Class Request

A class that helps wrap Request information and particulars about a single request. Provides methods commonly used to introspect on the request headers and request body.

Has both an Array and Object interface. You can access framework parameters using indexes:

$request['controller'] or $request->controller.

Cake\Network\Request implements ArrayAccess
Namespace: Cake\Network
Location: Network/Request.php

Properties summary

  • $_detectorCache protected
    Instance cache for results of is(something) calls
  • $_detectors protected static
    The built in detectors used with is() can be modified with addDetector().
  • $_environment protected
    Array of environment data.
  • $_input protected

    Copy of php://input. Since this stream can only be read once in most SAPI's keep a copy of it so users don't need to know about that detail.

  • $_session protected
    Instance of a Session object relative to this request
  • $base public
    Base URL path.
  • $cookies public
    Array of cookie data.
  • $data public

    Array of POST data. Will contain form data as well as uploaded files. In PUT/PATCH/DELETE requests this property will contain the form-urlencoded data.

  • $here public
    The full address to the current request
  • $params public
    Array of parameters parsed from the URL.
  • $query public
    Array of querystring arguments
  • $trustProxy public

    Whether or not to trust HTTP_X headers set by most load balancers. Only set to true if your application runs behind load balancers/proxies that you control.

  • $url public
    The URL string used for the request.
  • $webroot public
    webroot path segment for the request.

Method Summary

  • __call() public
    Missing method handler, handles wrapping older style isAjax() type methods
  • __construct() public
    Create a new request object.
  • __get() public
    Magic get method allows access to parsed routing parameters directly on the object.
  • __isset() public

    Magic isset method allows isset/empty checks on routing parameters.

  • Detects if a specific accept header is present.
  • _base() protected static
    Returns a base URL and sets the proper webroot
  • Detects if a specific environment variable is present.
  • _headerDetector() protected
    Detects if a specific header is present.
  • _is() protected
    Worker for the public is() function
  • _paramDetector() protected
    Detects if a specific request parameter is present.
  • Parse Accept* headers with qualifier options.
  • _processFileData() protected

    Recursively walks the FILES array restructuring the data into something sane and usable.

  • _processFiles() protected
    Process uploaded files and move things onto the post data.
  • _processGet() protected
    Process the GET parameters and move things into the object.
  • _processPost() protected

    Sets the REQUEST_METHOD environment variable based on the simulated _method HTTP override value. The 'ORIGINAL_REQUEST_METHOD' is also preserved, if you want the read the non-simulated HTTP method the client used.

  • _readInput() protected
    Read data from php://input, mocked in tests.
  • _setConfig() protected
    Process the config/settings data into properties.
  • _url() protected static

    Get the request uri. Looks in PATH_INFO first, as this is the exact value we need prepared by PHP. Following that, REQUEST_URI, PHP_SELF, HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL and argv are checked in that order. Each of these server variables have the base path, and query strings stripped off

  • Get the languages accepted by the client, or check if a specific language is accepted.
  • accepts() public

    Find out which content types the client accepts or check if they accept a particular type of content.

  • addDetector() public static

    Add a new detector to the list of detectors that a request can use. There are several different formats and types of detectors that can be set.

  • addParams() public

    Add parameters to the request's parsed parameter set. This will overwrite any existing parameters. This modifies the parameters available through $request->params.

  • addPaths() public

    Add paths to the requests' paths vars. This will overwrite any existing paths. Provides an easy way to modify, here, webroot and base.

  • allowMethod() public

    Allow only certain HTTP request methods, if the request method does not match a 405 error will be shown and the required "Allow" response header will be set.

  • Clears the instance detector cache, used by the is() function
  • clientIp() public
    Get the IP the client is using, or says they are using.
  • contentType() public
    Get the content type used in this request.
  • cookie() public
    Read cookie data from the request's cookie data.
  • createFromGlobals() public static
    Wrapper method to create a new request from PHP superglobals.
  • data() public

    Provides a read/write accessor for $this->data. Allows you to use a syntax similar to Cake\Model\Datasource\Session for reading post data.

