Namespace Cake\Datasource

Classes summary

  • RuleInvoker

    Contains logic for invoking an application rule.

  • ResultSetDecorator

    Generic ResultSet decorator. This will make any traversable object appear to be a database result

  • ConnectionRegistry

    A registry object for connection instances.

  • QueryCacher

    Handles caching queries and loading results from the cache.

  • ConnectionManager

    Manages and loads instances of Connection

  • FactoryLocator

    Class FactoryLocator

  • SimplePaginator

    Simplified paginator which avoids potentially expensives queries to get the total count of records.

  • Paginator

    This class is used to handle automatic model data pagination.

  • RulesChecker

    Contains logic for storing and checking rules on entities

Interfaces summary

Traits summary

  • QueryTrait

    Contains the characteristics for an object that is attached to a repository and can retrieve results based on any criteria.

  • RulesAwareTrait

    A trait that allows a class to build and apply application.

  • ModelAwareTrait

    Provides functionality for loading table classes and other repositories onto properties of the host object.

  • EntityTrait

    An entity represents a single result row from a repository. It exposes the methods for retrieving and storing fields associated in this row.

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