Universe.TermTree
Used to represent unapply
methods in pattern matching.
For example:
2 match { case Foo(x) => x }
Is represented as:
Match( Literal(Constant(2)), List( CaseDef( UnApply( // a dummy node that carries the type of unapplication to patmat // the <unapply-selector> here doesn't have an underlying symbol // it only has a type assigned, therefore after `untypecheck` this tree is no longer typeable Apply(Select(Ident(Foo), TermName("unapply")), List(Ident(TermName("<unapply-selector>")))), // arguments of the unapply => nothing synthetic here List(Bind(TermName("x"), Ident(nme.WILDCARD)))), EmptyTree, Ident(TermName("x")))))
Introduced by typer. Eliminated by compiler phases patmat (in the new pattern matcher of 2.10) or explicitouter (in the old pre-2.10 pattern matcher).
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait UnApplyApi extends Universe.TermTreeApi
The API that all unapplies support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class UnApplyExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax UnApply(fun, args)
. This AST node does not have direct correspondence to Scala code, and is introduced when typechecking pattern matches and try
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type ValDef >: Null <: Universe.ValDefApi with Universe.ValOrDefDef
Broadly speaking, a value definition. All these are encoded as ValDefs:
immutable values, e.g. "val x"mutable values, e.g. "var x" - the MUTABLE flag set in modslazy values, e.g. "lazy val x" - the LAZY flag set in modsmethod parameters, see vparamss in scala.reflect.api.Trees#DefDef - the PARAM flag is set in modsexplicit self-types, e.g. class A { self: Bar => }
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ValDefApi extends Universe.ValOrDefDefApi
The API that all val defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract class ValDefExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs)
. This AST node corresponds to any of the following Scala code:
mods val
name: tpt = rhs
mods var
name: tpt = rhs
mods name: tpt = rhs // in signatures of function and method definitions
self: Bar => // self-types
If the type of a value is not specified explicitly (i.e. is meant to be inferred), this is expressed by having tpt
set to TypeTree()
(but not to an EmptyTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type ValOrDefDef >: Null <: Universe.ValOrDefDefApi with Universe.MemberDef
A common base class for ValDefs and DefDefs.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait ValOrDefDefApi extends Universe.MemberDefApi
The API that all val defs and def defs support
- Definition Classes
- Trees
trait TypeTag[T] extends Universe.WeakTypeTag[T] with Equals with Serializable
A TypeTag
is a scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#WeakTypeTag with the additional static guarantee that all type references are concrete, i.e. it does not contain any references to unresolved type parameters or abstract types.
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
- Annotations
- @implicitNotFound("No TypeTag available for ${T}")
- See also
trait WeakTypeTag[T] extends Equals with Serializable
If an implicit value of type WeakTypeTag[T]
is required, the compiler will create one, and the reflective representation of T
can be accessed via the tpe
field. Components of T
can be references to type parameters or abstract types. Note that WeakTypeTag
makes an effort to be as concrete as possible, i.e. if TypeTag
s are available for the referenced type arguments or abstract types, they are used to embed the concrete types into the WeakTypeTag. Otherwise the WeakTypeTag will contain a reference to an abstract type. This behavior can be useful, when one expects T
to be perhaps be partially abstract, but requires special care to handle this case. However, if T
is expected to be fully known, use scala.reflect.api.TypeTags#TypeTag instead, which statically guarantees this property.
For more information about TypeTag
s, see the Reflection Guide: TypeTags
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
- Annotations
- @implicitNotFound("No WeakTypeTag available for ${T}")
- See also
abstract type AnnotatedType >: Null <: Universe.AnnotatedTypeApi with Universe.Type
The AnnotatedType
type signature is used for annotated types of the for <type> @<annotation>
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait AnnotatedTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all annotated types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class AnnotatedTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax AnnotatedType(annotations, underlying)
. Here, annotations
are the annotations decorating the underlying type underlying
. selfSym
is a symbol representing the annotated type itself.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type BoundedWildcardType >: Null <: Universe.BoundedWildcardTypeApi with Universe.Type
BoundedWildcardTypes, used only during type inference, are created in two places:
If the expected type of an expression is an existential type, its hidden symbols are replaced with bounded wildcards. 2. When an implicit conversion is being sought based in part on the name of a method in the converted type, a HasMethodMatching type is created: a MethodType with parameters typed as BoundedWildcardTypes.
