GtkPopover — Context dependent bubbles
GtkPopoverConstraint | constrain-to | Read / Write |
gboolean | modal | Read / Write |
GdkRectangle * | pointing-to | Read / Write |
GtkPositionType | position | Read / Write |
GtkWidget * | relative-to | Read / Write |
gboolean | transitions-enabled | Read / Write |
Types and Values
struct | GtkPopover |
enum | GtkPopoverConstraint |
Object Hierarchy
GObject ╰── GInitiallyUnowned ╰── GtkWidget ╰── GtkContainer ╰── GtkBin ╰── GtkPopover ╰── GtkPopoverMenu
Implemented Interfaces
GtkPopover implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
GtkPopover is a bubble-like context window, primarily meant to provide context-dependent information or options. Popovers are attached to a widget, passed at construction time on gtk_popover_new()
, or updated afterwards through gtk_popover_set_relative_to()
, by default they will point to the whole widget area, although this behavior can be changed through gtk_popover_set_pointing_to()
The position of a popover relative to the widget it is attached to can also be changed through gtk_popover_set_position()
By default, GtkPopover performs a GTK+ grab, in order to ensure input events get redirected to it while it is shown, and also so the popover is dismissed in the expected situations (clicks outside the popover, or the Esc key being pressed). If no such modal behavior is desired on a popover, gtk_popover_set_modal()
may be called on it to tweak its behavior.
GtkPopover as menu replacement
GtkPopover is often used to replace menus. To facilitate this, it supports being populated from a GMenuModel, using gtk_popover_new_from_model()
. In addition to all the regular menu model features, this function supports rendering sections in the model in a more compact form, as a row of icon buttons instead of menu items.
To use this rendering, set the ”display-hint” attribute of the section to ”horizontal-buttons” and set the icons of your items with the ”verb-icon” attribute.
<section> <attribute name="display-hint">horizontal-buttons</attribute> <item> <attribute name="label">Cut</attribute> <attribute name="action">app.cut</attribute> <attribute name="verb-icon">edit-cut-symbolic</attribute> </item> <item> <attribute name="label">Copy</attribute> <attribute name="action">app.copy</attribute> <attribute name="verb-icon">edit-copy-symbolic</attribute> </item> <item> <attribute name="label">Paste</attribute> <attribute name="action">app.paste</attribute> <attribute name="verb-icon">edit-paste-symbolic</attribute> </item> </section>
CSS nodes
GtkPopover has a single css node called popover. It always gets the .background style class and it gets the .menu style class if it is menu-like (e.g. GtkPopoverMenu or created using gtk_popover_new_from_model()
Particular uses of GtkPopover, such as touch selection popups or magnifiers in GtkEntry or GtkTextView get style classes like .touch-selection or .magnifier to differentiate from plain popovers.
gtk_popover_new ()
GtkWidget *
gtk_popover_new (GtkWidget *relative_to
Creates a new popover to point to relative_to
relative_to | GtkWidget the popover is related to. | [allow-none] |
a new GtkPopover
Since: 3.12
gtk_popover_new_from_model ()
GtkWidget * gtk_popover_new_from_model (GtkWidget *relative_to
,GMenuModel *model
Creates a GtkPopover and populates it according to model
. The popover is pointed to the relative_to
The created buttons are connected to actions found in the GtkApplicationWindow to which the popover belongs - typically by means of being attached to a widget that is contained within the GtkApplicationWindows widget hierarchy.
Actions can also be added using gtk_widget_insert_action_group()
on the menus attach widget or on any of its parent widgets.
relative_to | GtkWidget the popover is related to. | [allow-none] |
model |
the new GtkPopover
Since: 3.12
gtk_popover_bind_model ()
void gtk_popover_bind_model (GtkPopover *popover
,GMenuModel *model
,const gchar *action_namespace
Establishes a binding between a GtkPopover and a GMenuModel.
The contents of popover
are removed and then refilled with menu items according to model
. When model
changes, popover
is updated. Calling this function twice on popover
with different model
will cause the first binding to be replaced with a binding to the new model. If model
then any previous binding is undone and all children are removed.
If action_namespace
is non-NULL
then the effect is as if all actions mentioned in the model
have their names prefixed with the namespace, plus a dot. For example, if the action “quit” is mentioned and action_namespace
is “app” then the effective action name is “app.quit”.
This function uses GtkActionable to define the action name and target values on the created menu items. If you want to use an action group other than “app” and “win”, or if you want to use a GtkMenuShell outside of a GtkApplicationWindow, then you will need to attach your own action group to the widget hierarchy using gtk_widget_insert_action_group()
. As an example, if you created a group with a “quit” action and inserted it with the name “mygroup” then you would use the action name “mygroup.quit” in your GMenuModel.
popover | ||
model | the GMenuModel to bind to or | [allow-none] |
action_namespace | the namespace for actions in | [allow-none] |
Since: 3.12
gtk_popover_set_relative_to ()
void gtk_popover_set_relative_to (GtkPopover *popover
,GtkWidget *relative_to
Sets a new widget to be attached to popover
. If popover
is visible, the position will be updated.
