Using with MongoDB

With the Global Setup/Teardown and Async Test Environment APIs, Jest can work smoothly with MongoDB.

Use jest-mongodb Preset

Jest MongoDB provides all required configuration to run your tests using MongoDB.

  1. First install @shelf/jest-mongodb
yarn add @shelf/jest-mongodb --dev
  1. Specify preset in your Jest configuration:
 "preset": "@shelf/jest-mongodb"
  1. Write your test
const {MongoClient} = require('mongodb');
describe('insert', () => {
 let connection;
 let db;
 beforeAll(async () => {
 connection = await MongoClient.connect(global.__MONGO_URI__, {
 useNewUrlParser: true,
 db = await connection.db(global.__MONGO_DB_NAME__);
 afterAll(async () => {
 await connection.close();
 await db.close();
 it('should insert a doc into collection', async () => {
 const users = db.collection('users');
 const mockUser = {_id: 'some-user-id', name: 'John'};
 await users.insertOne(mockUser);
 const insertedUser = await users.findOne({_id: 'some-user-id'});

There's no need to load any dependencies.

See documentation for details (configuring MongoDB version, etc).

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