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait BoundedWildcardTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all this types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class BoundedWildcardTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax BoundedWildcardTypeExtractor(bounds)
with bounds
denoting the type bounds.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type ClassInfoType >: Null <: Universe.ClassInfoTypeApi with Universe.CompoundType
The ClassInfo
type signature is used to define parents and declarations of classes, traits, and objects. If a class, trait, or object C is declared like this
C extends P_1 with ... with P_m { D_1; ...; D_n}
its ClassInfo
type has the following form:
ClassInfo(List(P_1, ..., P_m), Scope(D_1, ..., D_n), C)
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait ClassInfoTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all class info types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class ClassInfoTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax ClassInfo(parents, decls, clazz)
Here, parents
is the list of parent types of the class, decls
is the scope containing all declarations in the class, and clazz
is the symbol of the class itself.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type CompoundType >: Null <: Universe.CompoundTypeApi with Universe.Type
A subtype of Type representing refined types as well as ClassInfo
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait CompoundTypeApi extends AnyRef
Has no special methods. Is here to provides erased identity for CompoundType
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type ConstantType >: Null <: Universe.ConstantTypeApi with Universe.SingletonType
A ConstantType
type cannot be expressed in user programs; it is inferred as the type of a constant. Here are some constants with their types and the internal string representation:
1 ConstantType(Constant(1)) Int(1) "abc" ConstantType(Constant("abc")) String("abc")
ConstantTypes denote values that may safely be constant folded during type checking. The deconst
operation returns the equivalent type that will not be constant folded.
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait ConstantTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all constant types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class ConstantTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax ConstantType(constant)
Here, constant
is the constant value represented by the type.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type ExistentialType >: Null <: Universe.ExistentialTypeApi with Universe.Type
The ExistentialType
type signature is used for existential types and wildcard types.
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait ExistentialTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all existential types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class ExistentialTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax ExistentialType(quantified, underlying)
. Here, quantified
are the type variables bound by the existential type and underlying
is the type that's existentially quantified.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type MethodType >: Null <: Universe.MethodTypeApi with Universe.Type
The MethodType
type signature is used to indicate parameters and result type of a method
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait MethodTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all method types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class MethodTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax MethodType(params, restpe)
Here, params
is a potentially empty list of parameter symbols of the method, and restpe
is the result type of the method. If the method is curried, restpe
would be another MethodType
. Note: MethodType(Nil, Int)
would be the type of a method defined with an empty parameter list.
def f(): Int
If the method is completely parameterless, as in
def f: Int
its type is a NullaryMethodType
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type NullaryMethodType >: Null <: Universe.NullaryMethodTypeApi with Universe.Type
The NullaryMethodType
type signature is used for parameterless methods with declarations of the form def foo: T
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait NullaryMethodTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all nullary method types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class NullaryMethodTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax NullaryMethodType(resultType)
. Here, resultType
is the result type of the parameterless method.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type PolyType >: Null <: Universe.PolyTypeApi with Universe.Type
The PolyType
type signature is used for polymorphic methods that have at least one type parameter.
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait PolyTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all polymorphic types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class PolyTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax PolyType(typeParams, resultType)
. Here, typeParams
are the type parameters of the method and resultType
is the type signature following the type parameters.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type RefinedType >: Null <: Universe.RefinedTypeApi with Universe.CompoundType
The RefinedType
type defines types of any of the forms on the left, with their RefinedType representations to the right.
P_1 with ... with P_m { D_1; ...; D_n} RefinedType(List(P_1, ..., P_m), Scope(D_1, ..., D_n)) P_1 with ... with P_m RefinedType(List(P_1, ..., P_m), Scope()) { D_1; ...; D_n} RefinedType(List(AnyRef), Scope(D_1, ..., D_n))
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait RefinedTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all refined types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class RefinedTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax RefinedType(parents, decls)
Here, parents
is the list of parent types of the class, and decls
is the scope containing all declarations in the class.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type SingleType >: Null <: Universe.SingleTypeApi with Universe.SingletonType
The SingleType
type describes types of any of the forms on the left, with their TypeRef representations to the right.
(T # x).type SingleType(T, x) p.x.type SingleType(p.type, x) x.type SingleType(NoPrefix, x)
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait SingleTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all single types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class SingleTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax SingleType(pre, sym)
Here, pre
is the prefix of the single-type, and sym
is the stable value symbol referred to by the single-type.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type SingletonType >: Null <: Universe.SingletonTypeApi with Universe.Type
The type of Scala singleton types, i.e., types that are inhabited by only one nun-null value. These include types of the forms
C.this.type C.super.type x.type
as well as constant types.
