Class ResultSet
Represents the results obtained after executing a query for a specific table This object is responsible for correctly nesting result keys reported from the query, casting each field to the correct type and executing the extra queries required for eager loading external associations.
- Cake\ORM\ResultSet implements Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface uses Cake\Collection\CollectionTrait
Properties summary
protectedTracks value of $_autoFields property of $query passed to constructor.boolean
protectedList of associations that should be eager loaded.array
protectedHolds the count of records in this result setinteger
protectedLast record fetched from the statementarray
protectedThe default table aliasstring
protected -
protected -
protectedThe fully namespaced name of the class to use for hydrating resultsstring
protectedWhether to hydrate results into objects or notboolean
protectedPoints to the next record number that should be fetchedinteger
Map of fields that are fetched from the statement with their type and the table they belong to
List of associations that should be placed under the
result key. -
List of matching associations and the column keys to expect from each of them.
protected -
protectedResults that have been fetched or hydrated into the results.array|ArrayAccess
protected -
protectedType cache for type converters.array
protectedWhether or not to buffer results fetched from the statementboolean
Method Summary
- __construct() publicConstructor
- __debugInfo() public
Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.
- _calculateAssociationMap() protected
Calculates the list of associations that should get eager loaded when fetching each record
- _calculateColumnMap() protected
Creates a map of row keys out of the query select clause that can be used to hydrate nested result sets more quickly.
Creates a map of Type converter classes for each of the columns that should be fetched by this object.
Casts all values from a row brought from a table to the correct PHP type.
- _fetchResult() protected
Helper function to fetch the next result from the statement or seeded results.
Returns the Type classes for each of the passed fields belonging to the table.
- _groupResult() protectedCorrectly nests results keys including those coming from associations
- count() publicGives the number of rows in the result set.
- current() publicReturns the current record in the result iterator
- first() publicGet the first record from a result set.
- key() publicReturns the key of the current record in the iterator
- next() publicAdvances the iterator pointer to the next record
- rewind() publicRewinds a ResultSet.
- serialize() publicSerializes a resultset.
- unserialize() publicUnserializes a resultset.
- valid() publicWhether there are more results to be fetched from the iterator
Method Detail
__construct()source public
__construct( Cake\ORM\Query $query , Cake\Database\StatementInterface $statement )
- Query from where results come
- The statement to fetch from
__debugInfo()source public
__debugInfo( )
Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.
array_calculateAssociationMap()source protected
_calculateAssociationMap( Cake\ORM\Query $query )
Calculates the list of associations that should get eager loaded when fetching each record
- The query from where to derive the associations
_calculateColumnMap()source protected
_calculateColumnMap( Cake\ORM\Query $query )
Creates a map of row keys out of the query select clause that can be used to hydrate nested result sets more quickly.
- The query from where to derive the column map
_calculateTypeMap()source protected deprecated
_calculateTypeMap( )
Creates a map of Type converter classes for each of the columns that should be fetched by this object.
3.2.0 Not used anymore. Type casting is done at the statement level_castValues()source protected deprecated
_castValues( string $alias , array $values )
Casts all values from a row brought from a table to the correct PHP type.
3.2.0 Not used anymore. Type casting is done at the statement levelParameters
- string
- The table object alias
- array
- The values to cast
array_fetchResult()source protected
_fetchResult( )
Helper function to fetch the next result from the statement or seeded results.
mixed_getTypes()source protected deprecated
_getTypes( Cake\ORM\Table $table , array $fields )
Returns the Type classes for each of the passed fields belonging to the table.
3.2.0 Not used anymore. Type casting is done at the statement levelParameters
- The table from which to get the schema
- array
- The fields whitelist to use for fields in the schema.
array_groupResult()source protected
_groupResult( array $row )
Correctly nests results keys including those coming from associations
- array
- Array containing columns and values or false if there is no results
count()source public
count( )
Gives the number of rows in the result set.
Part of the Countable interface.
integerImplementation of
current()source public
current( )
Returns the current record in the result iterator
Part of Iterator interface.
array|objectImplementation of
first()source public
first( )
Get the first record from a result set.
This method will also close the underlying statement cursor.
array|objectImplementation of
key()source public
key( )
Returns the key of the current record in the iterator
Part of Iterator interface.
integerImplementation of
next()source public
next( )
Advances the iterator pointer to the next record
Part of Iterator interface.