  • domain() public
    Get the domain name and include $tldLength segments of the tld.
  • env() public

    Get/Set value from the request's environment data. Fallback to using env() if key not set in $environment property.

  • header() public
    Read an HTTP header from the Request information.
  • here() public
    Get the value of the current requests URL. Will include querystring arguments.
  • host() public
    Get the host that the request was handled on.
  • input() public

    Read data from php://input. Useful when interacting with XML or JSON request body content.

  • is() public
    Check whether or not a Request is a certain type.
  • isAll() public
    Check that a request matches all the given types.
  • method() public

    Get the HTTP method used for this request. There are a few ways to specify a method.

  • Array access isset() implementation
  • offsetGet() public
    Array access read implementation
  • offsetSet() public
    Array access write implementation
  • offsetUnset() public
    Array access unset() implementation
  • param() public
    Safely access the values in $this->params.
  • parseAccept() public

    Parse the HTTP_ACCEPT header and return a sorted array with content types as the keys, and pref values as the values.

  • port() public
    Get the port the request was handled on.
  • query() public

    Provides a read accessor for $this->query. Allows you to use a syntax similar to CakeSession for reading URL query data.

  • referer() public
    Returns the referer that referred this request.
  • scheme() public
    Get the current url scheme used for the request.
  • session() public
    Returns the instance of the Session object for this request
  • setInput() public

    Modify data originally from php://input. Useful for altering json/xml data in middleware or DispatcherFilters before it gets to RequestHandlerComponent

  • subdomains() public
    Get the subdomains for a host.

Method Detail

__call()source public

__call( string $name , array $params )

Missing method handler, handles wrapping older style isAjax() type methods


string $name
The method called
array $params
Array of parameters for the method call




when an invalid method is called.

__construct()source public

__construct( string|array $config [] )

Create a new request object.

You can supply the data as either an array or as a string. If you use a string you can only supply the URL for the request. Using an array will let you provide the following keys:

  • post POST data or non query string data
  • query Additional data from the query string.
  • files Uploaded file data formatted like $_FILES.
  • cookies Cookies for this request.
  • environment $_SERVER and $_ENV data.
  • url The URL without the base path for the request.
  • base The base URL for the request.
  • webroot The webroot directory for the request.
  • input The data that would come from php://input this is useful for simulating
  • session An instance of a Session object requests with put, patch or delete data.


string|array $config optional []
An array of request data to create a request with.

__get()source public

__get( string $name )

Magic get method allows access to parsed routing parameters directly on the object.

Allows access to $this->params['controller'] via $this->controller


string $name
The property being accessed.


Either the value of the parameter or null.

__isset()source public

__isset( string $name )

Magic isset method allows isset/empty checks on routing parameters.


string $name
The property being accessed.



_acceptHeaderDetector()source protected

_acceptHeaderDetector( array $detect )

Detects if a specific accept header is present.


array $detect
Detector options array.


Whether or not the request is the type you are checking.

_base()source protected static

_base( )

Returns a base URL and sets the proper webroot

If CakePHP is called with index.php in the URL even though URL Rewriting is activated (and thus not needed) it swallows the unnecessary part from $base to prevent issue #3318.


Base URL, webroot dir ending in /

_environmentDetector()source protected

_environmentDetector( array $detect )

Detects if a specific environment variable is present.


array $detect
Detector options array.


Whether or not the request is the type you are checking.

_headerDetector()source protected

_headerDetector( array $detect )

Detects if a specific header is present.


array $detect
Detector options array.


Whether or not the request is the type you are checking.

_is()source protected

_is( string|array $type , array $args )

Worker for the public is() function


string|array $type

The type of request you want to check. If an array this method will return true if the request matches any type.

array $args
Array of custom detector arguments.


Whether or not the request is the type you are checking.

_paramDetector()source protected

_paramDetector( array $detect )

Detects if a specific request parameter is present.


array $detect
Detector options array.


Whether or not the request is the type you are checking.

_parseAcceptWithQualifier()source protected

_parseAcceptWithQualifier( string $header )

Parse Accept* headers with qualifier options.

Only qualifiers will be extracted, any other accept extensions will be discarded as they are not frequently used.


string $header
Header to parse.