Note: the ownership of popovers is always given to their relative_to
widget, so if relative_to
is set to NULL
on an attached popover
, it will be detached from its previous widget, and consequently destroyed unless extra references are kept.
popover | ||
relative_to | a GtkWidget. | [allow-none] |
Since: 3.12
gtk_popover_get_relative_to ()
GtkWidget *
gtk_popover_get_relative_to (GtkPopover *popover
Returns the widget popover
is currently attached to
popover |
Since: 3.12
gtk_popover_set_pointing_to ()
void gtk_popover_set_pointing_to (GtkPopover *popover
,const GdkRectangle *rect
Sets the rectangle that popover
will point to, in the coordinate space of the widget popover
is attached to, see gtk_popover_set_relative_to()
popover | ||
rect | rectangle to point to |
Since: 3.12
gtk_popover_get_pointing_to ()
gboolean gtk_popover_get_pointing_to (GtkPopover *popover
,GdkRectangle *rect
If a rectangle to point to has been set, this function will return TRUE
and fill in rect
with such rectangle, otherwise it will return FALSE
and fill in rect
with the attached widget coordinates.
popover | ||
rect | location to store the rectangle. | [out] |
if a rectangle to point to was set.
gtk_popover_set_position ()
void gtk_popover_set_position (GtkPopover *popover
,GtkPositionType position
Sets the preferred position for popover
to appear. If the popover
is currently visible, it will be immediately updated.
This preference will be respected where possible, although on lack of space (eg. if close to the window edges), the GtkPopover may choose to appear on the opposite side
popover | ||
position | preferred popover position |
Since: 3.12
gtk_popover_get_position ()
gtk_popover_get_position (GtkPopover *popover
Returns the preferred position of popover
popover |
The preferred position.
gtk_popover_set_constrain_to ()
void gtk_popover_set_constrain_to (GtkPopover *popover
,GtkPopoverConstraint constraint
Sets a constraint for positioning this popover.
Note that not all platforms support placing popovers freely, and may already impose constraints.
popover | ||
constraint | the new constraint |
Since: 3.20
gtk_popover_get_constrain_to ()
gtk_popover_get_constrain_to (GtkPopover *popover
Returns the constraint for placing this popover. See gtk_popover_set_constrain_to()
popover |
the constraint for placing this popover.
Since: 3.20
gtk_popover_set_modal ()
void gtk_popover_set_modal (GtkPopover *popover
,gboolean modal
Sets whether popover
is modal, a modal popover will grab all input within the toplevel and grab the keyboard focus on it when being displayed. Clicking outside the popover area or pressing Esc will dismiss the popover and ungrab input.
popover | ||
modal | TRUE to make popover claim all input within the toplevel |
Since: 3.12
gtk_popover_get_modal ()
gtk_popover_get_modal (GtkPopover *popover
Returns whether the popover is modal, see gtk_popover_set_modal to see the implications of this.
popover |
TRUE if popover
is modal
Since: 3.12
gtk_popover_set_transitions_enabled ()
void gtk_popover_set_transitions_enabled (GtkPopover *popover
,gboolean transitions_enabled
Sets whether show/hide transitions are enabled on this popover
popover | ||
transitions_enabled | Whether transitions are enabled |
Since: 3.16
gtk_popover_get_transitions_enabled ()
gtk_popover_get_transitions_enabled (GtkPopover *popover
Returns whether show/hide transitions are enabled on this popover.
popover |
Since: 3.16
gtk_popover_set_default_widget ()
void gtk_popover_set_default_widget (GtkPopover *popover
,GtkWidget *widget
Sets the widget that should be set as default widget while the popover is shown (see gtk_window_set_default()
). GtkPopover remembers the previous default widget and reestablishes it when the popover is dismissed.
popover | ||
widget | the new default widget, or | [allow-none] |
Since: 3.18
gtk_popover_get_default_widget ()
GtkWidget *
gtk_popover_get_default_widget (GtkPopover *popover
Gets the widget that should be set as the default while the popover is shown.
popover |
Since: 3.18
Types and Values
struct GtkPopover
struct GtkPopover;
enum GtkPopoverConstraint
Describes constraints to positioning of popovers. More values may be added to this enumeration in the future.
GTK_POPOVER_CONSTRAINT_NONE | Don't constrain the popover position beyond what is imposed by the implementation | |
GTK_POPOVER_CONSTRAINT_WINDOW | Constrain the popover to the boundaries of the window that it is attached to |
Since: 3.20
Property Details
The “constrain-to”
“constrain-to” GtkPopoverConstraint
Sets a constraint for the popover position.
Flags: Read / Write
Since: 3.20
The “modal”
“modal” gboolean
Sets whether the popover is modal (so other elements in the window do not receive input while the popover is visible).
Flags: Read / Write
Default value: TRUE
Since: 3.12
The “pointing-to”
“pointing-to” GdkRectangle *
Marks a specific rectangle to be pointed.
Flags: Read / Write
Since: 3.12
The “position”
“position” GtkPositionType
Sets the preferred position of the popover.
Flags: Read / Write
Default value: GTK_POS_TOP
Since: 3.12
Signal Details
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Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or later.