ReQL command: status

Command syntax

table.status() → selection<object>


Return the status of a table.

The return value is an object providing information about the table’s shards, replicas and replica readiness states. For a more complete discussion of the object fields, read about the table_status table in System tables.

  • id: the UUID of the table.
  • name: the table’s name.
  • db: the database the table is in.
  • status: the subfields in this field indicate whether all shards of the table are ready to accept the given type of query: outdated_reads, reads and writes. The all_replicas_ready field indicates whether all backfills have finished.
  • shards: one entry for each shard in table_config. Each shard’s object has the following fields:
    • primary_replicas: a list of zero or more servers acting as primary replicas for the table.
    • replicas: a list of all servers acting as a replica for that shard. The state field may be one of the following: ready, transitioning, backfilling, disconnected, waiting_for_primary, or waiting_for_quorum.

Example: Get a table’s status.


Example return:

  :db => "database",
  :id => "5cb35225-81b2-4cec-9eef-bfad15481265",
  :name => "superheroes",
  :shards => [
      :primary_replicas => ["jeeves"],
      :replicas => [
          :server => "jeeves",
          :state => "ready"
      :primary_replicas => ["jeeves"],
      :replicas => [
          :server => "jeeves",
          :state => "ready"
  :status => {
    :all_replicas_ready => true,
    :ready_for_outdated_reads => true,
    :ready_for_reads => true,
    :ready_for_writes => true

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