class BladeCompiler extends Compiler implements CompilerInterface (View source)
protected Filesystem | $files | The Filesystem instance. | from Compiler |
protected string | $cachePath | Get the cache path for the compiled views. | from Compiler |
static protected array | $componentHashStack | The component name hash stack. | from CompilesComponents |
protected bool | $firstCaseInSwitch | Identifier for the first case in switch statement. | from CompilesConditionals |
protected string | $lastSection | The name of the last section that was started. | from CompilesLayouts |
protected int | $forElseCounter | Counter to keep track of nested forelse statements. | from CompilesLoops |
protected array | $extensions | All of the registered extensions. | |
protected array | $customDirectives | All custom "directive" handlers. | |
protected array | $conditions | All custom "condition" handlers. | |
protected array | $precompilers | All of the registered precompilers. | |
protected string | $path | The file currently being compiled. | |
protected array | $compilers | All of the available compiler functions. | |
protected array | $rawTags | Array of opening and closing tags for raw echos. | |
protected array | $contentTags | Array of opening and closing tags for regular echos. | |
protected array | $escapedTags | Array of opening and closing tags for escaped echos. | |
protected string | $echoFormat | The "regular" / legacy echo string format. | |
protected array | $footer | Array of footer lines to be added to template. | |
protected array | $rawBlocks | Array to temporary store the raw blocks found in the template. | |
protected array | $classComponentAliases | The array of class component aliases and their class names. | |
protected bool | $compilesComponentTags | Indicates if component tags should be compiled. |
void | __construct(Filesystem $files, string $cachePath) Create a new compiler instance. | from Compiler |
string | getCompiledPath(string $path) Get the path to the compiled version of a view. | from Compiler |
bool | isExpired(string $path) Determine if the view at the given path is expired. | from Compiler |
string | compileCan(string $expression) Compile the can statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesAuthorizations |
string | compileCannot(string $expression) Compile the cannot statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesAuthorizations |
string | compileCanany(string $expression) Compile the canany statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesAuthorizations |
string | compileElsecan(string $expression) Compile the else-can statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesAuthorizations |
string | compileElsecannot(string $expression) Compile the else-cannot statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesAuthorizations |
string | compileElsecanany(string $expression) Compile the else-canany statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesAuthorizations |
string | compileEndcan() Compile the end-can statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesAuthorizations |
string | compileEndcannot() Compile the end-cannot statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesAuthorizations |
string | compileEndcanany() Compile the end-canany statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesAuthorizations |
string | compileComments(string $value) Compile Blade comments into an empty string. | from CompilesComments |
string | compileComponent(string $expression) Compile the component statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesComponents |
static string | newComponentHash(string $component) Get a new component hash for a component name. | from CompilesComponents |
static string | compileClassComponentOpening(string $component, string $alias, string $data, string $hash) Compile a class component opening. | from CompilesComponents |
string | compileEndComponent() Compile the end-component statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesComponents |
string | compileEndComponentClass() Compile the end-component statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesComponents |
string | compileSlot(string $expression) Compile the slot statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesComponents |
string | compileEndSlot() Compile the end-slot statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesComponents |
string | compileComponentFirst(string $expression) Compile the component-first statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesComponents |
string | compileEndComponentFirst() Compile the end-component-first statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesComponents |
string | compileProps(string $expression) Compile the prop statement into valid PHP. | from CompilesComponents |
static mixed | sanitizeComponentAttribute(mixed $value) Sanitize the given component attribute value. | from CompilesComponents |
string | compileAuth(string|null $guard = null) Compile the if-auth statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileElseAuth(string|null $guard = null) Compile the else-auth statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEndAuth() Compile the end-auth statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEnv(string $environments) Compile the env statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEndEnv() Compile the end-env statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileProduction() Compile the production statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEndProduction() Compile the end-production statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileGuest(string|null $guard = null) Compile the if-guest statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileElseGuest(string|null $guard = null) Compile the else-guest statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEndGuest() Compile the end-guest statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileHasSection(string $expression) Compile the has-section statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileSectionMissing(string $expression) Compile the section-missing statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileIf(string $expression) Compile the if statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileUnless(string $expression) Compile the unless statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileElseif(string $expression) Compile the else-if statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileElse() Compile the else statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEndif() Compile the end-if statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEndunless() Compile the end-unless statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileIsset(string $expression) Compile the if-isset statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEndIsset() Compile the end-isset statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileSwitch(string $expression) Compile the switch statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileCase(string $expression) Compile the case statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileDefault() Compile the default statements in switch case into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEndSwitch() Compile the end switch statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileOnce($id = null) Compile an once block into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEndOnce() Compile an end-once block into valid PHP. | from CompilesConditionals |
string | compileEchos(string $value) Compile Blade echos into valid PHP. | from CompilesEchos |
array | getEchoMethods() Get the echo methods in the proper order for compilation. | from CompilesEchos |
string | compileRawEchos(string $value) Compile the "raw" echo statements. | from CompilesEchos |
string | compileRegularEchos(string $value) Compile the "regular" echo statements. | from CompilesEchos |
string | compileEscapedEchos(string $value) Compile the escaped echo statements. | from CompilesEchos |
string | compileError(string $expression) Compile the error statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesErrors |
string | compileEnderror(string $expression) Compile the enderror statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesErrors |
string | compileCsrf() Compile the CSRF statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesHelpers |
