
Find Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5), a library for reading and writing self describing array data.

This module invokes the HDF5 wrapper compiler that should be installed alongside HDF5. Depending upon the HDF5 Configuration, the wrapper compiler is called either h5cc or h5pcc. If this succeeds, the module will then call the compiler with the show argument to see what flags are used when compiling an HDF5 client application.

The module will optionally accept the COMPONENTS argument. If no COMPONENTS are specified, then the find module will default to finding only the HDF5 C library. If one or more COMPONENTS are specified, the module will attempt to find the language bindings for the specified components. The only valid components are C, CXX, Fortran, HL, and Fortran_HL. If the COMPONENTS argument is not given, the module will attempt to find only the C bindings.

This module will read the variable HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES to determine whether or not to prefer a static link to a dynamic link for HDF5 and all of it’s dependencies. To use this feature, make sure that the HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES variable is set before the call to find_package.

To provide the module with a hint about where to find your HDF5 installation, you can set the environment variable HDF5_ROOT. The Find module will then look in this path when searching for HDF5 executables, paths, and libraries.

Both the serial and parallel HDF5 wrappers are considered and the first directory to contain either one will be used. In the event that both appear in the same directory the serial version is preferentially selected. This behavior can be reversed by setting the variable HDF5_PREFER_PARALLEL to True.

In addition to finding the includes and libraries required to compile an HDF5 client application, this module also makes an effort to find tools that come with the HDF5 distribution that may be useful for regression testing.

Result Variables

This module will set the following variables in your project:


HDF5 was found on the system


HDF5 library version


Location of the HDF5 header files


Required compiler definitions for HDF5


Required libraries for all requested bindings


Required libraries for the HDF5 high level API for all bindings, if the HL component is enabled

Available components are: C CXX Fortran and HL. For each enabled language binding, a corresponding HDF5_${LANG}_LIBRARIES variable, and potentially HDF5_${LANG}_DEFINITIONS, will be defined. If the HL component is enabled, then an HDF5_${LANG}_HL_LIBRARIES will also be defined. With all components enabled, the following variables will be defined:


Required compiler definitions for HDF5 C bindings


Required compiler definitions for HDF5 C++ bindings


Required compiler definitions for HDF5 Fortran bindings


Required include directories for HDF5 C bindings


Required include directories for HDF5 C++ bindings


Required include directories for HDF5 Fortran bindings


Required libraries for the HDF5 C bindings


Required libraries for the HDF5 C++ bindings


Required libraries for the HDF5 Fortran bindings


Required libraries for the high level C bindings


Required libraries for the high level C++ bindings


Required libraries for the high level Fortran bindings.


HDF5 library has parallel IO support


path to the HDF5 C wrapper compiler


path to the HDF5 C++ wrapper compiler


path to the HDF5 Fortran wrapper compiler


path to the primary C compiler which is also the HDF5 wrapper


path to the primary C++ compiler which is also the HDF5 wrapper


path to the primary Fortran compiler which is also the HDF5 wrapper


path to the HDF5 dataset comparison tool


The following variable can be set to guide the search for HDF5 libraries and includes:


Specify the path to the HDF5 installation to use.


Set true to get extra debugging output.


Set true to skip trying to find hdf5-config.cmake.

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Licensed under the BSD 3-clause License.