Application behaviour

A module for working with applications and defining application callbacks.

In Elixir (actually, in Erlang/OTP), an application is a component implementing some specific functionality, that can be started and stopped as a unit, and which can be re-used in other systems.

Applications are defined with an application file named where APP is the application name, usually in underscore_case. The application file must reside in the same ebin directory as the compiled modules of the application. In Elixir, the Mix build tool is responsible for compiling your source code and generating your application .app file. You can learn more about the generation of .app files by typing mix help

Once your application is compiled, running your system is a matter of starting your current application and its dependencies. Differently from other languages, Elixir does not have a main procedure that is responsible for starting your system. Instead, you start one or more applications, each with their own initialization and termination logic.

Starting an application is done via the “application module callback”, which is a module that defines the start/2 function. The start/2 function should then start a supervisor, which is often called as the top-level supervisor, since it sits at the root of a potentially long supervision tree. When the system is shutting down, all applications shut down their top-level supervisor, which terminates children in the opposite order they are started.

We have mentioned the Mix build tool is responsible for compiling applications, but it is also capable of running applications. For example, mix test automatically starts your application dependencies and your application itself before your test runs. mix run --no-halt also boots your current project and can be used to start a long running system. See mix help run.

Developers can also use tools like Distillery that build releases. Releases are able to package all of your source code as well as the Erlang VM into a single directory. Releases also give you explicit control over how each application is started and in which order. They also provide a more streamlined mechanism for starting and stopping systems, debugging, logging, as well as system monitoring.

Finally, Elixir provides tools such as escripts and archives, which are different mechanisms for packaging your application. Those are typically used when tools must be shared between developers and not as deployment options. See mix help and mix help for more detail.

Shutting down a live system cleanly can be done by calling System.stop/1. It will shut down all applications in the opposite order they are started. Each application will then shutdown its top-level supervisor, if one is available, which then shuts down its children.

From Erlang/OTP 19.1, a SIGTERM from the operating system will automatically translate to System.stop/0. Erlang/OTP 20 gives user more explicit control over OS signals via the :os.set_signal/2 function.

Applications also provide an “application environment”, which is how applications are configured. The application environment can either be set statically, via a configuration file, or dynamically via put_env/3 and friends.

Over the next sections, we will cover the “application environment” and the “application module callback” in more detail.

Application environment

Once an application is started, OTP provides an application environment that can be used to configure the application.

Assuming you are inside a Mix project, you can edit the application/0 function in the mix.exs file to the following:

def application do
  [env: [hello: :world]]

In the application function, we can define the default environment values for our application. By starting your application with iex -S mix, you can access the default value:

Application.get_env(:APP_NAME, :hello)
#=> :world

Applications and dependencies in Mix projects are typically configured via the config/config.exs file. For example, someone using your application can configure the :hello key as follows:

config :APP_NAME, hello: :brand_new_world

It is also possible to configure applications dynamically via put_env/3.

Keep in mind that each application is responsible for its environment. Do not use the functions in this module for directly accessing or modifying the environment of other applications (as it may lead to inconsistent data in the application environment).

Application module callback

Often times, an application defines a supervision tree that must be started and stopped when the application starts and stops. For such, we need to define an application module callback. The first step is to define the module callback in the application definition in the mix.exs file:

def application do
  [mod: {MyApp, []}]

Our application now requires the MyApp module to provide an application callback. This can be done by invoking use Application in that module and defining a start/2 callback, for example:

defmodule MyApp do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do

start/2 typically returns {:ok, pid} or {:ok, pid, state} where pid identifies the supervision tree and state is the application state. args is the second element of the tuple given to the :mod option.

The type argument passed to start/2 is usually :normal unless in a distributed setup where application takeovers and failovers are configured. Distributed applications is beyond the scope of this documentation. For those interested on the topic, please access the OTP documentation:

A developer may also implement the stop/1 callback (automatically defined by use Application) which does any application cleanup. It receives the application state and can return any value. Note that shutting down the supervisor is automatically handled by the VM.

An application without a supervision tree doesn’t define an application module callback in the application definition in mix.exs file. Even though there is no module with application callbacks such as start/2 and stop/1, the application can be started and stopped the same way as an application with a supervision tree.