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait SingletonTypeApi extends AnyRef
Has no special methods. Is here to provides erased identity for SingletonType
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type SuperType >: Null <: Universe.SuperTypeApi with Universe.SingletonType
The SuperType
type is not directly written, but arises when C.super
is used as a prefix in a TypeRef
or SingleType
. Its internal presentation is
SuperType(thistpe, supertpe)
Here, thistpe
is the type of the corresponding this-type. For instance, in the type arising from C.super, the thistpe
part would be ThisType(C)
. supertpe
is the type of the super class referred to by the super
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait SuperTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all super types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class SuperTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax SuperType(thistpe, supertpe)
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type ThisType >: Null <: Universe.ThisTypeApi with Universe.SingletonType
A singleton type that describes types of the form on the left with the corresponding ThisType
representation to the right:
C.this.type ThisType(C)
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait ThisTypeApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all this types support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class ThisTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax ThisType(sym)
where sym
is the class prefix of the this type.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type Type >: Null <: Universe.TypeApi
The type of Scala types, and also Scala type signatures. (No difference is internally made between the two).
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class TypeApi extends AnyRef
The API of types. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type TypeBounds >: Null <: Universe.TypeBoundsApi with Universe.Type
The TypeBounds
type signature is used to indicate lower and upper type bounds of type parameters and abstract types. It is not a first-class type. If an abstract type or type parameter is declared with any of the forms on the left, its type signature is the TypeBounds type on the right.
T >: L <: U TypeBounds(L, U) T >: L TypeBounds(L, Any) T <: U TypeBounds(Nothing, U)
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait TypeBoundsApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all type bounds support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class TypeBoundsExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax TypeBound(lower, upper)
Here, lower
is the lower bound of the TypeBounds
pair, and upper
is the upper bound.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type TypeRef >: Null <: Universe.TypeRefApi with Universe.Type
The TypeRef
type describes types of any of the forms on the left, with their TypeRef representations to the right.
T # C[T_1, ..., T_n] TypeRef(T, C, List(T_1, ..., T_n)) p.C[T_1, ..., T_n] TypeRef(p.type, C, List(T_1, ..., T_n)) C[T_1, ..., T_n] TypeRef(NoPrefix, C, List(T_1, ..., T_n)) T # C TypeRef(T, C, Nil) p.C TypeRef(p.type, C, Nil) C TypeRef(NoPrefix, C, Nil)
- Definition Classes
- Types
trait TypeRefApi extends Universe.TypeApi
The API that all type refs support. The main source of information about types is the scala.reflect.api.Types page.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract class TypeRefExtractor extends AnyRef
An extractor class to create and pattern match with syntax TypeRef(pre, sym, args)
Here, pre
is the prefix of the type reference, sym
is the symbol referred to by the type reference, and args
is a possible empty list of type arguments.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract type Internal <: MacroInternalApi
trait MacroInternalApi extends InternalApi
abstract type Mirror >: Null <: api.Mirror[Universe.this.type]
The base type of all mirrors of this universe.
This abstract type conforms the base interface for all mirrors defined in scala.reflect.api.Mirror and is gradually refined in specific universes (e.g. Mirror
of a scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse is capable of reflection).
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
abstract type Modifiers >: Null <: ModifiersApi
The type of tree modifiers (not a tree, but rather part of DefTrees).
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract type Name >: Null <: NameApi
The abstract type of names.
- Definition Classes
- Names
abstract type Position >: Null <: api.Position { type Pos = Universe.this.Position }
Defines a universe-specific notion of positions. The main documentation entry about positions is located at scala.reflect.api.Position.
- Definition Classes
- Positions
abstract type RuntimeClass >: Null <: AnyRef
Abstracts the runtime representation of a class on the underlying platform.
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
abstract type TermName >: Null <: TermNameApi with Name
The abstract type of names representing types.
- Definition Classes
- Names
trait TreeGen extends AnyRef
abstract type TypeName >: Null <: TypeNameApi with Name
The abstract type of names representing terms.
