10.18 Documentation comments
(Introduced in OCaml 4.03)
Comments which start with ** are treated specially by the compiler. They are automatically converted during parsing into attributes (see 10.12) to allow tools to process them as documentation.
Such comments can take three forms: floating comments, item comments and label comments. Any comment starting with ** which does not match one of these forms will cause the compiler to emit warning 50.
Comments which start with ** are also used by the ocamldoc documentation generator (see 17). The three comment forms recognised by the compiler are a subset of the forms accepted by ocamldoc (see 17.2).
10.18.1 Floating comments
Comments surrounded by blank lines that appear within structures, signatures, classes or class types are converted into floating-attributes. For example:
type t = T (** Now some definitions for [t] *) let mkT = T
will be converted to:
type t = T [@@@ocaml.text " Now some definitions for [t] "] let mkT = T
10.18.2 Item comments
Comments which appear immediately before or immediately after a structure item, signature item, class item or class type item are converted into item-attributes. Immediately before or immediately after means that there must be no blank lines, ;;, or other documentation comments between them. For example:
type t = T (** A description of [t] *)
(** A description of [t] *) type t = T
will be converted to:
type t = T [@@ocaml.doc " A description of [t] "]
Note that, if a comment appears immediately next to multiple items, as in:
type t = T (** An ambiguous comment *) type s = S
then it will be attached to both items:
type t = T [@@ocaml.doc " An ambiguous comment "] type s = S [@@ocaml.doc " An ambiguous comment "]
and the compiler will emit warning 50.
10.18.3 Label comments
Comments which appear immediately after a labelled argument, record field, variant constructor, object method or polymorphic variant constructor are are converted into attributes. Immediately after means that there must be no blank lines or other documentation comments between them. For example:
type t1 = lbl:int (** Labelled argument *) -> unit type t2 = { fld: int; (** Record field *) fld2: float; } type t3 = | Cstr of string (** Variant constructor *) | Cstr2 of string type t4 = < meth: int * int; (** Object method *) > type t5 = [ `PCstr (** Polymorphic variant constructor *) ]
will be converted to:
type t1 = lbl:(int [@ocaml.doc " Labelled argument "]) -> unit type t2 = { fld: int [@ocaml.doc " Record field "]; fld2: float; } type t3 = | Cstr of string [@ocaml.doc " Variant constructor "] | Cstr2 of string type t4 = < meth : int * int [@ocaml.doc " Object method "] > type t5 = [ `PCstr [@ocaml.doc " Polymorphic variant constructor "] ]
Note that label comments take precedence over item comments, so:
type t = T of string (** Attaches to T not t *)
will be converted to:
type t = T of string [@ocaml.doc " Attaches to T not t "]
type t = T of string (** Attaches to T not t *) (** Attaches to t *)
will be converted to:
type t = T of string [@ocaml.doc " Attaches to T not t "] [@@ocaml.doc " Attaches to t "]
In the absence of meaningful comment on the last constructor of a type, an empty comment (**) can be used instead:
type t = T of string (**) (** Attaches to t *)
will be converted directly to
type t = T of string [@@ocaml.doc " Attaches to t "]
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