Gets the directory for app

app_dir(app, path)

Returns the given path inside app_dir/1

delete_env(app, key, opts \\ [])

Deletes the key from the given app environment

ensure_all_started(app, type \\ :temporary)

Ensures the given app and its applications are started

ensure_started(app, type \\ :temporary)

Ensures the given app is started

fetch_env(app, key)

Returns the value for key in app’s environment in a tuple

fetch_env!(app, key)

Returns the value for key in app’s environment


Formats the error reason returned by start/2, ensure_started/2, stop/1, load/1 and unload/1, returns a string


Returns all key-value pairs for app


Gets the application for the given module

get_env(app, key, default \\ nil)

Returns the value for key in app’s environment


Loads the given app


Returns a list with information about the applications which have been loaded

put_env(app, key, value, opts \\ [])

Puts the value in key for the given app


Returns the spec for app

spec(app, key)

Returns the value for key in app’s specification

start(app, type \\ :temporary)

Starts the given app

started_applications(timeout \\ 5000)

Returns a list with information about the applications which are currently running


Stops the given app


Unloads the given app


start(start_type, start_args)

Called when an application is started

start_phase(phase, start_type, phase_args)

Start an application in synchronous phases


Called when an application is stopped



app() :: atom()


key() :: atom()


start_type() :: :permanent | :transient | :temporary


state() :: term()


value() :: term()



app_dir(app()) :: String.t()

Gets the directory for app.

This information is returned based on the code path. Here is an example:

#=> "foo"

Even though the directory is empty and there is no .app file it is considered the application directory based on the name “foo/ebin”. The name may contain a dash - which is considered to be the app version and it is removed for the lookup purposes:

#=> "bar-123"

For more information on code paths, check the Code module in Elixir and also Erlang’s :code module.

app_dir(app, path)

app_dir(app(), String.t() | [String.t()]) :: String.t()

Returns the given path inside app_dir/1.

delete_env(app, key, opts \\ [])

delete_env(app(), key(), [timeout: timeout(), persistent: boolean()]) :: :ok

Deletes the key from the given app environment.

See put_env/4 for a description of the options.

ensure_all_started(app, type \\ :temporary)

ensure_all_started(app(), start_type()) ::
  {:ok, [app()]} |
  {:error, {app(), term()}}

Ensures the given app and its applications are started.

Same as start/2 but also starts the applications listed under :applications in the .app file in case they were not previously started.

ensure_started(app, type \\ :temporary)

ensure_started(app(), start_type()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Ensures the given app is started.

Same as start/2 but returns :ok if the application was already started. This is useful in scripts and in test setup, where test applications need to be explicitly started:

:ok = Application.ensure_started(:my_test_dep)

fetch_env(app, key)

fetch_env(app(), key()) :: {:ok, value()} | :error

Returns the value for key in app’s environment in a tuple.

If the configuration parameter does not exist, the function returns :error.

fetch_env!(app, key)

fetch_env!(app(), key()) :: value() | no_return()

Returns the value for key in app’s environment.

If the configuration parameter does not exist, raises ArgumentError.


format_error(any()) :: String.t()

Formats the error reason returned by start/2, ensure_started/2, stop/1, load/1 and unload/1, returns a string.


get_all_env(app()) :: [{key(), value()}]

Returns all key-value pairs for app.


get_application(atom()) :: atom() | nil

Gets the application for the given module.

The application is located by analyzing the spec of all loaded applications. Returns nil if the module is not listed in any application spec.

get_env(app, key, default \\ nil)

get_env(app(), key(), value()) :: value()

Returns the value for key in app’s environment.

If the configuration parameter does not exist, the function returns the default value.


load(app()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Loads the given app.

In order to be loaded, an .app file must be in the load paths. All :included_applications will also be loaded.

Loading the application does not start it nor load its modules, but it does load its environment.


loaded_applications() :: [tuple()]

Returns a list with information about the applications which have been loaded.

put_env(app, key, value, opts \\ [])

put_env(app(), key(), value(), [timeout: timeout(), persistent: boolean()]) :: :ok

Puts the value in key for the given app.


  • :timeout - the timeout for the change (defaults to 5_000 milliseconds)
  • :persistent - persists the given value on application load and reloads

If put_env/4 is called before the application is loaded, the application environment values specified in the .app file will override the ones previously set.

