

npm Package @angular/common
Module import { TestRequest } from '@angular/common/http/testing';
Source common/http/testing/src/request.ts


class TestRequest {
  constructor(request: HttpRequest<any>, observer: Observer<HttpEvent<any>>)
  get cancelled: boolean
  request: HttpRequest<any>
  flush(body: ArrayBuffer|Blob|string|number|Object|(string|number|Object|null)[]|null, opts: {...}): void
  error(error: ErrorEvent, opts: {...}): void
  event(event: HttpEvent<any>): void


A mock requests that was received and is ready to be answered.

This interface allows access to the underlying HttpRequest, and allows responding with HttpEvents or HttpErrorResponses.


constructor(request: HttpRequest<any>, observer: Observer<HttpEvent<any>>)


get cancelled: boolean

Whether the request was cancelled after it was sent.

request: HttpRequest<any>

flush(body: ArrayBuffer|Blob|string|number|Object|(string|number|Object|null)[]|null, opts: { headers?: HttpHeaders | {[name: string]: string | string[]}, status?: number, statusText?: string, } = {}): void

Resolve the request by returning a body plus additional HTTP information (such as response headers) if provided.

Both successful and unsuccessful responses can be delivered via flush().

error(error: ErrorEvent, opts: { headers?: HttpHeaders | {[name: string]: string | string[]}, status?: number, statusText?: string, } = {}): void

Resolve the request by returning an ErrorEvent (e.g. simulating a network failure).

event(event: HttpEvent<any>): void

Deliver an arbitrary HttpEvent (such as a progress event) on the response stream for this request.

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