string | compileDd(string $arguments) Compile the "dd" statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesHelpers |
string | compileDump(string $arguments) Compile the "dump" statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesHelpers |
string | compileMethod(string $method) Compile the method statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesHelpers |
string | compileEach(string $expression) Compile the each statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesIncludes |
string | compileInclude(string $expression) Compile the include statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesIncludes |
string | compileIncludeIf(string $expression) Compile the include-if statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesIncludes |
string | compileIncludeWhen(string $expression) Compile the include-when statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesIncludes |
string | compileIncludeUnless(string $expression) Compile the include-unless statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesIncludes |
string | compileIncludeFirst(string $expression) Compile the include-first statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesIncludes |
string | compileInject(string $expression) Compile the inject statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesInjections |
string | compileJson(string $expression) Compile the JSON statement into valid PHP. | from CompilesJson |
string | compileExtends(string $expression) Compile the extends statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLayouts |
string | compileSection(string $expression) Compile the section statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLayouts |
string | compileParent() Replace the @parent directive to a placeholder. | from CompilesLayouts |
string | compileYield(string $expression) Compile the yield statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLayouts |
string | compileShow() Compile the show statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLayouts |
string | compileAppend() Compile the append statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLayouts |
string | compileOverwrite() Compile the overwrite statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLayouts |
string | compileStop() Compile the stop statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLayouts |
string | compileEndsection() Compile the end-section statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLayouts |
string | compileForelse(string $expression) Compile the for-else statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileEmpty(string $expression) Compile the for-else-empty and empty statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileEndforelse() Compile the end-for-else statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileEndEmpty() Compile the end-empty statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileFor(string $expression) Compile the for statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileForeach(string $expression) Compile the for-each statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileBreak(string $expression) Compile the break statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileContinue(string $expression) Compile the continue statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileEndfor() Compile the end-for statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileEndforeach() Compile the end-for-each statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileWhile(string $expression) Compile the while statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compileEndwhile() Compile the end-while statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesLoops |
string | compilePhp(string $expression) Compile the raw PHP statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesRawPhp |
string | compileUnset(string $expression) Compile the unset statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesRawPhp |
string | compileStack(string $expression) Compile the stack statements into the content. | from CompilesStacks |
string | compilePush(string $expression) Compile the push statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesStacks |
string | compileEndpush() Compile the end-push statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesStacks |
string | compilePrepend(string $expression) Compile the prepend statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesStacks |
string | compileEndprepend() Compile the end-prepend statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesStacks |
string | compileLang(string|null $expression) Compile the lang statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesTranslations |
string | compileEndlang() Compile the end-lang statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesTranslations |
string | compileChoice(string $expression) Compile the choice statements into valid PHP. | from CompilesTranslations |
void | compile(string $path = null) Compile the view at the given path. | |
string | appendFilePath(string $contents) Append the file path to the compiled string. | |
Collection | getOpenAndClosingPhpTokens(string $contents) Get the open and closing PHP tag tokens from the given string. | |
string | getPath() Get the path currently being compiled. | |
void | setPath(string $path) Set the path currently being compiled. | |
string | compileString(string $value) Compile the given Blade template contents. | |
string | storeUncompiledBlocks(string $value) Store the blocks that do not receive compilation. | |
string | storeVerbatimBlocks(string $value) Store the verbatim blocks and replace them with a temporary placeholder. | |
string | storePhpBlocks(string $value) Store the PHP blocks and replace them with a temporary placeholder. | |
string | storeRawBlock(string $value) Store a raw block and return a unique raw placeholder. | |
string | compileComponentTags(string $value) Compile the component tags. | |
string | restoreRawContent(string $result) Replace the raw placeholders with the original code stored in the raw blocks. | |
string | getRawPlaceholder(int|string $replace) Get a placeholder to temporary mark the position of raw blocks. | |
string | addFooters(string $result) Add the stored footers onto the given content. | |
string | parseToken(array $token) Parse the tokens from the template. | |
string | compileExtensions(string $value) Execute the user defined extensions. | |
string | compileStatements(string $value) Compile Blade statements that start with "@". | |
string | compileStatement(array $match) Compile a single Blade @ statement. | |
string | callCustomDirective(string $name, string|null $value) Call the given directive with the given value. | |
string | stripParentheses(string $expression) Strip the parentheses from the given expression. | |
void | extend(callable $compiler) Register a custom Blade compiler. | |
array | getExtensions() Get the extensions used by the compiler. | |
void | if(string $name, callable $callback) Register an "if" statement directive. | |
bool | check(string $name, array ...$parameters) Check the result of a condition. | |
void | component(string $class, string|null $alias = null, string $prefix = '') Register a class-based component alias directive. | |
void | components(array $components, string $prefix = '') Register an array of class-based components. | |
array | getClassComponentAliases() Get the registered class component aliases. | |
void | aliasComponent(string $path, string|null $alias = null) Register a component alias directive. | |
void | include(string $path, string|null $alias = null) Register an include alias directive. | |
void | aliasInclude(string $path, string|null $alias = null) Register an include alias directive. | |
void | directive(string $name, callable $handler) Register a handler for custom directives. | |
array | getCustomDirectives() Get the list of custom directives. | |
void | precompiler(callable $precompiler) Register a new precompiler. | |
void | setEchoFormat(string $format) Set the echo format to be used by the compiler. | |
void | withDoubleEncoding() Set the "echo" format to double encode entities. | |
void | withoutDoubleEncoding() Set the "echo" format to not double encode entities. | |
void | withoutComponentTags() Indicate that component tags should not be compiled. |
void __construct(Filesystem $files, string $cachePath)
Create a new compiler instance.