Implementation of
rewind()source public
rewind( )
Rewinds a ResultSet.
Part of Iterator interface.
Implementation of
serialize()source public
serialize( )
Serializes a resultset.
Part of Serializable interface.
stringSerialized object
Implementation of
unserialize()source public
unserialize( string $serialized )
Unserializes a resultset.
Part of Serializable interface.
- string
- Serialized object
Implementation of
valid()source public
valid( )
Whether there are more results to be fetched from the iterator
Part of Iterator interface.
booleanImplementation of
Methods used from Cake\Collection\CollectionTrait
_unwrap()source public
_unwrap( )
append()source public
append( $items )
appendItem()source public
appendItem( $item , $key = null )
avg()source public
avg( $matcher = null )
cartesianProduct()source public
cartesianProduct( callable $operation = null , callable $filter = null )
- callable
optional null - Operation
- callable
optional null - Filter
LogicExceptionchunk()source public
chunk( $chunkSize )
chunkWithKeys()source public
chunkWithKeys( $chunkSize , $preserveKeys = true )
combine()source public
combine( $keyPath , $valuePath , $groupPath = null )
compile()source public
compile( $preserveKeys = true )
contains()source public
contains( $value )
countBy()source public
countBy( $callback )
each()source public
each( callable $c )
every()source public
every( callable $c )
extract()source public
extract( $matcher )
firstMatch()source public
firstMatch( array $conditions )
groupBy()source public
groupBy( $callback )
indexBy()source public
indexBy( $callback )
isEmpty()source public
isEmpty( )
jsonSerialize()source public
jsonSerialize( )
last()source public
last( )
lazy()source public
lazy( )
listNested()source public
listNested( $dir = 'desc' , $nestingKey = 'children' )
match()source public
match( array $conditions )
max()source public
max( $callback , $type = \SORT_NUMERIC )
median()source public
median( $matcher = null )
min()source public
min( $callback , $type = \SORT_NUMERIC )
nest()source public
nest( $idPath , $parentPath , $nestingKey = 'children' )
newCollection()source protected
newCollection( ... $args )
Returns a new collection.
Allows classes which use this trait to determine their own type of returned collection interface
- ...
- $args Constructor arguments.
optimizeUnwrap()source protected
optimizeUnwrap( )
Unwraps this iterator and returns the simplest traversable that can be used for getting the data out
Traversable|arrayprepend()source public
prepend( $items )
prependItem()source public
prependItem( $item , $key = null )
reduce()source public
reduce( callable $c , $zero = null )
sample()source public
sample( $size = 10 )
shuffle()source public
shuffle( )
skip()source public
skip( $howMany )
some()source public
some( callable $c )
sortBy()source public
sortBy( $callback , $dir = \SORT_DESC , $type = \SORT_NUMERIC )
sumOf()source public
sumOf( $matcher = null )
take()source public
take( $size = 1 , $from = 0 )
takeLast()source public
takeLast( $howMany )
through()source public
through( callable $handler )
toArray()source public
toArray( $preserveKeys = true )
toList()source public
toList( )
transpose()source public
transpose( )
LogicExceptionunfold()source public
unfold( callable $transformer = null )
unwrap()source public
unwrap( )
zip()source public
zip( $items )
zipWith()source public
zipWith( $items , $callable )
Magic methods inherited from Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface
cartesianProduct() |
Properties detail
protected boolean
Tracks value of $_autoFields property of $query passed to constructor.
protected Cake\ORM\Table
Default table instance
protected Cake\Database\Driver
The Database driver object.
Cached in a property to avoid multiple calls to the same function.
protected string
The fully namespaced name of the class to use for hydrating results
protected array
Map of fields that are fetched from the statement with their type and the table they belong to
protected array
List of associations that should be placed under the _matchingData
result key.
protected array
List of matching associations and the column keys to expect from each of them.
protected Cake\ORM\Query
Original query from where results were generated
3.1.6 Due to a memory leak, this property cannot be used anymore$_resultssource
protected array|ArrayAccess
Results that have been fetched or hydrated into the results.
protected array
Type cache for type converters.
Converters are indexed by alias and column name.
3.2.0 Not used anymore. Type casting is done at the statement level[]
protected boolean
Whether or not to buffer results fetched from the statement
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