class IPAddr
IPAddr provides a set of methods to manipulate an IP address. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
require 'ipaddr' ipaddr1 = "3ffe:505:2::1" p ipaddr1 #=> #<IPAddr: IPv6:3ffe:0505:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff> p ipaddr1.to_s #=> "3ffe:505:2::1" ipaddr2 = ipaddr1.mask(48) #=> #<IPAddr: IPv6:3ffe:0505:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/ffff:ffff:ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000> p ipaddr2.to_s #=> "3ffe:505:2::" ipaddr3 = "" p ipaddr3 #=> #<IPAddr: IPv4:>
32 bit mask for IPv4
Format string for IPv6
128 bit mask for IPv6
Regexp internally used for parsing IPv4 address.
Regexp internally used for parsing IPv6 address.
Regexp internally used for parsing IPv6 address.
Returns the address family of this IP address.
Public Class Methods
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 556 def initialize(addr = '::', family = Socket::AF_UNSPEC) if !addr.kind_of?(String) case family when Socket::AF_INET, Socket::AF_INET6 set(addr.to_i, family) @mask_addr = (family == Socket::AF_INET) ? IN4MASK : IN6MASK return when Socket::AF_UNSPEC raise AddressFamilyError, "address family must be specified" else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family: #{family}" end end prefix, prefixlen = addr.split('/') if prefix =~ /\A\[(.*)\]\z/i prefix = $1 family = Socket::AF_INET6 end # It seems AI_NUMERICHOST doesn't do the job. #Socket.getaddrinfo(left, nil, Socket::AF_INET6, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, nil, # Socket::AI_NUMERICHOST) @addr = @family = nil if family == Socket::AF_UNSPEC || family == Socket::AF_INET @addr = in_addr(prefix) if @addr @family = Socket::AF_INET end end if !@addr && (family == Socket::AF_UNSPEC || family == Socket::AF_INET6) @addr = in6_addr(prefix) @family = Socket::AF_INET6 end if family != Socket::AF_UNSPEC && @family != family raise AddressFamilyError, "address family mismatch" end if prefixlen mask!(prefixlen) else @mask_addr = (@family == Socket::AF_INET) ? IN4MASK : IN6MASK end end
Creates a new ipaddr object either from a human readable IP address representation in string, or from a packed #in_addr value followed by an address family.
In the former case, the following are the valid formats that will be recognized: “address”, “address/prefixlen” and “address/mask”, where IPv6 address may be enclosed in square brackets (`[' and `]'). If a prefixlen or a mask is specified, it returns a masked IP address. Although the address family is determined automatically from a specified string, you can specify one explicitly by the optional second argument.
Otherwise an IP address is generated from a packed #in_addr value and an address family.
The IPAddr class defines many methods and operators, and some of those, such as &, |, include? and ==, accept a string, or a packed #in_addr value instead of an IPAddr object.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 105 def IPAddr::new_ntoh(addr) return end
Creates a new ipaddr containing the given network byte ordered string form of an IP address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 111 def IPAddr::ntop(addr) case addr.size when 4 s = addr.unpack('C4').join('.') when 16 s = IN6FORMAT % addr.unpack('n8') else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end return s end
Convert a network byte ordered string form of an IP address into human readable form.
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 124 def &(other) return self.clone.set(@addr & coerce_other(other).to_i) end
Returns a new ipaddr built by bitwise AND.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 139 def <<(num) return self.clone.set(addr_mask(@addr << num)) end
Returns a new ipaddr built by bitwise left shift.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 390 def <=>(other) other = coerce_other(other) rescue nil else @addr <=> other.to_i if == @family end
Compares the ipaddr with another.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 149 def ==(other) other = coerce_other(other) rescue false else @family == && @addr == other.to_i end
Returns true if two ipaddrs are equal.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 134 def >>(num) return self.clone.set(@addr >> num) end
Returns a new ipaddr built by bitwise right-shift.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 400 def eql?(other) return self.class == other.class && self.hash == other.hash && self == other end
Checks equality used by Hash.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 238 def hton case @family when Socket::AF_INET return [@addr].pack('N') when Socket::AF_INET6 return (0..7).map { |i| (@addr >> (112 - 16 * i)) & 0xffff }.pack('n8') else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end end
Returns a network byte ordered string form of the IP address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 172 def include?(other) other = coerce_other(other) if ipv4_mapped? if (@mask_addr >> 32) != 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff return false end mask_addr = (@mask_addr & IN4MASK) addr = (@addr & IN4MASK) family = Socket::AF_INET else mask_addr = @mask_addr addr = @addr family = @family end if other.ipv4_mapped? other_addr = (other.to_i & IN4MASK) other_family = Socket::AF_INET else other_addr = other.to_i other_family = end if family != other_family return false end return ((addr & mask_addr) == (other_addr & mask_addr)) end
Returns true if the given ipaddr is in the range.