string getCompiledPath(string $path)
Get the path to the compiled version of a view.
bool isExpired(string $path)
Determine if the view at the given path is expired.
protected string compileCan(string $expression)
Compile the can statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileCannot(string $expression)
Compile the cannot statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileCanany(string $expression)
Compile the canany statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileElsecan(string $expression)
Compile the else-can statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileElsecannot(string $expression)
Compile the else-cannot statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileElsecanany(string $expression)
Compile the else-canany statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndcan()
Compile the end-can statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndcannot()
Compile the end-cannot statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndcanany()
Compile the end-canany statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileComments(string $value)
Compile Blade comments into an empty string.
protected string compileComponent(string $expression)
Compile the component statements into valid PHP.
static string newComponentHash(string $component)
Get a new component hash for a component name.
static string compileClassComponentOpening(string $component, string $alias, string $data, string $hash)
Compile a class component opening.
protected string compileEndComponent()
Compile the end-component statements into valid PHP.
string compileEndComponentClass()
Compile the end-component statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileSlot(string $expression)
Compile the slot statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndSlot()
Compile the end-slot statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileComponentFirst(string $expression)
Compile the component-first statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndComponentFirst()
Compile the end-component-first statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileProps(string $expression)
Compile the prop statement into valid PHP.
static mixed sanitizeComponentAttribute(mixed $value)
Sanitize the given component attribute value.
protected string compileAuth(string|null $guard = null)
Compile the if-auth statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileElseAuth(string|null $guard = null)
Compile the else-auth statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndAuth()
Compile the end-auth statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEnv(string $environments)
Compile the env statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndEnv()
Compile the end-env statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileProduction()
Compile the production statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndProduction()
Compile the end-production statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileGuest(string|null $guard = null)
Compile the if-guest statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileElseGuest(string|null $guard = null)
Compile the else-guest statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndGuest()
Compile the end-guest statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileHasSection(string $expression)
Compile the has-section statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileSectionMissing(string $expression)
Compile the section-missing statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileIf(string $expression)
Compile the if statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileUnless(string $expression)
Compile the unless statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileElseif(string $expression)
Compile the else-if statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileElse()
Compile the else statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndif()
Compile the end-if statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndunless()
Compile the end-unless statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileIsset(string $expression)
Compile the if-isset statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndIsset()
Compile the end-isset statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileSwitch(string $expression)
Compile the switch statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileCase(string $expression)
Compile the case statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileDefault()
Compile the default statements in switch case into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndSwitch()
Compile the end switch statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileOnce($id = null)
Compile an once block into valid PHP.
string compileEndOnce()
Compile an end-once block into valid PHP.
string compileEchos(string $value)
Compile Blade echos into valid PHP.
protected array getEchoMethods()
Get the echo methods in the proper order for compilation.
protected string compileRawEchos(string $value)
Compile the "raw" echo statements.
protected string compileRegularEchos(string $value)
Compile the "regular" echo statements.
protected string compileEscapedEchos(string $value)
Compile the escaped echo statements.
