Interface DriverInterface
Interface for database driver.
Direct Implementers
Indirect Implementers
- Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql
- Cake\Database\Driver\Postgres
- Cake\Database\Driver\Sqlite
- Cake\Database\Driver\Sqlserver
Method Summary
- beginTransaction() publicStarts a transaction.
- commitTransaction() publicCommits a transaction.
- compileQuery() public
Transforms the passed query to this Driver's dialect and returns an instance of the transformed query and the full compiled SQL string.
- connect() publicEstablishes a connection to the database server.
- disableForeignKeySQL() publicGet the SQL for disabling foreign keys.
- disconnect() publicDisconnects from database server.
- enableAutoQuoting() public
Sets whether or not this driver should automatically quote identifiers in queries.
- enableForeignKeySQL() publicGet the SQL for enabling foreign keys.
- enabled() publicReturns whether php is able to use this driver for connecting to database.
- getConnection() publicReturns correct connection resource or object that is internally used.
- isAutoQuotingEnabled() public
Returns whether or not this driver should automatically quote identifiers in queries.
- isConnected() publicChecks whether or not the driver is connected.
- lastInsertId() publicReturns last id generated for a table or sequence in database.
- newCompiler() publicReturns an instance of a QueryCompiler.
- prepare() publicPrepares a sql statement to be executed.
- queryTranslator() public
Returns a callable function that will be used to transform a passed Query object. This function, in turn, will return an instance of a Query object that has been transformed to accommodate any specificities of the SQL dialect in use.
- quote() publicReturns a value in a safe representation to be used in a query string
- quoteIdentifier() public
Quotes a database identifier (a column name, table name, etc..) to be used safely in queries without the risk of using reserved words.
- releaseSavePointSQL() publicGet the SQL for releasing a save point.
- rollbackSavePointSQL() publicGet the SQL for rollingback a save point.
- rollbackTransaction() publicRollbacks a transaction.
- savePointSQL() publicGet the SQL for creating a save point.
- schema() publicReturns the schema name that's being used.
- schemaDialect() publicGet the schema dialect.
- schemaValue() publicEscapes values for use in schema definitions.
- setConnection() publicSet the internal connection object.
- supportsDynamicConstraints() public
Returns whether the driver supports adding or dropping constraints to already created tables.
- supportsQuoting() publicChecks if the driver supports quoting.
- supportsSavePoints() publicReturns whether this driver supports save points for nested transactions.
Method Detail
beginTransaction()source public
beginTransaction( )
Starts a transaction.
booleanTrue on success, false otherwise.
commitTransaction()source public
commitTransaction( )
Commits a transaction.
booleanTrue on success, false otherwise.
compileQuery()source public
compileQuery( Cake\Database\Query $query , Cake\Database\ValueBinder $generator )
Transforms the passed query to this Driver's dialect and returns an instance of the transformed query and the full compiled SQL string.
- The query to compile.
- Cake\Database\ValueBinder
- The value binder to use.
arraycontaining 2 entries. The first entity is the transformed query and the second one the compiled SQL.
connect()source public
connect( )
Establishes a connection to the database server.
booleanTrue on success, false on failure.
disableForeignKeySQL()source public
disableForeignKeySQL( )
Get the SQL for disabling foreign keys.
stringenableAutoQuoting()source public
enableAutoQuoting( boolean $enable = true )
Sets whether or not this driver should automatically quote identifiers in queries.
- boolean
optional true - Whether to enable auto quoting
enableForeignKeySQL()source public
enableForeignKeySQL( )
Get the SQL for enabling foreign keys.
stringenabled()source public
enabled( )
Returns whether php is able to use this driver for connecting to database.
booleanTrue if it is valid to use this driver.
getConnection()source public
getConnection( )
Returns correct connection resource or object that is internally used.
objectConnection object used internally.
isAutoQuotingEnabled()source public
isAutoQuotingEnabled( )
Returns whether or not this driver should automatically quote identifiers in queries.
booleanisConnected()source public
isConnected( )
Checks whether or not the driver is connected.
booleanlastInsertId()source public
lastInsertId( string|null $table = null , string|null $column = null )
Returns last id generated for a table or sequence in database.
- string|null
optional null - table name or sequence to get last insert value from.
- string|null
optional null - the name of the column representing the primary key.
string|integernewCompiler()source public
newCompiler( )
Returns an instance of a QueryCompiler.
Cake\Database\QueryCompilerprepare()source public
prepare( string|Cake\Database\Query $query )
Prepares a sql statement to be executed.
- string|
- The query to turn into a prepared statement.
queryTranslator()source public
queryTranslator( string $type )
Returns a callable function that will be used to transform a passed Query object. This function, in turn, will return an instance of a Query object that has been transformed to accommodate any specificities of the SQL dialect in use.
- string
The type of query to be transformed (select, insert, update, delete).
callablequote()source public
quote( mixed $value , string $type )
Returns a value in a safe representation to be used in a query string
- mixed
- The value to quote.
- string
- Type to be used for determining kind of quoting to perform.
stringquoteIdentifier()source public
quoteIdentifier( string $identifier )
Quotes a database identifier (a column name, table name, etc..) to be used safely in queries without the risk of using reserved words.
- string
- The identifier expression to quote.
stringreleaseSavePointSQL()source public
releaseSavePointSQL( string $name )
Get the SQL for releasing a save point.
- string
- The table name.
stringrollbackSavePointSQL()source public
rollbackSavePointSQL( string $name )
Get the SQL for rollingback a save point.
- string
- The table name.
stringrollbackTransaction()source public
rollbackTransaction( )
Rollbacks a transaction.
booleanTrue on success, false otherwise.
savePointSQL()source public
savePointSQL( string $name )
Get the SQL for creating a save point.
- string
- The table name.
stringschemaDialect()source public
schemaDialect( )
Get the schema dialect.
Used by Cake\Database\Schema package to reflect schema and generate schema.
If all the tables that use this Driver specify their own schemas, then this may return null.
schemaValue()source public
schemaValue( mixed $value )
Escapes values for use in schema definitions.
- mixed
- The value to escape.
stringString for use in schema definitions.
setConnection()source public
setConnection( object $connection )
Set the internal connection object.
- object
- The connection instance.
supportsDynamicConstraints()source public
supportsDynamicConstraints( )
Returns whether the driver supports adding or dropping constraints to already created tables.
booleantrue if driver supports dynamic constraints.
supportsQuoting()source public
supportsQuoting( )
Checks if the driver supports quoting.
booleansupportsSavePoints()source public
supportsSavePoints( )
Returns whether this driver supports save points for nested transactions.
booleanTrue if save points are supported, false otherwise.
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