require 'ipaddr' net1 ="") net2 ="") net3 ="") p net1.include?(net2) #=> true p net1.include?(net3) #=> false
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 456 def inspect case @family when Socket::AF_INET af = "IPv4" when Socket::AF_INET6 af = "IPv6" else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end return sprintf("#<%s: %s:%s/%s>",, af, _to_string(@addr), _to_string(@mask_addr)) end
Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of the ipaddr. (“#<IPAddr: family:address/mask>”)
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 369 def ip6_arpa if !ipv6? raise InvalidAddressError, "not an IPv6 address" end return _reverse + "" end
Returns a string for DNS reverse lookup compatible with RFC3172.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 377 def ip6_int if !ipv6? raise InvalidAddressError, "not an IPv6 address" end return _reverse + "" end
Returns a string for DNS reverse lookup compatible with RFC1886.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 252 def ipv4? return @family == Socket::AF_INET end
Returns true if the ipaddr is an IPv4 address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 337 def ipv4_compat warn "IPAddr\##{__callee__} is obsolete", uplevel: 1 if $VERBOSE if !ipv4? raise InvalidAddressError, "not an IPv4 address" end return self.clone.set(@addr, Socket::AF_INET6) end
Returns a new ipaddr built by converting the native IPv4 address into an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 311 def ipv4_compat? warn "IPAddr\##{__callee__} is obsolete", uplevel: 1 if $VERBOSE _ipv4_compat? end
Returns true if the ipaddr is an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 328 def ipv4_mapped if !ipv4? raise InvalidAddressError, "not an IPv4 address" end return self.clone.set(@addr | 0xffff00000000, Socket::AF_INET6) end
Returns a new ipaddr built by converting the native IPv4 address into an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 306 def ipv4_mapped? return ipv6? && (@addr >> 32) == 0xffff end
Returns true if the ipaddr is an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 257 def ipv6? return @family == Socket::AF_INET6 end
Returns true if the ipaddr is an IPv6 address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 294 def link_local? case @family when Socket::AF_INET @addr & 0xffff0000 == 0xa9fe0000 # when Socket::AF_INET6 @addr & 0xffc0_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 == 0xfe80_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end end
Returns true if the ipaddr is a link-local address. IPv4 addresses in reserved by RFC 3927 and Link-Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses in fe80::/10 reserved by RFC 4291 are considered link-local.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 262 def loopback? case @family when Socket::AF_INET @addr & 0xff000000 == 0x7f000000 when Socket::AF_INET6 @addr == 1 else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end end
Returns true if the ipaddr is a loopback address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 159 def mask(prefixlen) return self.clone.mask!(prefixlen) end
Returns a new ipaddr built by masking IP address with the given prefixlen/netmask. (e.g. 8, 64, “”, etc.)
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 348 def native if !ipv4_mapped? && !_ipv4_compat? return self end return self.clone.set(@addr & IN4MASK, Socket::AF_INET) end
Returns a new ipaddr built by converting the IPv6 address into a native IPv4 address. If the IP address is not an IPv4-mapped or IPv4-compatible IPv6 address, returns self.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 426 def prefix case @family when Socket::AF_INET n = IN4MASK ^ @mask_addr i = 32 when Socket::AF_INET6 n = IN6MASK ^ @mask_addr i = 128 else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end while n.positive? n >>= 1 i -= 1 end i end
Returns the prefix length in bits for the ipaddr.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 445 def prefix=(prefix) case prefix when Integer mask!(prefix) else raise InvalidPrefixError, "prefix must be an integer" end end
Sets the prefix length in bits
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 277 def private? case @family when Socket::AF_INET @addr & 0xff000000 == 0x0a000000 || # @addr & 0xfff00000 == 0xac100000 || # @addr & 0xffff0000 == 0xc0a80000 # when Socket::AF_INET6 @addr & 0xfe00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 == 0xfc00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end end
Returns true if the ipaddr is a private address. IPv4 addresses in, and as defined in RFC 1918 and IPv6 Unique Local Addresses in fc00::/7 as defined in RFC 4193 are considered private.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 357 def reverse case @family when Socket::AF_INET return _reverse + "" when Socket::AF_INET6 return ip6_arpa else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end end
Returns a string for DNS reverse lookup. It returns a string in RFC3172 form for an IPv6 address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 385 def succ return self.clone.set(@addr + 1, @family) end
Returns the successor to the ipaddr.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 202 def to_i return @addr end
Returns the integer representation of the ipaddr.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 410 def to_range begin_addr = (@addr & @mask_addr) case @family when Socket::AF_INET end_addr = (@addr | (IN4MASK ^ @mask_addr)) when Socket::AF_INET6 end_addr = (@addr | (IN6MASK ^ @mask_addr)) else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end return clone.set(begin_addr, @family)..clone.set(end_addr, @family) end
Creates a Range object for the network address.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 207 def to_s str = to_string return str if ipv4? str.gsub!(/\b0{1,3}([\da-f]+)\b/i, '\1') loop do break if str.sub!(/\A0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\z/, '::') break if str.sub!(/\b0:0:0:0:0:0:0\b/, ':') break if str.sub!(/\b0:0:0:0:0:0\b/, ':') break if str.sub!(/\b0:0:0:0:0\b/, ':') break if str.sub!(/\b0:0:0:0\b/, ':') break if str.sub!(/\b0:0:0\b/, ':') break if str.sub!(/\b0:0\b/, ':') break end str.sub!(/:{3,}/, '::') if /\A::(ffff:)?([\da-f]{1,4}):([\da-f]{1,4})\z/i =~ str str = sprintf('::%s%d.%d.%d.%d', $1, $2.hex / 256, $2.hex % 256, $3.hex / 256, $3.hex % 256) end str end
Returns a string containing the IP address representation.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 233 def to_string return _to_string(@addr) end
Returns a string containing the IP address representation in canonical form.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 129 def |(other) return self.clone.set(@addr | coerce_other(other).to_i) end
Returns a new ipaddr built by bitwise OR.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 144 def ~ return self.clone.set(addr_mask(~@addr)) end
Returns a new ipaddr built by bitwise negation.