protected string compileError(string $expression)
Compile the error statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEnderror(string $expression)
Compile the enderror statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileCsrf()
Compile the CSRF statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileDd(string $arguments)
Compile the "dd" statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileDump(string $arguments)
Compile the "dump" statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileMethod(string $method)
Compile the method statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEach(string $expression)
Compile the each statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileInclude(string $expression)
Compile the include statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileIncludeIf(string $expression)
Compile the include-if statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileIncludeWhen(string $expression)
Compile the include-when statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileIncludeUnless(string $expression)
Compile the include-unless statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileIncludeFirst(string $expression)
Compile the include-first statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileInject(string $expression)
Compile the inject statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileJson(string $expression)
Compile the JSON statement into valid PHP.
protected string compileExtends(string $expression)
Compile the extends statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileSection(string $expression)
Compile the section statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileParent()
Replace the @parent directive to a placeholder.
protected string compileYield(string $expression)
Compile the yield statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileShow()
Compile the show statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileAppend()
Compile the append statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileOverwrite()
Compile the overwrite statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileStop()
Compile the stop statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndsection()
Compile the end-section statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileForelse(string $expression)
Compile the for-else statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEmpty(string $expression)
Compile the for-else-empty and empty statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndforelse()
Compile the end-for-else statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndEmpty()
Compile the end-empty statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileFor(string $expression)
Compile the for statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileForeach(string $expression)
Compile the for-each statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileBreak(string $expression)
Compile the break statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileContinue(string $expression)
Compile the continue statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndfor()
Compile the end-for statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndforeach()
Compile the end-for-each statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileWhile(string $expression)
Compile the while statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndwhile()
Compile the end-while statements into valid PHP.
protected string compilePhp(string $expression)
Compile the raw PHP statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileUnset(string $expression)
Compile the unset statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileStack(string $expression)
Compile the stack statements into the content.
protected string compilePush(string $expression)
Compile the push statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndpush()
Compile the end-push statements into valid PHP.
protected string compilePrepend(string $expression)
Compile the prepend statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndprepend()
Compile the end-prepend statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileLang(string|null $expression)
Compile the lang statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileEndlang()
Compile the end-lang statements into valid PHP.
protected string compileChoice(string $expression)
Compile the choice statements into valid PHP.
void compile(string $path = null)
Compile the view at the given path.
protected string appendFilePath(string $contents)
Append the file path to the compiled string.
protected Collection getOpenAndClosingPhpTokens(string $contents)
Get the open and closing PHP tag tokens from the given string.
string getPath()
Get the path currently being compiled.
void setPath(string $path)
Set the path currently being compiled.
string compileString(string $value)
Compile the given Blade template contents.
protected string storeUncompiledBlocks(string $value)
Store the blocks that do not receive compilation.
protected string storeVerbatimBlocks(string $value)
Store the verbatim blocks and replace them with a temporary placeholder.
protected string storePhpBlocks(string $value)
Store the PHP blocks and replace them with a temporary placeholder.
protected string storeRawBlock(string $value)
Store a raw block and return a unique raw placeholder.
protected string compileComponentTags(string $value)
Compile the component tags.
protected string restoreRawContent(string $result)
Replace the raw placeholders with the original code stored in the raw blocks.
protected string getRawPlaceholder(int|string $replace)
Get a placeholder to temporary mark the position of raw blocks.
protected string addFooters(string $result)
Add the stored footers onto the given content.
protected string parseToken(array $token)
Parse the tokens from the template.
protected string compileExtensions(string $value)
Execute the user defined extensions.
protected string compileStatements(string $value)
Compile Blade statements that start with "@".
protected string compileStatement(array $match)
Compile a single Blade @ statement.
protected string callCustomDirective(string $name, string|null $value)
Call the given directive with the given value.
string stripParentheses(string $expression)
Strip the parentheses from the given expression.
void extend(callable $compiler)
Register a custom Blade compiler.
array getExtensions()
Get the extensions used by the compiler.
void if(string $name, callable $callback)
Register an "if" statement directive.
bool check(string $name, array ...$parameters)
Check the result of a condition.
void component(string $class, string|null $alias = null, string $prefix = '')
Register a class-based component alias directive.
void components(array $components, string $prefix = '')
Register an array of class-based components.
array getClassComponentAliases()
Get the registered class component aliases.
void aliasComponent(string $path, string|null $alias = null)
Register a component alias directive.
void include(string $path, string|null $alias = null)
Register an include alias directive.
void aliasInclude(string $path, string|null $alias = null)
Register an include alias directive.
void directive(string $name, callable $handler)
Register a handler for custom directives.
array getCustomDirectives()
Get the list of custom directives.
void precompiler(callable $precompiler)
Register a new precompiler.
void setEchoFormat(string $format)
Set the echo format to be used by the compiler.
void withDoubleEncoding()
Set the "echo" format to double encode entities.
void withoutDoubleEncoding()
Set the "echo" format to not double encode entities.
void withoutComponentTags()
Indicate that component tags should not be compiled.
© Taylor Otwell
Licensed under the MIT License.
Laravel is a trademark of Taylor Otwell.