Full namespace name: clojure.instantOverview
Public Variables and Functions
Parse a string containing an RFC3339-like like timestamp. The function new-instant is called with the following arguments. min max default --- ------------ ------- years 0 9999 N/A (s must provide years) months 1 12 1 days 1 31 1 (actual max days depends hours 0 23 0 on month and year) minutes 0 59 0 seconds 0 60 0 (though 60 is only valid nanoseconds 0 999999999 0 when minutes is 59) offset-sign -1 1 0 offset-hours 0 23 0 offset-minutes 0 59 0 These are all integers and will be non-nil. (The listed defaults will be passed if the corresponding field is not present in s.) Grammar (of s): date-fullyear = 4DIGIT date-month = 2DIGIT ; 01-12 date-mday = 2DIGIT ; 01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01-31 based on ; month/year time-hour = 2DIGIT ; 00-23 time-minute = 2DIGIT ; 00-59 time-second = 2DIGIT ; 00-58, 00-59, 00-60 based on leap second ; rules time-secfrac = '.' 1*DIGIT time-numoffset = ('+' / '-') time-hour ':' time-minute time-offset = 'Z' / time-numoffset time-part = time-hour [ ':' time-minute [ ':' time-second [time-secfrac] [time-offset] ] ] timestamp = date-year [ '-' date-month [ '-' date-mday [ 'T' time-part ] ] ] Unlike RFC3339: - we only parse the timestamp format - timestamp can elide trailing components - time-offset is optional (defaults to +00:00) Though time-offset is syntactically optional, a missing time-offset will be treated as if the time-offset zero (+00:00) had been specified.Source
To read an instant as a java.util.Calendar, bind *data-readers* to a map with this var as the value for the 'inst key. Calendar preserves the timezone offset.Source
To read an instant as a java.util.Date, bind *data-readers* to a map with this var as the value for the 'inst key. The timezone offset will be used to convert into UTC.Source
To read an instant as a java.sql.Timestamp, bind *data-readers* to a map with this var as the value for the 'inst key. Timestamp preserves fractional seconds with nanosecond precision. The timezone offset will be used to convert into UTC.Source
Usage: (validated new-instance)
Return a function which constructs and instant by calling constructor after first validating that those arguments are in range and otherwise plausible. The resulting function will throw an exception if called with invalid arguments.Source
© Rich Hickey
Licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0.