Extending via Numba and CFFI
Building the required library in this example requires a source distribution
of NumPy or clone of the NumPy git repository since distributions.c is not
included in binary distributions.
On *nix, execute in numpy/random/src/distributions
export ${PYTHON_VERSION}=3.8 # Python version
export PYTHON_INCLUDE=#path to Python's include folder, usually \
export NUMPY_INCLUDE=#path to numpy's include folder, usually \
gcc -shared -o libdistributions.so -fPIC distributions.c \
mv libdistributions.so ../../_examples/numba/
On Windows
rem PYTHON_HOME and PYTHON_VERSION are setup dependent, this is an example
set PYTHON_HOME=c:\Anaconda
cl.exe /LD .\distributions.c -DDLL_EXPORT \
-I%PYTHON_HOME%\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include \
-I%PYTHON_HOME%\include %PYTHON_HOME%\libs\python%PYTHON_VERSION%.lib
move distributions.dll ../../_examples/numba/
import os
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from cffi import FFI
from numpy.random import PCG64
ffi = FFI()
if os.path.exists('./distributions.dll'):
lib = ffi.dlopen('./distributions.dll')
elif os.path.exists('./libdistributions.so'):
lib = ffi.dlopen('./libdistributions.so')
raise RuntimeError('Required DLL/so file was not found.')
double random_standard_normal(void *bitgen_state);
x = PCG64()
xffi = x.cffi
bit_generator = xffi.bit_generator
random_standard_normal = lib.random_standard_normal
def normals(n, bit_generator):
out = np.empty(n)
for i in range(n):
out[i] = random_standard_normal(bit_generator)
return out
normalsj = nb.jit(normals, nopython=True)
# Numba requires a memory address for void *
# Can also get address from x.ctypes.bit_generator.value
bit_generator_address = int(ffi.cast('uintptr_t', bit_generator))
norm = normalsj(1000, bit_generator_address)
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