The persistent option can be set to true when there is a need to guarantee parameters set with this function will not be overridden by the ones defined in the application resource file on load. This means persistent values will stick after the application is loaded and also on application reload.


spec(app()) :: [{key(), value()}] | nil

Returns the spec for app.

The following keys are returned:

  • :description
  • :id
  • :vsn
  • :modules
  • :maxP
  • :maxT
  • :registered
  • :included_applications
  • :applications
  • :mod
  • :start_phases

Note the environment is not returned as it can be accessed via fetch_env/2. Returns nil if the application is not loaded.

spec(app, key)

spec(app(), key()) :: value() | nil

Returns the value for key in app’s specification.

See spec/1 for the supported keys. If the given specification parameter does not exist, this function will raise. Returns nil if the application is not loaded.

start(app, type \\ :temporary)

start(app(), start_type()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Starts the given app.

If the app is not loaded, the application will first be loaded using load/1. Any included application, defined in the :included_applications key of the .app file will also be loaded, but they won’t be started.

Furthermore, all applications listed in the :applications key must be explicitly started before this application is. If not, {:error, {:not_started, app}} is returned, where app is the name of the missing application.

In case you want to automatically load and start all of app’s dependencies, see ensure_all_started/2.

The type argument specifies the type of the application:

  • :permanent - if app terminates, all other applications and the entire node are also terminated.

  • :transient - if app terminates with :normal reason, it is reported but no other applications are terminated. If a transient application terminates abnormally, all other applications and the entire node are also terminated.

  • :temporary - if app terminates, it is reported but no other applications are terminated (the default).

Note that it is always possible to stop an application explicitly by calling stop/1. Regardless of the type of the application, no other applications will be affected.

Note also that the :transient type is of little practical use, since when a supervision tree terminates, the reason is set to :shutdown, not :normal.

started_applications(timeout \\ 5000)

started_applications(timeout()) :: [tuple()]

Returns a list with information about the applications which are currently running.


stop(app()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Stops the given app.

When stopped, the application is still loaded.


unload(app()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Unloads the given app.

It will also unload all :included_applications. Note that the function does not purge the application modules.


start(start_type, start_args)

start(start_type(), start_args :: term()) ::
  {:ok, pid()} |
  {:ok, pid(), state()} |
  {:error, reason :: term()}

Called when an application is started.

This function is called when an application is started using Application.start/2 (and functions on top of that, such as Application.ensure_started/2). This function should start the top-level process of the application (which should be the top supervisor of the application’s supervision tree if the application follows the OTP design principles around supervision).

start_type defines how the application is started:

  • :normal - used if the startup is a normal startup or if the application is distributed and is started on the current node because of a failover from another node and the application specification key :start_phases is :undefined.
  • {:takeover, node} - used if the application is distributed and is started on the current node because of a failover on the node node.
  • {:failover, node} - used if the application is distributed and is started on the current node because of a failover on node node, and the application specification key :start_phases is not :undefined.

start_args are the arguments passed to the application in the :mod specification key (e.g., mod: {MyApp, [:my_args]}).

This function should either return {:ok, pid} or {:ok, pid, state} if startup is successful. pid should be the PID of the top supervisor. state can be an arbitrary term, and if omitted will default to []; if the application is later stopped, state is passed to the stop/1 callback (see the documentation for the stop/1 callback for more information).

use Application provides no default implementation for the start/2 callback.

start_phase(phase, start_type, phase_args) (optional)

start_phase(phase :: term(), start_type(), phase_args :: term()) ::
  :ok |
  {:error, reason :: term()}

Start an application in synchronous phases.

This function is called after start/2 finishes but before Application.start/2 returns. It will be called once for every start phase defined in the application’s (and any included applications’) specification, in the order they are listed in.


stop(state()) :: term()

Called when an application is stopped.

This function is called when an application has stopped, i.e., when its supervision tree has been stopped. It should do the opposite of what the start/2 callback did, and should perform any necessary cleanup. The return value of this callback is ignored.

state is the return value of the start/2 callback or the return value of the prep_stop/1 function if the application module defines such a function.

use Application defines a default implementation of this function which does nothing and just returns :ok.

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