- Definition Classes
- Names
Abstract Value Members
abstract val Alternative: AlternativeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Alternative
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val AlternativeTag: ClassTag[Alternative]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Annotated: AnnotatedExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Annotated
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val AnnotatedTag: ClassTag[Annotated]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val AnnotatedType: AnnotatedTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for AnnotatedType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val AnnotatedTypeTag: ClassTag[AnnotatedType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Annotation: AnnotationExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Annotation
- Definition Classes
- Annotations
implicit abstract val AnnotationTag: ClassTag[Annotation]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val AppliedTypeTree: AppliedTypeTreeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for AppliedTypeTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val AppliedTypeTreeTag: ClassTag[AppliedTypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Apply: ApplyExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Apply
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val ApplyTag: ClassTag[Apply]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Assign: AssignExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Assign
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val AssignTag: ClassTag[Assign]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Bind: BindExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Bind
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val BindTag: ClassTag[Bind]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Block: BlockExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Block
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val BlockTag: ClassTag[Block]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val BoundedWildcardType: BoundedWildcardTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for BoundedWildcardType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val BoundedWildcardTypeTag: ClassTag[BoundedWildcardType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val CaseDef: CaseDefExtractor
The constructor/extractor for CaseDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val CaseDefTag: ClassTag[CaseDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val ClassDef: ClassDefExtractor
The constructor/extractor for ClassDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val ClassDefTag: ClassTag[ClassDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val ClassInfoType: ClassInfoTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for ClassInfoType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val ClassInfoTypeTag: ClassTag[ClassInfoType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val ClassSymbolTag: ClassTag[ClassSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val CompoundTypeTag: ClassTag[CompoundType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val CompoundTypeTree: CompoundTypeTreeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for CompoundTypeTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val CompoundTypeTreeTag: ClassTag[CompoundTypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Constant: ConstantExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Constant
- Definition Classes
- Constants
implicit abstract val ConstantTag: ClassTag[Constant]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val ConstantType: ConstantTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for ConstantType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val ConstantTypeTag: ClassTag[ConstantType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val DefDef: DefDefExtractor
The constructor/extractor for DefDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val DefDefTag: ClassTag[DefDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val DefTreeTag: ClassTag[DefTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val EmptyTree: Tree
The empty tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract val ExistentialType: ExistentialTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for ExistentialType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val ExistentialTypeTag: ClassTag[ExistentialType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val ExistentialTypeTree: ExistentialTypeTreeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for ExistentialTypeTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val ExistentialTypeTreeTag: ClassTag[ExistentialTypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Flag: FlagValues
A module that contains all possible values that can constitute flag sets.
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets
implicit abstract val FlagSetTag: ClassTag[FlagSet]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val FreeTermSymbolTag: ClassTag[FreeTermSymbol]
Tag that preserves the identity of FreeTermSymbol
in the face of erasure. Can be used for pattern matching, instance tests, serialization and the like.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
implicit abstract val FreeTypeSymbolTag: ClassTag[FreeTypeSymbol]
Tag that preserves the identity of FreeTermSymbol
in the face of erasure. Can be used for pattern matching, instance tests, serialization and the like.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
abstract val Function: FunctionExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Function
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val FunctionTag: ClassTag[Function]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val GenericApplyTag: ClassTag[GenericApply]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident
A factory method for Ident
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract val Ident: IdentExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Ident
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val IdentTag: ClassTag[Ident]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val If: IfExtractor
The constructor/extractor for If
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val IfTag: ClassTag[If]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val ImplDefTag: ClassTag[ImplDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Import: ImportExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Import
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract val ImportSelector: ImportSelectorExtractor
The constructor/extractor for ImportSelector
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val ImportSelectorTag: ClassTag[ImportSelector]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val ImportTag: ClassTag[Import]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val JavaArgumentTag: ClassTag[JavaArgument]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val LabelDef: LabelDefExtractor
The constructor/extractor for LabelDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val LabelDefTag: ClassTag[LabelDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Literal: LiteralExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Literal
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val LiteralTag: ClassTag[Literal]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Match: MatchExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Match
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val MatchTag: ClassTag[Match]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val MemberDefTag: ClassTag[MemberDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val MemberScopeTag: ClassTag[MemberScope]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val MethodSymbolTag: ClassTag[MethodSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val MethodType: MethodTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for MethodType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val MethodTypeTag: ClassTag[MethodType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val MirrorTag: ClassTag[Mirror]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Modifiers: ModifiersExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Modifiers
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val ModifiersTag: ClassTag[Modifiers]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val ModuleDef: ModuleDefExtractor
The constructor/extractor for ModuleDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val ModuleDefTag: ClassTag[ModuleDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val ModuleSymbolTag: ClassTag[ModuleSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val NameTag: ClassTag[Name]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val NameTreeTag: ClassTag[NameTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val NamedArg: NamedArgExtractor
The constructor/extractor for NamedArg
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val NamedArgTag: ClassTag[NamedArg]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val New: NewExtractor
The constructor/extractor for New
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val NewTag: ClassTag[New]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val NoFlags: FlagSet
The empty set of flags
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets
abstract val NoPosition: Position
A special "missing" position.