_processFileData()source protected

_processFileData( array $data , array $post , string $path '' , string $field '' )

Recursively walks the FILES array restructuring the data into something sane and usable.


array $data
The data being built
array $post
The post data being traversed
string $path optional ''
The dot separated path to insert $data into.
string $field optional ''

The terminal field in the path. This is one of the $_FILES properties e.g. name, tmp_name, size, error


The restructured FILES data

_processFiles()source protected

_processFiles( array $post , array $files )

Process uploaded files and move things onto the post data.


array $post
Post data to merge files onto.
array $files
Uploaded files to merge in.


merged post + file data.

_processGet()source protected

_processGet( array $query )

Process the GET parameters and move things into the object.


array $query
The array to which the parsed keys/values are being added.


An array containing the parsed querystring keys/values.

_processPost()source protected

_processPost( array $data )

Sets the REQUEST_METHOD environment variable based on the simulated _method HTTP override value. The 'ORIGINAL_REQUEST_METHOD' is also preserved, if you want the read the non-simulated HTTP method the client used.


array $data
Array of post data.



_readInput()source protected

_readInput( )

Read data from php://input, mocked in tests.


contents of php://input

_setConfig()source protected

_setConfig( array $config )

Process the config/settings data into properties.


array $config
The config data to use.

_url()source protected static

_url( array $config )

Get the request uri. Looks in PATH_INFO first, as this is the exact value we need prepared by PHP. Following that, REQUEST_URI, PHP_SELF, HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL and argv are checked in that order. Each of these server variables have the base path, and query strings stripped off


array $config
Configuration to set.


URI The CakePHP request path that is being accessed.

acceptLanguage()source public

acceptLanguage( string|null $language null )

Get the languages accepted by the client, or check if a specific language is accepted.

Get the list of accepted languages:

\Cake\Network\Request::acceptLanguage(); ```

Check if a specific language is accepted:

\Cake\Network\Request::acceptLanguage('es-es'); ```


string|null $language optional null
The language to test.


If a $language is provided, a boolean. Otherwise the array of accepted languages.

accepts()source public

accepts( string|null $type null )

Find out which content types the client accepts or check if they accept a particular type of content.

Get all types:


Check for a single type:


This method will order the returned content types by the preference values indicated by the client.


string|null $type optional null
The content type to check for. Leave null to get all types a client accepts.



Either an array of all the types the client accepts or a boolean if they accept the provided type.

addDetector()source public static

addDetector( string $name , callable|array $callable )

Add a new detector to the list of detectors that a request can use. There are several different formats and types of detectors that can be set.

Callback detectors

Callback detectors allow you to provide a callable to handle the check. The callback will receive the request object as its only parameter.

addDetector('custom', function ($request) { //Return a boolean });
addDetector('custom', ['SomeClass', 'somemethod']);

Environment value comparison

An environment value comparison, compares a value fetched from env() to a known value the environment value is equality checked against the provided value.

e.g addDetector('post', ['env' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'value' => 'POST'])

Pattern value comparison

Pattern value comparison allows you to compare a value fetched from env() to a regular expression.

addDetector('iphone', ['env' => 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'pattern' => '/iPhone/i']);

Option based comparison

Option based comparisons use a list of options to create a regular expression. Subsequent calls to add an already defined options detector will merge the options.

addDetector('mobile', ['env' => 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'options' => ['Fennec']]);

Request parameter detectors

Allows for custom detectors on the request parameters.

e.g addDetector('requested', ['param' => 'requested', 'value' => 1]

You can also make parameter detectors that accept multiple values using the options key. This is useful when you want to check if a request parameter is in a list of options.

addDetector('extension', ['param' => 'ext', 'options' => ['pdf', 'csv']]


string $name
The name of the detector.
callable|array $callable
A callable or options array for the detector definition.

addParams()source public

addParams( array $params )

Add parameters to the request's parsed parameter set. This will overwrite any existing parameters. This modifies the parameters available through $request->params.


array $params
Array of parameters to merge in


$this The current object, you can chain this method.

addPaths()source public

addPaths( array $paths )

Add paths to the requests' paths vars. This will overwrite any existing paths. Provides an easy way to modify, here, webroot and base.


array $paths
Array of paths to merge in


$this The current object, you can chain this method.

allowMethod()source public

allowMethod( string|array $methods )

Allow only certain HTTP request methods, if the request method does not match a 405 error will be shown and the required "Allow" response header will be set.