Protected Instance Methods
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 495 def mask!(mask) case mask when String if mask =~ /\A\d+\z/ prefixlen = mask.to_i else m = if != @family raise InvalidPrefixError, "address family is not same" end @mask_addr = m.to_i n = @mask_addr ^ m.instance_variable_get(:@mask_addr) unless ((n + 1) & n).zero? raise InvalidPrefixError, "invalid mask #{mask}" end @addr &= @mask_addr return self end else prefixlen = mask end case @family when Socket::AF_INET if prefixlen < 0 || prefixlen > 32 raise InvalidPrefixError, "invalid length" end masklen = 32 - prefixlen @mask_addr = ((IN4MASK >> masklen) << masklen) when Socket::AF_INET6 if prefixlen < 0 || prefixlen > 128 raise InvalidPrefixError, "invalid length" end masklen = 128 - prefixlen @mask_addr = ((IN6MASK >> masklen) << masklen) else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end @addr = ((@addr >> masklen) << masklen) return self end
Set current netmask to given mask.
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 474 def set(addr, *family) case family[0] ? family[0] : @family when Socket::AF_INET if addr < 0 || addr > IN4MASK raise InvalidAddressError, "invalid address" end when Socket::AF_INET6 if addr < 0 || addr > IN6MASK raise InvalidAddressError, "invalid address" end else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end @addr = addr if family[0] @family = family[0] end return self end
Set +@addr+, the internal stored ip address, to given addr
. The parameter addr
is validated using the first family
member, which is Socket::AF_INET
or Socket::AF_INET6
Private Instance Methods
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 316 def _ipv4_compat? if !ipv6? || (@addr >> 32) != 0 return false end a = (@addr & IN4MASK) return a != 0 && a != 1 end
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 672 def _reverse case @family when Socket::AF_INET return (0..3).map { |i| (@addr >> (8 * i)) & 0xff }.join('.') when Socket::AF_INET6 return ("%.32x" % @addr).reverse!.gsub!(/.(?!$)/, '\&.') else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end end
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 685 def _to_string(addr) case @family when Socket::AF_INET return (0..3).map { |i| (addr >> (24 - 8 * i)) & 0xff }.join('.') when Socket::AF_INET6 return (("%.32x" % addr).gsub!(/.{4}(?!$)/, '\&:')) else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end end
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 661 def addr_mask(addr) case @family when Socket::AF_INET return addr & IN4MASK when Socket::AF_INET6 return addr & IN6MASK else raise AddressFamilyError, "unsupported address family" end end
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 598 def coerce_other(other) case other when IPAddr other when String else, @family) end end
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 624 def in6_addr(left) case left when RE_IPV6ADDRLIKE_FULL if $2 addr = in_addr($~[2,4]) left = $1 + ':' else addr = 0 end right = '' when RE_IPV6ADDRLIKE_COMPRESSED if $4 left.count(':') <= 6 or raise InvalidAddressError, "invalid address" addr = in_addr($~[4,4]) left = $1 right = $3 + '0:0' else left.count(':') <= ($1.empty? || $2.empty? ? 8 : 7) or raise InvalidAddressError, "invalid address" left = $1 right = $2 addr = 0 end else raise InvalidAddressError, "invalid address" end l = left.split(':') r = right.split(':') rest = 8 - l.size - r.size if rest < 0 return nil end (l +, '0') + r).inject(0) { |i, s| i << 16 | s.hex } | addr end
# File lib/ipaddr.rb, line 609 def in_addr(addr) case addr when Array octets = addr else m = RE_IPV4ADDRLIKE.match(addr) or return nil octets = m.captures end octets.inject(0) { |i, s| (n = s.to_i) < 256 or raise InvalidAddressError, "invalid address" s.match(/\A0./) and raise InvalidAddressError, "zero-filled number in IPv4 address is ambiguous" i << 8 | n } end
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Licensed under the Ruby License.
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