
get and set configuration options in your tests.


Cypress.config(name, value)


name (String)

The name of the configuration to get or set.

value (String)

The value of the configuration to set.

object (Object)

Set multiple configuration options with an object literal.


No Arguments

Get all configuration options from configuration file (cypress.json by default)

  "defaultCommandTimeout": 10000
Cypress.config() // => {defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, pageLoadTimeout: 30000, ...}


Return a single configuration option from configuration file (cypress.json by default)

  "pageLoadTimeout": 60000
Cypress.config('pageLoadTimeout') // => 60000

Name and Value

Change the values of configuration options from configuration file (cypress.json by default) from within your tests

  "viewportWidth": 1280,
  "viewportHeight": 720
Cypress.config('viewportWidth', 800)

Cypress.config('viewportWidth') // => 800


Override multiple options from configuration file (cypress.json by default) by passing an object literal

  "defaultCommandTimeout": 4000,
  "pageLoadTimeout": 30000
  defaultCommandTimeout: 10000,
  viewportHeight: 900,

Cypress.config() // => {defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, viewportHeight: 900, ...}


Not all config values can be changed at all times

Some configuration values cannot be changed while running a test. Anything that's not directly under Cypress's control - like timeouts, userAgent, or environment variables - will be ignored at run-time.

Test Configuration

To apply specific Cypress configuration values to a suite or test, you can pass a test configuration object to the test or suite function.

While Cypress.config() changes configuration values through the entire spec file, using test configuration will only change configuration values during the suite or test where they are set. The values will then reset to the previous default values after the suite or test is complete.

See the full guide on test configuration.

Why is it Cypress.config and not cy.config?

As a rule of thumb anything you call from Cypress affects global state. Anything you call from cy affects local state.

Since the configuration added or changed by Cypress.config is only in scope for the current spec file, you'd think that it should be cy.config and not Cypress.config…and you'd be right. The fact that Cypress.config affects local state is an artifact of the API evolving over time: Cypress.config used to affect global state—configuration added in one test spec file was available in other specs—but the Cypress team wisely made each spec run in isolation in 3.0.0 and by that time Cypress.config was public API.


Version Changes
0.12.6 Cypress.config added

See also

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