$this->request->allowMethod('post'); or $this->request->allowMethod(['post', 'delete']);

If the request would be GET, response header "Allow: POST, DELETE" will be set and a 405 error will be returned.


string|array $methods
Allowed HTTP request methods.





clearDetectorCache()source public

clearDetectorCache( )

Clears the instance detector cache, used by the is() function

clientIp()source public

clientIp( )

Get the IP the client is using, or says they are using.


The client IP.

contentType()source public

contentType( )

Get the content type used in this request.


cookie( string $key )

Read cookie data from the request's cookie data.


string $key
The key you want to read.


Either the cookie value, or null if the value doesn't exist.

createFromGlobals()source public static

createFromGlobals( )

Wrapper method to create a new request from PHP superglobals.

Uses the $_GET, $_POST, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, $_ENV and php://input data to construct the request.



data()source public

data( string|null $name null )

Provides a read/write accessor for $this->data. Allows you to use a syntax similar to Cake\Model\Datasource\Session for reading post data.

Reading values.


When reading values you will get null for keys/values that do not exist.

Writing values

$request->data('Post.title', 'New post!');

You can write to any value, even paths/keys that do not exist, and the arrays will be created for you.


string|null $name optional null
Dot separated name of the value to read/write


$this Either the value being read, or this so you can chain consecutive writes.

domain()source public

domain( integer $tldLength 1 )

Get the domain name and include $tldLength segments of the tld.


integer $tldLength optional 1

Number of segments your tld contains. For example: contains 1 tld. While contains 2.


Domain name without subdomains.

env()source public

env( string $key , string|null $value null , string|null $default null )

Get/Set value from the request's environment data. Fallback to using env() if key not set in $environment property.


string $key
The key you want to read/write from/to.
string|null $value optional null
Value to set. Default null.
string|null $default optional null

Default value when trying to retrieve an environment variable's value that does not exist. The value parameter must be null.


$this|string|null This instance if used as setter, if used as getter either the environment value, or null if the value doesn't exist.

header()source public

header( string $name )

Read an HTTP header from the Request information.


string $name
Name of the header you want.


Either null on no header being set or the value of the header.

here()source public

here( boolean $base true )

Get the value of the current requests URL. Will include querystring arguments.


boolean $base optional true
Include the base path, set to false to trim the base path off.


The current request URL including query string args.

host()source public

host( )

Get the host that the request was handled on.



input()source public

input( string|null $callback null )

Read data from php://input. Useful when interacting with XML or JSON request body content.

Getting input with a decoding function:


Getting input using a decoding function, and additional params:

$this->request->input('Xml::build', ['return' => 'DOMDocument']);

Any additional parameters are applied to the callback in the order they are given.


string|null $callback optional null

A decoding callback that will convert the string data to another representation. Leave empty to access the raw input data. You can also supply additional parameters for the decoding callback using var args, see above.


The decoded/processed request data.

is()source public

is( string|array $type )

Check whether or not a Request is a certain type.

Uses the built in detection rules as well as additional rules defined with Cake\Network\CakeRequest::addDetector(). Any detector can be called as is($type) or is$Type().


string|array $type

The type of request you want to check. If an array this method will return true if the request matches any type.


Whether or not the request is the type you are checking.

isAll()source public

isAll( array $types )

Check that a request matches all the given types.

Allows you to test multiple types and union the results. See Request::is() for how to add additional types and the built-in types.


array $types
The types to check.





method()source public

method( )

Get the HTTP method used for this request. There are a few ways to specify a method.

  • If your client supports it you can use native HTTP methods.
  • You can set the HTTP-X-Method-Override header.
  • You can submit an input with the name _method

Any of these 3 approaches can be used to set the HTTP method used by CakePHP internally, and will effect the result of this method.