- Definition Classes
- Positions
abstract val NoPrefix: Type
This constant is used as a special value denoting the empty prefix in a path dependent type. For instance x.type
is represented as SingleType(NoPrefix, <x>)
, where <x>
stands for the symbol for x
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract val NoSymbol: Symbol
A special "missing" symbol. Commonly used in the API to denote a default or empty value.
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
abstract val NoType: Type
This constant is used as a special value that indicates that no meaningful type exists.
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract val NullaryMethodType: NullaryMethodTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for NullaryMethodType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val NullaryMethodTypeTag: ClassTag[NullaryMethodType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val PackageDef: PackageDefExtractor
The constructor/extractor for PackageDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val PackageDefTag: ClassTag[PackageDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val PolyType: PolyTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for PolyType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val PolyTypeTag: ClassTag[PolyType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val PositionTag: ClassTag[Position]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val RefTree: RefTreeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for RefTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val RefTreeTag: ClassTag[RefTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val ReferenceToBoxed: ReferenceToBoxedExtractor
The constructor/extractor for ReferenceToBoxed
- Definition Classes
- Internals
implicit abstract val ReferenceToBoxedTag: ClassTag[ReferenceToBoxed]
Tag that preserves the identity of ReferenceToBoxed
in the face of erasure. Can be used for pattern matching, instance tests, serialization and the like.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
abstract val RefinedType: RefinedTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for RefinedType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val RefinedTypeTag: ClassTag[RefinedType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Return: ReturnExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Return
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val ReturnTag: ClassTag[Return]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val RuntimeClassTag: ClassTag[RuntimeClass]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val ScopeTag: ClassTag[Scope]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract def Select(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select
A factory method for Select
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract val Select: SelectExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Select
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract val SelectFromTypeTree: SelectFromTypeTreeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for SelectFromTypeTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val SelectFromTypeTreeTag: ClassTag[SelectFromTypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val SelectTag: ClassTag[Select]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val SingleType: SingleTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for SingleType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val SingleTypeTag: ClassTag[SingleType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val SingletonTypeTag: ClassTag[SingletonType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val SingletonTypeTree: SingletonTypeTreeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for SingletonTypeTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val SingletonTypeTreeTag: ClassTag[SingletonTypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Star: StarExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Star
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val StarTag: ClassTag[Star]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Super: SuperExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Super
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val SuperTag: ClassTag[Super]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val SuperType: SuperTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for SuperType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val SuperTypeTag: ClassTag[SuperType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val SymTreeTag: ClassTag[SymTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val SymbolTag: ClassTag[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Template: TemplateExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Template
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val TemplateTag: ClassTag[Template]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val TermName: TermNameExtractor
The constructor/extractor for TermName
- Definition Classes
- Names
implicit abstract val TermNameTag: ClassTag[TermName]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val TermSymbolTag: ClassTag[TermSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val TermTreeTag: ClassTag[TermTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract def This(sym: Symbol): Tree
A factory method for This
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract val This: ThisExtractor
The constructor/extractor for This
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val ThisTag: ClassTag[This]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val ThisType: ThisTypeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for ThisType
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val ThisTypeTag: ClassTag[ThisType]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Throw: ThrowExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Throw
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val ThrowTag: ClassTag[Throw]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val TreeCopierTag: ClassTag[TreeCopier]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val TreeTag: ClassTag[Tree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Try: TryExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Try
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val TryTag: ClassTag[Try]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val TypTreeTag: ClassTag[TypTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val TypeApply: TypeApplyExtractor
The constructor/extractor for TypeApply
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val TypeApplyTag: ClassTag[TypeApply]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val TypeBounds: TypeBoundsExtractor
The constructor/extractor for TypeBounds
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val TypeBoundsTag: ClassTag[TypeBounds]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val TypeBoundsTree: TypeBoundsTreeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for TypeBoundsTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val TypeBoundsTreeTag: ClassTag[TypeBoundsTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val TypeDef: TypeDefExtractor
The constructor/extractor for TypeDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val TypeDefTag: ClassTag[TypeDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val TypeName: TypeNameExtractor
The constructor/extractor for TypeName
- Definition Classes
- Names
implicit abstract val TypeNameTag: ClassTag[TypeName]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val TypeRef: TypeRefExtractor
The constructor/extractor for TypeRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract val TypeRefTag: ClassTag[TypeRef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val TypeSymbolTag: ClassTag[TypeSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val TypeTagg: ClassTag[Type]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree
A factory method for TypeTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract val TypeTree: TypeTreeExtractor
The constructor/extractor for TypeTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val TypeTreeTag: ClassTag[TypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val Typed: TypedExtractor
The constructor/extractor for Typed
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val TypedTag: ClassTag[Typed]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val UnApply: UnApplyExtractor
The constructor/extractor for UnApply
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val UnApplyTag: ClassTag[UnApply]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val ValDef: ValDefExtractor
The constructor/extractor for ValDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
implicit abstract val ValDefTag: ClassTag[ValDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
implicit abstract val ValOrDefDefTag: ClassTag[ValOrDefDef]
- Definition Classes
- ImplicitTags
abstract val WildcardType: Type
An object representing an unknown type, used during type inference. If you see WildcardType outside of inference it is almost certainly a bug.
