class MissingContentEvent

Wraps a configuration event for event listeners.


See also



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/Importer/MissingContentEvent.php, line 12




Name Modifiers Type Description
Event::$dispatcher private property
Event::$name private property
Event::$propagationStopped private property
Event::getDispatcher Deprecated public function Returns the EventDispatcher that dispatches this Event.
Event::getName Deprecated public function Gets the event's name.
Event::isPropagationStopped public function Returns whether further event listeners should be triggered.
Event::setDispatcher Deprecated public function Stores the EventDispatcher that dispatches this Event.
Event::setName Deprecated public function Sets the event's name property.
Event::stopPropagation public function Stops the propagation of the event to further event listeners.
MissingContentEvent::$missingContent protected property A list of missing content dependencies.
MissingContentEvent::getMissingContent public function Gets missing content information.
MissingContentEvent::resolveMissingContent public function Resolves the missing content by removing it from the list.
MissingContentEvent::__construct public function Constructs a configuration import missing content event object.

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