The name of the HTTP method used.

offsetExists()source public

offsetExists( string $name )

Array access isset() implementation


string $name
thing to check.



Implementation of


offsetGet()source public

offsetGet( string $name )

Array access read implementation


string $name
Name of the key being accessed.



Implementation of


offsetSet()source public

offsetSet( string $name , mixed $value )

Array access write implementation


string $name
Name of the key being written
mixed $value
The value being written.

Implementation of


offsetUnset()source public

offsetUnset( string $name )

Array access unset() implementation


string $name
Name to unset.

Implementation of


param()source public

param( string $name )

Safely access the values in $this->params.


string $name
The name of the parameter to get.



$this The value of the provided parameter. Will return false if the parameter doesn't exist or is falsey.

parseAccept()source public

parseAccept( )

Parse the HTTP_ACCEPT header and return a sorted array with content types as the keys, and pref values as the values.

Generally you want to use Cake\Network\Request::accept() to get a simple list of the accepted content types.


An array of prefValue => [content/types]

port()source public

port( )

Get the port the request was handled on.



query()source public

query( string $name )

Provides a read accessor for $this->query. Allows you to use a syntax similar to CakeSession for reading URL query data.


string $name
Query string variable name


The value being read

referer()source public

referer( boolean $local false )

Returns the referer that referred this request.


boolean $local optional false

Attempt to return a local address. Local addresses do not contain hostnames.


The referring address for this request.

scheme()source public

scheme( )

Get the current url scheme used for the request.

e.g. 'http', or 'https'


The scheme used for the request.

session()source public

session( Cake\Network\Session $session null )

Returns the instance of the Session object for this request

If a session object is passed as first argument it will be set as the session to use for this request


Cake\Network\Session $session optional null
the session object to use



setInput()source public

setInput( string $input )

Modify data originally from php://input. Useful for altering json/xml data in middleware or DispatcherFilters before it gets to RequestHandlerComponent


string $input
A string to replace original parsed data from input()

subdomains()source public

subdomains( integer $tldLength 1 )

Get the subdomains for a host.


integer $tldLength optional 1

Number of segments your tld contains. For example: contains 1 tld. While contains 2.


An array of subdomains.

Properties detail


protected array

Instance cache for results of is(something) calls



protected static array

The built in detectors used with is() can be modified with addDetector().

There are several ways to specify a detector, see Cake\Network\Request::addDetector() for the various formats and ways to define detectors.

    'get' => ['env' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'value' => 'GET'],
    'post' => ['env' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'value' => 'POST'],
    'put' => ['env' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'value' => 'PUT'],
    'patch' => ['env' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH'],
    'delete' => ['env' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE'],
    'head' => ['env' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD'],
    'options' => ['env' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS'],
    'ssl' => ['env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [1, 'on']],
    'ajax' => ['env' => 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest'],
    'flash' => ['env' => 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(Shockwave|Adobe) Flash/'],
    'requested' => ['param' => 'requested', 'value' => 1],
    'json' => ['accept' => ['application/json'], 'param' => '_ext', 'value' => 'json'],
    'xml' => ['accept' => ['application/xml', 'text/xml'], 'param' => '_ext', 'value' => 'xml'],


protected array

Array of environment data.



protected string

Copy of php://input. Since this stream can only be read once in most SAPI's keep a copy of it so users don't need to know about that detail.



protected Cake\Network\Session

Instance of a Session object relative to this request


public string

Base URL path.


public array

Array of cookie data.



public array

Array of POST data. Will contain form data as well as uploaded files. In PUT/PATCH/DELETE requests this property will contain the form-urlencoded data.



public string

The full address to the current request


public array

Array of parameters parsed from the URL.

    'plugin' => null,
    'controller' => null,
    'action' => null,
    '_ext' => null,
    'pass' => []


public array

Array of querystring arguments



public boolean

Whether or not to trust HTTP_X headers set by most load balancers. Only set to true if your application runs behind load balancers/proxies that you control.



public string

The URL string used for the request.


public string

webroot path segment for the request.


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Licensed under the MIT License.
CakePHP is a registered trademark of Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
We are not endorsed by or affiliated with CakePHP.