- Definition Classes
- Types
implicit abstract def addFlagOps(left: FlagSet): FlagOps
The API of FlagSet
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets
abstract def annotationToTree(ann: Annotation): Tree
- Attributes
- protected[scala]
- Definition Classes
- Annotations
abstract def appliedType(sym: Symbol, args: Type*): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- See also
abstract def appliedType(sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- See also
abstract def appliedType(tycon: Type, args: Type*): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- See also
abstract def appliedType(tycon: Type, args: List[Type]): Type
A creator for type applications.
Useful to combine and create types out of generic ones. For example:
scala> val boolType = typeOf[Boolean] boolType: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = Boolean scala> val optionType = typeOf[Option[_]] optionType: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = Option[_] scala> appliedType(optionType.typeConstructor, boolType) res0: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = Option[Boolean]
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract def atPos[T <: Tree](pos: Position)(tree: T): T
Assigns a given position to all position-less nodes of a given AST.
- Definition Classes
- Positions
abstract val definitions: DefinitionsApi
A value containing all standard definitions in DefinitionsApi
- Definition Classes
- StandardDefinitions
abstract def glb(ts: List[Type]): Type
The greatest lower bound of a list of types, as determined by <:<
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract val internal: Internal
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- See also
abstract def lub(xs: List[Type]): Type
The least upper bound of a list of types, as determined by <:<
- Definition Classes
- Types
abstract def newCodePrinter(out: PrintWriter, tree: Tree, printRootPkg: Boolean): TreePrinter
Hook to define what showCode(...)
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Printers
abstract def newLazyTreeCopier: TreeCopier
Creates a lazy tree copier.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract def newRawTreePrinter(out: PrintWriter): TreePrinter
Hook to define what showRaw(...)
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Printers
abstract def newStrictTreeCopier: TreeCopier
Creates a strict tree copier.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract def newTreePrinter(out: PrintWriter): TreePrinter
Hook to define what show(...)
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Printers
abstract val noSelfType: ValDef
An empty deferred value definition corresponding to: val _: _ This is used as a placeholder in the self
parameter Template if there is no definition of a self value of self type.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract val pendingSuperCall: Apply
An empty superclass constructor call corresponding to: super.<init>() This is used as a placeholder in the primary constructor body in class templates to denote the insertion point of a call to superclass constructor after the typechecker figures out the superclass of a given template.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
abstract val rootMirror: Mirror
The root mirror of this universe. This mirror contains standard Scala classes and types such as Any
, AnyRef
, AnyVal
, Nothing
, Null
, and all classes loaded from scala-library, which are shared across all mirrors within the enclosing universe.
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
abstract def show(position: Position): String
Renders a prettified representation of a position.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
abstract def show(flags: FlagSet): String
Renders a prettified representation of a flag set.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
abstract def show(name: Name): String
Renders a prettified representation of a name.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
abstract def showDecl(sym: Symbol): String
Renders a string that represents a declaration of this symbol written in Scala.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
abstract def symbolOf[T](implicit arg0: WeakTypeTag[T]): TypeSymbol
Type symbol of x
as derived from a type tag.
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
abstract val termNames: TermNamesApi
A value containing all standard term names.
