
Experimental Directive

What it does

Adds / removes DOM sub-trees based on a numeric value. Tailored for pluralization.

How to use

<some-element [ngPlural]="value">
  <template ngPluralCase="=0">there is nothing</template>
  <template ngPluralCase="=1">there is one</template>
  <template ngPluralCase="few">there are a few</template>

Class Overview

class NgPlural {
  constructor(_localization: NgLocalization)
  addCase(value: string, switchView: SwitchView) : void



Class Description

Displays DOM sub-trees that match the switch expression value, or failing that, DOM sub-trees that match the switch expression's pluralization category.

To use this directive you must provide a container element that sets the [ngPlural] attribute to a switch expression. Inner elements with a [ngPluralCase] will display based on their expression:

  • if [ngPluralCase] is set to a value starting with =, it will only display if the value matches the switch expression exactly,
  • otherwise, the view will be treated as a "category match", and will only display if exact value matches aren't found and the value maps to its category for the defined locale.



constructor(_localization: NgLocalization)

Class Details

addCase(value: string, switchView: SwitchView) : void

exported from @angular/common/index, defined in @angular/common/src/directives/ng_plural.ts

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