- Definition Classes
- StandardNames
abstract def treeToAnnotation(tree: Tree): Annotation
- Attributes
- protected[scala]
- Definition Classes
- Annotations
abstract val typeNames: TypeNamesApi
A value containing all standard type names.
- Definition Classes
- StandardNames
abstract def wrappingPos(trees: List[Tree]): Position
A position that wraps the non-empty set of trees. The point of the wrapping position is the point of the first trees' position. If all some the trees are non-synthetic, returns a range position enclosing the non-synthetic trees Otherwise returns a synthetic offset position to point.
- Definition Classes
- Positions
abstract def wrappingPos(default: Position, trees: List[Tree]): Position
A position that wraps a set of trees. The point of the wrapping position is the point of the default position. If some of the trees are ranges, returns a range position enclosing all ranges Otherwise returns default position.
- Definition Classes
- Positions
abstract def Apply(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree
A factory method for Apply
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use q"$sym(..$args)" instead
abstract def ApplyConstructor(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree
0-1 argument list new, based on a type tree.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use q"new $tpt(..$args)" instead
abstract def Bind(sym: Symbol, body: Tree): Bind
A factory method for Bind
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use the canonical Bind constructor to create a bind and then initialize its symbol manually
abstract def Block(stats: Tree*): Block
A factory method for Block
nodes. Flattens directly nested blocks.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use q"{..$stats}" instead. Flatten directly nested blocks manually if needed
abstract def CaseDef(pat: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef
A factory method for CaseDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use cq"$pat => $body" instead
abstract def Ident(name: String): Ident
A factory method for Ident
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use Ident(TermName(name)) instead
abstract def New(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree
0-1 argument list new, based on a symbol.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use q"new ${sym.toType}(..$args)" instead
abstract def New(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Tree
0-1 argument list new, based on a type.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use q"new $tpe(..$args)" instead
abstract def New(tpt: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree
Factory method for object creation new tpt(args_1)...(args_n)
A New(t, as)
is expanded to: (new t).<init>(as)
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use q"new $tpt(...$argss)" instead
abstract def Select(qualifier: Tree, name: String): Select
A factory method for Select
nodes. The string name
argument is assumed to represent a TermName
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use Select(tree, TermName(name)) instead
abstract def Super(sym: Symbol, mix: TypeName): Tree
A factory method for Super
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use q"$sym.super[$mix].x".qualifier instead
abstract def Throw(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Throw
A factory method for Throw
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use q"throw new $tpe(..$args)" instead
abstract def Try(body: Tree, cases: (Tree, Tree)*): Try
A factory method for Try
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) convert cases into casedefs and use q"try $body catch { case ..$newcases }" instead
abstract val compat: Compat
Provides enrichments to ensure source compatibility between Scala 2.10 and Scala 2.11. If in your reflective program for Scala 2.10 you've used something that's now become an internal API, a single compat._
import will fix things for you.
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) compatibility with Scala 2.10 EOL
abstract val emptyValDef: ValDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use
abstract def newTermName(s: String): TermName
Create a new term name.
- Definition Classes
- Names
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use TermName instead
abstract def newTypeName(s: String): TypeName
Creates a new type name.
- Definition Classes
- Names
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use TypeName instead
abstract val nme: TermNamesApi
- Definition Classes
- StandardNames
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use
instead- See also
abstract val tpnme: TypeNamesApi
- Definition Classes
- StandardNames
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use
instead- See also
abstract val treeBuild: TreeGen
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use
instead- See also
Concrete Value Members
object Expr extends
Constructor/Extractor for Expr.
Can be useful, when having a tree and wanting to splice it in reify call, in which case the tree first needs to be wrapped in an expr.
The main source of information about exprs is the scala.reflect.api.Exprs page.
- Definition Classes
- Exprs
object Liftable extends Universe.StandardLiftableInstances
Companion to Liftable
type class that contains standard instances and provides a helper apply
method to simplify creation of new ones.
- Definition Classes
- Liftables
object Unliftable extends Universe.StandardUnliftableInstances
Companion to Unliftable
type class that contains standard instances and provides a helper apply
method to simplify creation of new ones.
- Definition Classes
- Liftables
object BooleanFlag extends
- Definition Classes
- Printers
object TypeTag extends
Type tags corresponding to primitive types and constructor/extractor for WeakTypeTags.
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
object WeakTypeTag extends
Type tags corresponding to primitive types and constructor/extractor for WeakTypeTags.
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
final def ##(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
def +(other: String): String
def ->[B](y: B): (Universe, B)
final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
def Modifiers(flags: FlagSet): Modifiers
The factory for Modifiers
- Definition Classes
- Trees
def Modifiers(flags: FlagSet, privateWithin: Name): Modifiers
The factory for Modifiers
- Definition Classes
- Trees
lazy val NoMods: Modifiers
An empty Modifiers
object: no flags, empty visibility annotation and no Scala annotations.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[java.lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
def ensuring(cond: (Universe) => Boolean, msg: => Any): Universe
def ensuring(cond: (Universe) => Boolean): Universe
def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: => Any): Universe
def ensuring(cond: Boolean): Universe
final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
def finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[java.lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable])
def formatted(fmtstr: String): String
final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
def itransform(transformer: Transformer, tree: Tree): Tree
Delegates the transformation strategy to scala.reflect.internal.Trees
, because pattern matching on abstract types we have here degrades performance.
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Trees
final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
macro def reify[T](expr: T): Expr[T]
Use reify
to produce the abstract syntax tree representing a given Scala expression.
For example:
val five = reify{ 5 } // Literal(Constant(5)) reify{ 5.toString } // Apply(Select(Literal(Constant(5)), TermName("toString")), List()) reify{ five.splice.toString } // Apply(Select(five, TermName("toString")), List())
The produced tree is path dependent on the Universe reify
was called from.
Use scala.reflect.api.Exprs#Expr.splice to embed an existing expression into a reify
call. Use Expr to turn a Tree into an expression that can be spliced.
- Definition Classes
- Universe
def render(what: Any, mkPrinter: (PrintWriter) => TreePrinter, printTypes: BooleanFlag = None, printIds: BooleanFlag = None, printOwners: BooleanFlag = None, printKinds: BooleanFlag = None, printMirrors: BooleanFlag = None, printPositions: BooleanFlag = None): String
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Printers
def show(any: Any, printTypes: BooleanFlag = None, printIds: BooleanFlag = None, printOwners: BooleanFlag = None, printKinds: BooleanFlag = None, printMirrors: BooleanFlag = None, printPositions: BooleanFlag = None): String
Renders a representation of a reflection artifact as desugared Scala code.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
def showCode(tree: Tree, printTypes: BooleanFlag = None, printIds: BooleanFlag = None, printOwners: BooleanFlag = None, printPositions: BooleanFlag = None, printRootPkg: Boolean = false): String
Renders the code of the passed tree, so that: 1) it can be later compiled by scalac retaining the same meaning, 2) it looks pretty. #1 is available for unattributed trees and attributed trees #2 is more or less okay indentation-wise, but at the moment there's a lot of desugaring left in place, and that's what we plan to improve in the future. printTypes, printIds, printPositions options have the same meaning as for TreePrinter printRootPkg option is available only for attributed trees.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
def showRaw(position: Position): String
Renders internal structure of a position.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
def showRaw(flags: FlagSet): String
Renders internal structure of a flag set.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
def showRaw(name: Name): String
Renders internal structure of a name.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
def showRaw(any: Any, printTypes: BooleanFlag = None, printIds: BooleanFlag = None, printOwners: BooleanFlag = None, printKinds: BooleanFlag = None, printMirrors: BooleanFlag = None, printPositions: BooleanFlag = None): String
Renders internal structure of a reflection artifact as the visualization of a Scala syntax tree.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
val treeCopy: TreeCopier
The standard (lazy) tree copier.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
def treeToString(tree: Tree): String
By default trees are printed with show
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Printers
def typeOf[T](implicit ttag: TypeTag[T]): Type
Shortcut for implicitly[TypeTag[T]].tpe
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
def typeTag[T](implicit ttag: TypeTag[T]): TypeTag[T]
Shortcut for implicitly[TypeTag[T]]
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
def weakTypeOf[T](implicit attag: WeakTypeTag[T]): Type
Shortcut for implicitly[WeakTypeTag[T]].tpe
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
def weakTypeTag[T](implicit attag: WeakTypeTag[T]): WeakTypeTag[T]
Shortcut for implicitly[WeakTypeTag[T]]
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
def xtransform(transformer: Transformer, tree: Tree): Tree
Provides an extension hook for the transformation strategy. Future-proofs against new node types.
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Trees
© 2002-2019 EPFL, with contributions from Lightbend.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
The refinement of scala.reflect.api.Universe for the use by macro writers.
This universe provides mutability for reflection artifacts (e.g. macros can change types of compiler trees, add annotation to symbols representing definitions, etc) and exposes some internal compiler functionality such as